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File metadata and controls

219 lines (174 loc) · 8.92 KB


Our objective is to predict a new venue's popularity from information available when the venue opens. We will do this by machine learning from a dataset of venue popularities provided by Yelp. The dataset contains meta data about the venue (where it is located, the type of food served, etc ...). It also contains a star rating. This tutorial will walk you through one way to build a machine-learning algorithm.


Your model will be assessed based on the root mean squared error of the number of stars you predict. There is a reference solution (which should not be too hard to beat). The reference solution has a score of 1.

Download and parse the incoming data


Notice that each row of the file is a json blurb. You can read it in python.


  1. has the same interface as open but is for .gz files.
  2. ujson) has the same interfase as the built-in json library, but is substantially faster (at the cost of non-robust handling of malformed json)

Setup cross-validation:

In order to track the performance of your machine-learning, you might want to use cross_validation.train_test_split.

Building models in sklearn

All estimators (e.g. linear regression, kmeans, etc ...) support fit and predict methods. In fact, you can build your own by inheriting from classes in sklearn.base by using this template:

class Estimator(base.BaseEstimator, base.RegressorMixin):
    def __init__(self, ...):
        # initialization code

    def fit(self, X, y):
        # fit the model ...
        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        return # prediction

The intended usage is:

estimator = Estimator(...)  # initialize, y_train)  # fit data
y_pred = estimator.predict(X_test)  # predict answer
estimator.score(X_test, y_test)  # evaluate performance

The regressor provides an implementation of .score. Conforming to this convention has the benefit that many tools (e.g. cross-validation, grid search) rely on this interface so you can use your new estimators with the existing sklearn infrastructure.

For example grid_search.GridSearchCV (docs) takes an estimator and some hyperparameters as arguments, and returns another estimator. Upon fitting, it fits the best model (based on the inputted hyperparameters) and uses that for prediction.

Of course, we sometimes need to process or transform the data before we can do machine-learning on it. sklearn has Transformers to help with this. They implement this interface:

class Transformer(base.BaseEstimator, base.TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self, ...):
        # initialization code

    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        # fit the transformation
        # ...
        return self

    def transform(self, X):
        return ... # transformation

When combined with our previous estimator, the intended usage is

transformer = Transformer(...)  # initialize
X_trans_train = transformer.fit_transform(X_train)  # fit / transform data, y_train)  # fit new model on training data
X_trans_test = transformer.transform(X_test)  # transform test data
estimator.score(X_trans_test, y_test)  # fit new model

Here, .fit_transform is implemented based on the .fit and .transform methods in sklearn.base.TransformerMixin. For many transformers, .fit is empty and only .transform actually does something.

The real reason we use transformers is that we can chain them together with pipelines. For example, this

new_model = pipeline.Pipeline([('trans', Transformer(...)),
                               ('est', Estimator(...))
                              ]), y_train)
new_model.score(X_test, y_test)

would replace all the fitting and scoring code above. That is, the pipeline itself is an estimator (and implements the .fit and .predict methods). Note that a pipeline can have multiple transformers chained up but at most one (optional) terminal estimator.

A few helpful notes about performance.

  1. To deploy a model, we suggest using the dill library or joblib to save it to disk and check it into git. This allows you to train the model offline in another file but run it here by reading it in this file. The model is way too complicated to be trained in real-time!
  2. Make sure you load the dill file upon server start, not upon a call to the solution function. This can be done by loading the model into the global scope. The model is too complicated to be even loaded in real-time!
  3. Make sure you call predict once per call of the solution function, and that it returns a single number. For testing convenience you may want to allow it to work using a list of json dicts as input, but during grading the model will be passed a single JSON blob at a time.
  4. You probably want to use GridSearchCV to find the best hyperparameters by splitting the data into training and test. But for the final model that you submit, don't forget to retrain on all your data (training and test) with these best parameters.
  5. GridSearchCV objects are capable of prediction, but they contain many versions of your model which you'll never use. From a deployment standpoint, it makes sense to only submit the best estimator once you've trained on the full data set. To troubleshoot deployment errors look here.



The venues belong to different cities. You can image that the ratings in some cities are probably higher than others and use this as an estimator.

Build an estimator that uses groupby and mean to compute the average rating in that city. Use this as a predictor.

Note: def city_model etc. takes an argument record.


You can imagine that a city-based model might not be sufficiently fine-grained. For example, we know that some neighborhoods are trendier than others. We might consider a K Nearest Neighbors or Random Forest based on the latitude longitude as a way to understand neighborhood dynamics.

You should implement a generic ColumnSelectTransformer that is passed which columns to select in the transformer and use a non-linear model like sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor or sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor as the estimator (why would you choose a non-linear model?). Bonus points if you wrap the estimator in grid_search.GridSearchCV and use cross-validation to determine the optimal value of the parameters.


While location is important, we could also try seeing how predictive the venues' category. Build a custom transformer that massages the data so that it can be fed into a sklearn.feature_extraction.DictVetorizer which in turn generates a large matrix gotten by One-Hot-Encoding. Feed this into a Linear Regression (and cross validate it!). Can you beat this with another type of non-linear estimator?


  • With a large sparse feature set like this, we often use a cross-validated regularized linear model.
  • Some categories (e.g. Restaurants) are not very specific. Others (Japanese sushi) are much more so. How can we account for this in our model (Hint: look at TF-IDF).


Venues have (potentially nested) attributes:

    {'Attire': 'casual',
     'Accepts Credit Cards': True,
     'Ambience': {'casual': False, 'classy': False}}

Categorical data like this should often be transformed by a One Hot Encoding. For example, we might flatten the above into something like this:

    {'Attire_casual' : 1,
     'Accepts Credit Cards': 1,
     'Ambience_casual': 0,
     'Ambience_classy': 0 }

Build a custom transformer that flattens attributes and feed this into DictVectorizer. Feed it into a (cross-validated) linear model (or something else!)


So far we have only built models based on individual features. We could obviously combine them. One (highly recommended) way to do this is through a sklearn.pipelline.FeatureUnion.

Combine all the above models using a feature union. Notice that a feature union takes transformers, not models as arguements. The way around this is to build a transformer that outputs the prediction in the transform method, thus turning the model into a transformer. Use a cross-validated linear regression (or some other algorithm) to weight these signals.