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120 lines (70 loc) · 3.4 KB

File metadata and controls

120 lines (70 loc) · 3.4 KB


A toy program that manages the styles and applies them to Inkscape.

Inspired by inkscape-shortcut-manager.

Runtime dependencies: Qt5


To save a few clicks/presses.


Apply styles

The main panel is invoked by a configurable shortcut. By default it's Ctrl+Shift+F.

  • To apply a single style, press and hold the shortcut. Move the cursor on one of the buttons, then release the shortcut.
  • To compose different styles, click different buttons while holding the shortcut. The composed styles will be displayed at the center.

Save styles

To save the style, first copy the node/element from Inkscape (Ctrl+Shift+C). Then open the main panel by pressing and holding the shortcut, and right-click-hold on any buttons to which you'd like to save the style.

The style will be stored on a generated config file and override (not overwrite) the preconfigured style. If the generated config file is deleted, the preconfigured style will be revealed again. (see Configure file)

Apply LaTeX snippets

Requirement: an editor (vim by default)

Press another shortcut (by default Ctrl+Shift+T). Vim will pop up. Enter anything into it, then close vim. The entered content will be pasted to Inkscape.

Apply rendered LaTeX snippets


  • an edtor (vim by default)
  • pdflatex
  • pdf2svg

Press yet another shortcut (by default Ctrl+Shift+Y). Vim will pop up. enter anything into it, then close vim. The entered content will be compiled to pdf, converted to svg, and pasted to Inkscape.

Configure file

There are three stacked configure files:

  1. The default one (Embedded in the program).
  2. .config/inkstyle/config.yaml: Can be edited, overrides 1.
  3. .config/inkstyle/config.generated.yaml: Generated (by saving styles), overrides 2.

All config files are divided into 3 sections: global, styles, and defs, which store global configurations, styles to be applied, and SVG defs that can be reused by styles separately. The default config file is res/default.yaml (with comments explaining each entry).


Move the cursor to the center, and you'll find the styles that'll be applied.

Build / Debug

Build dependencies:

  • CMake & C++ toolchain
  • Qt5 (Qt6 not tested)
  • cargo (to build resvg)

Dependent libraries (pugixml, QHotkey, resvg, yaml-cpp) are cloned as git sub-modules and automatically built as dependencies. They're statically linked when using Linux systems so there's no need to install them explicitly.

Build the project:

# 1. Clone this repo and all 3rd-party dependencies.
git clone
cd inkstyle
git submodule update --init

# 2. Build it
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

# For linux (gcc):
make -j16

# For windows (msvc. mingw doesn't work):
cmake --build . -j 16

# Or instead, build with Qt Creator
