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As in, "The opposite of Jedis"

Asynchronous, coroutines-based Redis client that tries to offer a sensible DSL.

Redis API translation layer

A SithsClient is simply a thin translation layer between Kotlin and Redis. It makes the appropriate requests to Redis and parses the RESP responses into Kotlin types. Usual Redis commands such as get, set, lpush, etc. are readily available but also:

  • Commands are camel-cased to make them look more Kotlin-native (e.g. incrByFloat)
  • Arguments and responses try to be the most ergonomic Kotlin types, for example, returning a Duration instead of a number of seconds for ttl. This means that commands that are mostly the same but returning slightly different types are merged (such as ttl and pttl).
  • Some other convenience methods are added, such as getOrNull, setAny, etc.

Siths DSL

The Siths DSL wraps functionality from lower layers to provide a cleaner interface and remove syntactic distractions. At the most basic level, withRedis creates the appropriate clients and signifies that a block is executed in the context of a connection to Redis:

withRedis(connectionPool) {
  set("key", "value")

  val value = get("value")

Furthermore, utility functions are given to automatically wrap and execute a pipeline and transaction, returning the last result in a block:

dsl.transactional {
  val lengthBeforeRemoval = llen("list")
  lrem("list", "elem")


Some higher-level utilities are also given, such as wrapping a block in a distributed lock acquire-and-release:

// Prevent that several deployed instances find a key missing and try to fill it simultaneously,
// performing an expensive computation
val elem = getOrNull("key") 

if (elem == null) {
  dsl.withLock("lock name") {
    set("key", computeValue())

Distributed data structures

Note that since these structures inherit the respective Java collections interfaces, they are blocking.

  • SithsSet implements MutableSet
  • SithsList implements MutableList
  • SithsMap implements MutableMap

These also take serialization and deserialization functions to transparently convert them to/from the appropriate Redis types.