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Advanced Usage

Making Use of Private CA

There is a not uncommon use case of people deploying Hashicorp Vault with a private certificate authority. Unfortunately the requests module does not make use of the system CA certificates. Instead of disabling SSL verification you can make use of the requests' verify parameter.

As documented in the advanced usage section for requests this variable can point to a file that is comprised of all CA certificates you may wish to use. This can be a single private CA, or an existing list of root certificates with the private appended to the end. The following example shows how to achieve this:

$ cp "$(python -c 'import certifi;print certifi.where();')" /tmp/bundle.pem
$ cat /path/to/custom.pem >> /tmp/bundle.pem

You then use hvac's Client.session and requests.Session() to pass the new CA bundle to hvac.

import os

import hvac
import requests

def get_vault_client(vault_url=VAULT_URL, certs=VAULT_CERTS):
    Instantiates a hvac / vault client.
    :param vault_url: string, protocol + address + port for the vault service
    :param certs: tuple, Optional tuple of self-signed certs to use for verification
        with hvac's requests adapater.
    :return: hvac.Client
    logger.debug('Retrieving a vault (hvac) client...')
    vault_client = hvac.Client(
    if certs:
    # When use a self-signed certificate for the vault service itself, we need to
    # include our local ca bundle here for the underlying requests module.
        rs = requests.Session()
        vault_client.session = rs
        rs.verify = certs

    vault_client.token = load_vault_token(vault_client)

    if not vault_client.is_authenticated():
        error_msg = 'Unable to authenticate to the Vault service'
        raise hvac.exceptions.Unauthorized(error_msg)

    return vault_client

Custom Requests / HTTP Adapter


Calls to the requests module. (which provides the methods hvac utilizes to send HTTP/HTTPS request to Vault instances) were extracted from the Client <hvac.v1.Client> class and moved to a newly added hvac.adapters module. The Client <hvac.v1.Client> class itself defaults to an instance of the JSONAdapter <hvac.adapters.JSONAdapter> class for its _adapter <hvac.v1.Client._adapter> private attribute attribute if no adapter argument is provided to its constructor <hvac.v1.Client.__init__>. This attribute provides an avenue for modifying the manner in which hvac completes request. To enable this type of customization, implement a class of type hvac.adapters.Adapter, override its abstract methods, and pass this custom class to the adapter argument of the Client constructor <hvac.v1.Client.__init__>

Vault Agent Unix Socket Listener

hvac does not currently offer direct support of requests to a Vault agent process configured with a unix socket listener. However this use case can be handled with the help of the requests_unixsocket module. To accomplish this, first ensure the module is available (e.g. pip install requests_unixsocket), and then instantiate the Client <hvac.v1.Client> class in the following manner:

import urllib.parse

import requests_unixsocket
import hvac

vault_agent_socket_path = '/var/run/vault/agent.sock'
socket_url = 'http+unix://{encoded_path}'.format(
    encoded_path=urllib.parse.quote(vault_agent_socket_path, safe='')
socket_session = requests_unixsocket.Session()
client = hvac.Client(