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File metadata and controls

214 lines (166 loc) · 7.71 KB


1. Intro

An simple java libary to executing SQL queries, with this libary we can

  • No need to spend more effort to handle query to database
  • Easy to create and execute SQL query to database with supported annotations
  • Mapping response of select clause to classes
  • Parameterize the SQL queries with method arguments
  • Lazy init connection to database util the first method in repository is called
  • Only one database connection for each repository instance, that mean executing next method in repository will use the existing connection

Simple example: Selecting some columns from specific tables

Step 1: Define repositories

It is very simple by using annotations, it required to extend from GenericRepository.

@Database(url = "{spring.datasource.url}", username = "{spring.datasource.username}", password = "{spring.datasource.password}")
public interface EndpointSettingRepository extends GenericRepository {

    @Select("ID, COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN3")
    @Where("endpoint_config_id = {endpoint_config_id} AND COLUMN8 is NULL AND COLUMN10 LIKE {column10}")
    List<EndpointResponseDTO> getEndpointResponses(Class<EndpointResponseDTO> responseHandler, @Param("endpoint_config_id") String endpointSettingId, @Param("column10")String filterCol10);
    @NativeQuery("SELECT response.ID, setting.application " +
            "FROM endpoint_response as response, endpoint_setting as setting " +
            "WHERE response.endpoint_config_id =")
    List<EndpointResponseV1> selectFields(Class<EndpointResponseV1> klass);

Step 2: Define DTO classes

public class EndpointResponseDTO {

    private String id;

    private String column1;

    private String column3;
    private String column2;

Step 3: Using repositories

EndpointSettingRepository endpointSettingRepository = RepoProxyFactory.getRepositoryProxyInstance(EndpointSettingRepository.class, properties);

Now, you can call the methods to executing SQL query to database

    List<EndpointResponseDTO> endpointResponses = endpointSettingRepository
                .getEndpointResponses(EndpointResponseDTO.class, endpointSettings.get(0).getId(), "'A%'");
    //Output: [EndpointResponseDTO(id=2, column1=DSA, column3=null, column2=ABCD)]

Notes: Don't forget to call the close method on the repository to close the database connection when you done all the operations

2. Install dependency from Maven Central repository


3. Annotations

a. Database

Database annotation respresent for database connection. It supports to input connection directly or binding from properties by using {} syntax

b. Select

Select annotation respresent for an select statement. It supports prammeterize by using {} syntax, and can combine with below annotations:

  • From (required)
  • Where (optional)
  • OrderBy (optional)

c. Update

Update annotation respresent for an update statement. It supports prammeterize by using {} syntax, and can combine with below annotations:

  • Set (required)
  • Where (optional)

d. Delete

Delete annotation respresent for an delete statement. It supports prammeterize by using {} syntax, and can combine with below annotations:

  • Set (required)
  • Where (optional)

e. Insert

Insert annotation respresent for an insert statement. It supports prammeterize by using {} syntax, and can combine with below annotations:

  • Values (required)

f. NativeQuery

NativeQuery annotation is a generic query. It can support prammeterize by using {} syntax

h. Param

Param annotation will matching a method argument with SQL query param

4. Fully example with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT queries

DTO classes

public class EndpointResponseVO {

    private String id;

    private String column1;

    private String column3;
    private String column2;

public class EndpointResponseV1 {

    private String application;

    private String id;

public class EndpointSettingIdVO {
    private String id;

Create Repository

@Database(url = "{spring.datasource.url}", username = "{spring.datasource.username}", password = "{spring.datasource.password}")
public interface EndpointSettingRepository extends GenericRepository {

    @Where("application LIKE '{application}'")
    @OrderBy("application ASC")
    List<EndpointSettingIdVO> getEndpointSetting(@Param("application") String applicationName, Class<EndpointSettingIdVO> responseHandler);

    @Select("ID, COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN3")
    @Where("endpoint_config_id = {endpoint_config_id} AND COLUMN8 is NULL AND COLUMN10 LIKE {column10}")
    List<EndpointResponseVO> getEndpointResponse(Class<EndpointResponseVO> responseHandler, @Param("endpoint_config_id") String endpointSettingId, @Param("column10")String filterCol10);

    int update(@Param("new_password") String newPassword, @Param("endpoint_response_id") String id);

    int delete(@Param("endpoint_response_id") String id);

    @Insert("endpoint_response (ID, column1, column2, endpoint_config_id)")
    @Values("(2, 'DSA', 'ABCD', {endpoint_response_id})")
    int insert(@Param("endpoint_response_id") String id);

    @NativeQuery("SELECT response.ID, setting.application " +
            "FROM endpoint_response as response, endpoint_setting as setting " +
            "WHERE response.endpoint_config_id =")
    List<EndpointResponseV1> getEndpointResponseByNativeQuery(Class<EndpointResponseV1> klass);

5. Using repositories

Step 1: Create repository instances by using RepoProxyFactory

    // Load properties file (optional)
    InputStream resource = MOnkeyAccountCheckerV1.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("");
    Properties properties = new Properties();

    //** Create repository isntance by using Proxy factory**
    EndpointSettingRepository endpointSettingRepository = RepoProxyFactory.getRepositoryProxyInstance(EndpointSettingRepository.class, properties);

Step 2: Execute method in repository

    List<EndpointSettingIdVO> endpointSettings = endpointSettingRepository.getEndpointSetting("MOnkey%", EndpointSettingIdVO.class);

    List<EndpointResponseVO> endpointResponses = endpointSettingRepository
            .getEndpointResponse(EndpointResponseVO.class, endpointSettings.get(0).getId(), "'A%'");

    int numberOfAffectRecords = endpointSettingRepository.update("'abcdsaefasd'", endpointResponses.get(0).getId());
    System.out.println("Number of updated records: "+ numberOfAffectRecords);

    numberOfAffectRecords = endpointSettingRepository.delete(endpointResponses.get(0).getId());
    System.out.println("Number of deleted records: "+ numberOfAffectRecords);

    numberOfAffectRecords = endpointSettingRepository.insert("1");
    System.out.println("Number of insert records: "+ numberOfAffectRecords);

    List<EndpointResponseV1> monkeyEndpointSettingId1s= endpointSettingRepository.getEndpointResponseByNativeQuery(EndpointResponseV1.class);
