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Passing features using gitnesse-example-sinatra as guinea pig
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Andrew Stewart committed Dec 17, 2012
1 parent 1120cb6 commit edb037a
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Showing 5 changed files with 108 additions and 25 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ spec/reports
test/tmp test/tmp
test/version_tmp test/version_tmp
tmp tmp
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions config/gitnesse.rb.example

This file was deleted.

48 changes: 32 additions & 16 deletions features/step_definitions/gitnesse_steps.rb
@@ -1,31 +1,47 @@
Given /^there is a git wiki with cucumber features defined$/ do Given /^there is a git wiki with cucumber features defined$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had @features_dir = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_features")
end end

Given /^there is a code repo without any cucumber features defined$/ do Given /^there is a git wiki without any cucumber features defined$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had @features_dir = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_features_no_features")

When /^developer pulls feature stories from the wiki$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
end end

Then /^the feature stories within the code should match the wiki$/ do Given /^there is a code repo with cucumber features defined$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had @repo_dir = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_repo")
end end

Given /^there is a git wiki without any cucumber features defined$/ do Given /^there is a code repo without any cucumber features defined$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had @repo_dir = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_repo_no_features")
end end

Given /^there is a code repo with cucumber features defined$/ do When /^developer pulls feature stories from the wiki$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had Dir.chdir(@repo_dir) do
`bundle exec rake gitnesse:pull &> /dev/null`
assert_equal $?, 0
end end

When /^developer pushes feature stories to the wiki$/ do When /^developer pushes feature stories to the wiki$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had Dir.chdir(@repo_dir) do
`bundle exec rake gitnesse:push &> /dev/null`
assert_equal $?, 0
end end

Then /^the the feature stories within the code should match the wiki$/ do Then /^the feature stories within the code should match the wiki$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had assert_dir = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_features_for_assert")

Dir.chdir(assert_dir) do
system("git clone #{@features_dir} . &> /dev/null")

repo_features = Dir.glob("#{@repo_dir}/features/*.feature").map { |file| File.basename(file, ".feature") }
wiki_files = Dir.glob("#{assert_dir}/*.md").map { |file| File.basename(file, ".md") }

repo_features.each do |feature|
assert(wiki_files.include?(feature) || wiki_files.include?("#{feature}.feature"))

end end
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions features/support/env.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
require 'test/unit/assertions'

puts " Setting up Gitnesse for testing..."

@features_dir = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_features")
@features_dir_no_features = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_features_no_features")
@repo_dir = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_repo")
@repo_dir_no_features = File.join(Dir.home, ".gitnesse_repo_no_features")

Dir.mkdir @features_dir
Dir.mkdir @repo_dir
Dir.mkdir @features_dir_no_features
Dir.mkdir @repo_dir_no_features

Dir.chdir(@features_dir) do
system('git clone --bare . &> /dev/null')
if $? == 0
puts " Cloned demo features to #{@features_dir}."
abort " Failed to clone demo features to #{@features_dir}."

Dir.chdir(@features_dir_no_features) do
system('git init --bare &> /dev/null')
if $? == 0
puts " Created demo wiki without features in #{@features_dir_no_features}."
abort " Failed to create demo wiki without features in #{@features_dir_no_features}."

Dir.chdir(@repo_dir) do
system('git clone . &> /dev/null')
if $? == 0
puts " Cloned demo repo to #{@repo_dir}."
abort " Failed to clone demo repo to #{@repo_dir}."

system('bundle install --path vendor/bundle &> /dev/null')
if $? == 0
puts " Installed gems for demo wiki."
abort " Failed to install gems for demo wiki."

config_file = File.join(@repo_dir, "gitnesse.rb")

config =
config.gsub!(/config\.repository_url.*$/, "config.repository_url = '#{@features_dir}'"), 'w') { |file| file.puts config }

puts " Updated demo repo configuration to use demo features."

Dir.chdir(@repo_dir_no_features) do
FileUtils.cp_r("#{@repo_dir}/.", @repo_dir_no_features)
Dir.glob("#{@repo_dir_no_features}/**/*.feature") do |file|
puts " Created demo repo without features."

puts " Finished setting up Gitnesse for testing. Running features.", ""

at_exit do
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions features/sync_wiki_features_to_code.feature
Expand Up @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ Feature:

Scenario: Features already exist in code but not in wiki Scenario: Features already exist in code but not in wiki
When developer pushes feature stories to the wiki When developer pushes feature stories to the wiki
Then the the feature stories within the code should match the wiki Then the feature stories within the code should match the wiki

Scenario: Features pushes features from code to existing wiki Scenario: Features pushes features from code to existing wiki
When developer pushes feature stories to the wiki When developer pushes feature stories to the wiki
Then the the feature stories within the code should match the wiki Then the feature stories within the code should match the wiki

Scenario: Features pulls features from wiki to existing code Scenario: Features pulls features from wiki to existing code
When developer pulls feature stories from the wiki When developer pulls feature stories from the wiki
Then the the feature stories within the code should match the wiki Then the feature stories within the code should match the wiki

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