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Jet, by Hyperf

Jet 是一个统一模型的 RPC 客户端,内置 JSONRPC 协议的适配,该组件可适用于所有的 PHP 环境,包括 PHP-FPM 和 Swoole 或 Hyperf。(在 Hyperf 环境下,目前仍建议直接使用 hyperf/json-rpc 组件来作为客户端使用)

未来还会内置 gRPC 和 Tars 协议。


composer require hyperf/jet



注册协议不是必须的一个步骤,但您可以通过 ProtocolManager 管理所有的协议。

您可以通过 Hyperf\Jet\ProtocolManager 类来注册管理任意的协议,每个协议会包含 Transporter, Packer, DataFormatter and PathGenerator 几个基本的组件,您可以注册一个 JSONRPC 协议,如下:


use Hyperf\Jet\DataFormatter\DataFormatter;
use Hyperf\Jet\Packer\JsonEofPacker;
use Hyperf\Jet\PathGenerator\PathGenerator;
use Hyperf\Jet\ProtocolManager;
use Hyperf\Jet\Transporter\StreamSocketTransporter;

ProtocolManager::register($protocol = 'jsonrpc', [
    ProtocolManager::TRANSPORTER => new StreamSocketTransporter(),
    ProtocolManager::PACKER => new JsonEofPacker(),
    ProtocolManager::PATH_GENERATOR => new PathGenerator(),
    ProtocolManager::DATA_FORMATTER => new DataFormatter(),


注册服务不是必须的一个步骤,但您可以通过 ServiceManager 管理所有的服务。

在您往 Hyperf\Jet\ProtocolManager 注册了一个协议之后,您可以通过 Hyperf\Jet\ServiceManager 将协议绑定到任意的服务上,如下:

use Hyperf\Jet\ServiceManager;

// 绑定 CalculatorService 与 jsonrpc 协议,同时设定静态的节点信息
ServiceManager::register($service = 'CalculatorService', $protocol = 'jsonrpc', [
    ServiceManager::NODES => [
        [$host = '', $port = 9503],

// 如果需要使用 Consul 服务


use Hyperf\Jet\DataFormatter\DataFormatter;
use Hyperf\Jet\Packer\JsonEofPacker;
use Hyperf\Jet\PathGenerator\PathGenerator;
use Hyperf\Jet\ProtocolManager;
use Hyperf\Jet\Transporter\ConsulTransporter;

ProtocolManager::register($protocol = 'consul', [
    ProtocolManager::TRANSPORTER => new StreamSocketTransporter(),
    ProtocolManager::PACKER => new JsonEofPacker(),
    ProtocolManager::PATH_GENERATOR => new PathGenerator(),
    ProtocolManager::DATA_FORMATTER => new DataFormatter(),
    ProtocolManager::NODE_SELECTOR => new NodeSelector($this->host, $this->port, $config), 

调用 RPC 方法

通过 ClientFactory 调用

在您注册完协议与服务之后,您可以通过 Hyperf/Jet/ClientFactory 来获得您的服务的客户端,如下所示:

use Hyperf\Jet\ClientFactory;

$clientFactory = new ClientFactory();
$client = $clientFactory->create($service = 'CalculatorService', $protocol = 'jsonrpc');

当您拥有 client 对象后,您可以通过该对象调用任意的远程方法,如下:

// 调用远程方法 `add` 并带上参数 `1` 和 `2`
// $result 即为远程方法的返回值
$result = $client->add(1, 2);

当您调用一个不存在的远程方法时,客户端会抛出一个 Hyperf\Jet\Exception\ServerException 异常。


您可以创建一个 Hyperf\Jet\AbstractClient 的子类作为自定义的客户端类,来完成远程方法的调用,比如,您希望定义一个 CalculatorService 服务的 jsonrpc 协议的客户端类,您可以先定义一个 CalculatorService 类,如下所示:


use Hyperf\Jet\AbstractClient;
use Hyperf\Jet\Packer\JsonEofPacker;
use Hyperf\Jet\Transporter\StreamSocketTransporter;
use Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\DataFormatterInterface;
use Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\PackerInterface;
use Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\PathGeneratorInterface;
use Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\TransporterInterface;

 * @method int add(int $a, int $b);
class CalculatorService extends AbstractClient
    // 定义 `CalculatorService` 作为 $service 参数的默认值
    public function __construct(
        string $service = 'CalculatorService',
        TransporterInterface $transporter = null,
        PackerInterface $packer = null,
        ?DataFormatterInterface $dataFormatter = null,
        ?PathGeneratorInterface $pathGenerator = null
    ) {
        // 这里指定 transporter,您仍然可以通过 ProtocolManager 来获得 transporter 或从构造函数传递
        $transporter = new StreamSocketTransporter('', 9503);
        // 这里指定 packer,您仍然可以通过 ProtocolManager 来获得 packer 或从构造函数传递
        $packer = new JsonEofPacker();
        parent::__construct($service, $transporter, $packer, $dataFormatter, $pathGenerator);

如果使用 Consul 服务,可以按照下面的用法来进行注册


use Hyperf\Jet\AbstractClient;
use Hyperf\Jet\Packer\JsonEofPacker;
use Hyperf\Jet\Transporter\StreamSocketTransporter;
use Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\DataFormatterInterface;
use Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\PackerInterface;
use Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\PathGeneratorInterface;
use Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\TransporterInterface;
use Hyperf\Jet\NodeSelector\NodeSelector;

 * @method int add(int $a, int $b);
class CalculatorService extends AbstractClient
    // Define `CalculatorService` as the default value of $service.
    public function __construct(
        string $service = 'CalculatorService',
        TransporterInterface $transporter = null,
        PackerInterface $packer = null,
        ?DataFormatterInterface $dataFormatter = null,
        ?PathGeneratorInterface $pathGenerator = null
    ) {
        // Specific the transporter here, you could also retrieve the transporter from ProtocolManager or passing by constructor.
        $transporter = new StreamSocketTransporter();
        $nodeSelector = new NodeSelector('', 8500, $config);
        [$transporter->host, $transporter->port] = $nodeSelector->selectRandomNode($service, 'jsonrpc');
        // Specific the packer here, you could also retrieve the packer from ProtocolManager or passing by constructor.
        $packer = new JsonEofPacker();
        parent::__construct($service, $transporter, $packer, $dataFormatter, $pathGenerator);


// 调用远程方法 `add` 并带上参数 `1` 和 `2`
// $result 即为远程方法的返回值
$client = new CalculatorService();
$result = $client->add(1, 2);