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OpsSC API Server


This REST API server provides an API for each organization's administrator to interact with (to invoke and/or query transactions to) the OpsSC chaincodes. Mainly, it has API to request a channel or chaincode update proposal and to approve (vote for) the proposal. The server does some internal processing to translate user requests through the API into the parameters for the OpsSC chaincodes by sometimes executing peer and fabric-configtx-cli commands or _lifecycle system chaincode.

This also works as a WebSocket server to notify the chaincode events and activities of the OpsSC agents. In a typical use case, an administrator for each organization communicates with the API server through a GUI like a Web admin portal.


  • Linux
  • Node.js >= 16 (Tested by using v16.19.0)
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Environment variables

The current OpsSC API server is set via environment variables.

The following environment variables must be set:

Category Variable Name Default Value Description
Hyperledger Fabric ADMIN_MSPID Org1MSP MSP ID for the organization to be operated
Hyperledger Fabric ADMIN_CERT /opt/fabric/msp/signcerts Certificate for the client identity to interact with the OpsSC chaincodes and execute peer commands
Hyperledger Fabric ADMIN_KEY /opt/fabric/msp/keystore Private key for the client identity to interact with the OpsSC chaincodes and execute peer commands
Hyperledger Fabric MSP_CONFIG_PATH /opt/fabric/msp MSP config path for the client identity to interact with the OpsSC chaincodes and execute peer commands
Hyperledger Fabric DISCOVER_AS_LOCALHOST false Whether to discover as localhost
Hyperledger Fabric CONNECTION_PROFILE /opt/fabric/config/connection-profile.yaml Connection profile path for the organization
OpsSC CHANNEL_NAME ops-channel Channel name for the OpsSC
OpsSC CC_OPS_CC_NAME chaincode-ops Chaincode name of the chaincode OpsSC
OpsSC CH_OPS_CC_NAME channel-ops Chaincode name of the channel OpsSC
API Server CLIENT_SERVICE_PORT 5000 Port number used by the API server
API Server API_CH_PROPOSAL_ENABLED true Whether to enable the Channel Update Proposal APIs
API Server API_UTIL_ENABLED true Whether to enable the Utility APIs
WebSocket WS_ENABLED false Whether to enable WebSocket server to receive messages from agents or the API server itself
Logging LOG_LEVEL info Log level

API specification

The current OpsSC API server provides the following API to enable administrators to operate chaincodes and channels with communicating the other organizations:

Category Title URL Method
Chaincode Get all update proposals /api/v1/chaincode/proposals GET
Chaincode Request a new update proposal /api/v1/chaincode/proposals/:id POST
Chaincode Get the proposal with the given ID /api/v1/chaincode/proposals/:id GET
Chaincode Vote for/against the proposal /api/v1/chaincode/proposals/:id/vote POST
Chaincode Withdraw the proposal /api/v1/chaincode/proposals/:id/withdraw POST
Chaincode Get the task histories with the given proposal /api/v1/chaincode/:id/histories GET
Chaincode Get the list of installed chaincodes /api/v1/chaincode/getInstalledChaincodes GET
Chaincode Get the chaincode definition with the given channel and chaincode name /api/v1/chaincode/queryChaincodeDefinition GET
Chaincode Get the list of chaincode definitions with the given channel name /api/v1/chaincode/queryChaincodeDefinitions GET
Channel Get all update proposals /api/v1/channel/proposals GET
Channel Request a new update proposal /api/v1/channel/proposals/:id POST
Channel Get the proposal with the given ID /api/v1/channel/proposals/:id GET
Channel Vote for the proposal /api/v1/channel/proposals/:id/vote POST
Channel Get the channel information with the given channel name /api/v1/channel/getChannel GET
Channel Get the list of all channels /api/v1/channel/getChannels GET
Channel Get the system config block /api/v1/channel/systemConfigBlock GET
Utility Invoke a chaincode (for test) /api/v1/utils/invokeTransaction POST
Utility Query a chaincode (for test) /api/v1/utils/queryTransaction GET
Common Get the organization information to be operated /api/v1/organization GET
Common Version check /api/v1/version GET
Common Health check /healthz GET

Refer to API specification for the details

How to run

The current OpsSC API server is expected to run primarily as a Docker container.

Build the Docker image

Build the docker image for API Server by running the following commands:

$ cd fabric-opssc
$ make docker-opssc-api-server

$ docker images # Command to confirm the images are created
REPOSITORY                                                     TAG                              IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
fabric-opssc/opssc-api-server                                  latest                           154c4a550823        44 hours ago        1.43GB

The docker image definition for the OpsSC API server is here.

Run the Docker container

Refer to an example of the docker-compose file.