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Proposal: Watching service for IoT adoption


The high level requirements for adopting the perun-framework for IoT use cases was described in perun-proposal#003. Detailed description of the functionality and design for implementing the watching component is presented in this proposal.


In the current implementation of the framework (go-perun v0.6.0), the watcher is integrated into client.Channel type and an instance must be started for each channel.

However, it is desirable to run the watcher as a separate component for IoT use cases. Because, for the perun protocol to work, the watcher should be actively watching the blockchain for any states being registered and; if the registered state was not the latest off-chain state, the watcher must immediately register the latest off-chain state. Given the connectivity and power constraints of IoT devices, it might not be possible to meet these requirements if watching service is running on the IoT device.

The current design cannot be extended to implement a watcher that can run as a remote service. Hence, a new design is proposed where, the watcher can be run:

  1. As a part of go-perun client itself (for capable hardware).
  2. As an independent component on the same or different computer (for constrained hardware).


Functionalities of the watcher

  1. User should be able to initialize the watcher without associating it to any particular channel. After initialization, it must have access to a wallet containing keys for an on-chain account. The account must have sufficient funds to pay the transaction fees when registering off-chain states.

  2. Main component should be able to request the watcher to start/stop watching for on-chain events for a given channel ID.

  3. After a watcher starts watching for a given channel,

    1. Main component should be able to periodically send the newer off-chain states to the watcher.

    2. Main component should be notified by the watcher, when a state is registered or progressed on the blockchain.

  4. If a state is registered on the blockchain and is not the latest off-chain state known to the watcher, then it must register the latest off-chain state on the blockchain.

  5. User should be able to shutdown the watcher. In which case, the watcher must complete any ongoing dispute resolution or force execution process; close the pub-sub interfaces on all of the channels and then terminate itself.

Interaction between the watcher and the main component

This section presents an overview of the interaction between the watcher and main component.

Interaction between the main component and watcher

Figure 1: Interaction between the main component and watcher.

Interfaces of the watcher

This section presents a description of the interfaces of the watcher. These interfaces are designed based on the interaction between the watcher and the main component presented in the previous section.

The watcher interface

Any implementation of watcher must satisfy this interface. Usage of methods in this interface is described in later sections.

type Watcher interface {
    StartWatching(ChannelID) (StatesPub, AdjudicatorEventsSub, error)
    StopWatching(ChannelID) error
    Shutdown() error

Initializing and shutting down a watcher

// NewWatcher instantiates the watcher.
func NewWatcher(cfg Config) (Watcher, error) {...}

// Shutdown gracefully terminates the watcher.
// For each of the channels, it ensures any ongoing dispute resolution or
// force execution process is completed and then closes the StatesSub and
// AdjudicatorEventsPub for that channel.
func (w *Watcher) Shutdown() error {...}

The configuration parameter in NewWatcher API is specific to the implementation of watcher.

RegistererSubscriber interface

It is used by the watcher for interacting with the blockchain.

// RegistererSubscriber is composed of Registerer and Subscriber interfaces.
// These are used by the watcher to interact with the blockchain.
type RegistererSubscriber interface {

// Registerer is used to register the off-chain state of a channel, along
// with the states of all its sub-channels and virtual channels, on the
// blockchain. Channel ID is contained in the State.
// It encapsulates a connection to the blockchain and an access to an
// on-chain account that will be used for sending register transactions.
type Registerer interface {
    Register(State, SubStates) error

// Subscriber is used for subscribing to adjudicator events on the
// blockchain for a given channel ID.
// It encapsulates a connection to the blockchain.
type Subscriber interface {
    Subscribe(ChannelID) (AdjudicatorEventSub, error)

Note: AdjudicatorEventSub is already implemented in go-perun.

To start/stop watching for channels

// StartWatching starts watching for adjudicator events for the channel.
// Main component can send the newer off-chain states via the StatesPub.
// Main component can receive AdjudicatorEvents via the AdjudicatorEventsSub.
func (w *Watcher) StartWatching(ChannelID) (StatesPub, AdjudicatorEventsSub, error) {...}

// StopWatching stops watching for adjudicator events for the channel.
func (w *Watcher) StopWatching(ChannelID) error {...}

For sending off-chain states from the main component to watcher

In go-perun, State type is already defined. However, this does not include the signatures of participants on the state. Hence, a new type (say StateWithSignatures) should be defined that include a State and signatures of all participants on the state.

// StatesPub is used by the main component to send newer off-chain states to
// the watcher.
type StatesPub interface {
    // Publish publishes the given state to all the subscribers.
    // Returns an error if the subscription was closed.
    Publish(StateWithSignatures) error

    // Close closes the publisher instance and all the subscriptions associated
    // with it. Any further call to Publish should immediately return error.
    Close() error

For notifying the main component of registered and progressed events

AdjudicatorEvent and AdjudicatorEventsSub are already defined and implemented in go-perun for a different purpose (for receiving Adjudicator events from the blockchain.

The same interface can be used to receive notification on Adjudicator events from the watcher.

// AdjudicatorEvent could be a registered event or a progressed event.
// This type is already defined and implemented in go-perun.
type AdjudicatorEvent interface {...}

// AdjudicatorEventsSub is used by the main component to receive notifications
// of adjudicator events from the watcher.
type AdjudicatorEventsSub interface {
    // Next returns the most recently published state in the subscription.
    // Returns nil if the subscription is closed or any other error occurs.
    Next() AdjudicatorEvent

    // Err returns the error status of the subscription. After Next returns nil,
    // Err should be checked for an error.
    Err() error

    // Close closes the subscription. After subscription closes, any call to
    // Next should immediately return nil and any call to Err should return
    // an error.
    Close() error

How different types of channels should be handled by watcher

When main component registers a channel with the watcher

  1. For ledger channel: only its channel ID and latest off-chain state at the time of registering is sufficient.

    After registering a ledger channel, it is the main component's responsibility to individually register all its sub-channels and virtual channels.

  2. For sub-channel: sub-channel ID, parent ledger channel ID and, the latest off-chain states of both the sub-channel and parent ledger channel are required.

  3. For virtual channel: virtual channel ID, relevant parent channel ID and, the latest off-chain states of both the virtual channel and the relevant parent ledger channel are required.

    Relevant parent ledger channel is the ledger channel between this user and the common intermediary.

When main component sends new off-chain states for the watcher

For all types of channels, watcher will have to store the newer state and discard the older ones.

When registering states on the blockchain

  1. For ledger channel: the latest off-chain states of the ledger channel and, of its sub-channels, virtual channels must be registered.

    In some scenarios (for common intermediary of a virtual channel), the latest off-chain state of the virtual channel might not be known. In this case, whatever state known to it can be registered. Other participants will refute with the latest state.

  2. In case sub-channel; the latest off-chain state of the parent ledger channel, of the sub-channel and, of all the other sub-channels, virtual channels funded by the parent ledger channel must be registered.

  3. In case virtual channel; the latest off-chain state of the relevant parent ledger channel, of the sub-channel and, of all the other sub-channels, virtual channels funded by the relevant parent ledger channel must be registered.

    Relevant parent ledger channel is the ledger channel between this user and the common intermediary.


  1. Watcher is associated with the client, because StartWatching (after opening a channel) and StopWatching (after closing a channel) are done in the context of a client.

  2. StatesPub and AdjudicatorEventsSub are associated with a channel because generating newer off-chain states and reacting to adjudicator events are done in the context of a channel.


Architecture (Requires a modification of the architecture)


Implementing the watcher

  1. The Register and Subscribe methods are already part of Adjudicator interface. Hence, the existing adjudicator implementations can be used as RegisterSubscriber.

  2. The State method on a channel returns the off-chain state without the signatures. So, a new method (say StateWithSignatures) to retrieve the latest off-chain state along with signatures should be added.

  3. To implement a watching component that works locally,

    1. The watcher component can be initialized to run as a go-routine.
    2. The pub-sub interfaces can be implemented using go-channels.
  4. To implement a watching component that runs as a remote service,

    1. The watching component can be initialized to run as an independent program.
    2. The main program can connect with the watching component via remote interface.
    3. The pub-sub can be implemented using protocols such as gRPC or MQTT.

Integration with go-perun

One possible way of integrating the watcher API into go-perun is suggested. The suggestion tries to make minimal changes to how the watcher is currently being used.


Similar to the other components, an instance of watcher must be initialized and passed to the client.New API.

// Either initialize a local watcher
w, err := local.NewWatcher(cfg local.Config)

// Or connect to the remote watcher
w, err := remote.NewWatcher(cfg remote.Config)

// Like the other components (funder, adjudicator, message bus) etc.,
// watcher can be passed as an argument to the `client.New` API.
// Integrating the watcher API into the client is described in a following
// section.
client, err := pclient.New(


  1. After a channel is opened, user calls the Watch function on the channel. The existing implementation of the Watch function can be replaced with one shown below.

    func (ch *Channel) Watch(h AdjudicatorEventHandler) {
       watcher := ch.client.watcher
       statesPub, eventsSub, err := watcher.StartWatching(ch.ID())
       // Handle err.
       // Register "StopWatching" to be called when the channel is closed.
       c.OnCloseAlways(func() { watcher.StopWatching(ch.ID()) }
       // Set the "statePub" handler for the channel.
       // On  each off-chain update, the updated state along with signatures
       // will be published on this handler.
       err = ch.setStatePub(statePub)
       // Handle err.
       for {
          e, err := eventSub.Next()
          if err != nil {
             return err
          h(e) // Handle event.
  2. Add a method setStatesPub and a field statesPub on client.Channel type.

    type Channel struct {
    statesPub watcher.StatesPub
    func (ch *Channel) setStatesPub (p watcher.StatesPub) {
    ch.statesPub = p
  3. On each state update, publish the state along with the signatures by calling the ch.statesPub.Publish API. This should be done in two places: when proposing and when accepting.