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Constructors and contract instantiation

When a contract is deployed, the contract storage is initialized to the initializer values provided, and any constructor is called. A constructor is not required for a contract. A constructor is defined like so:

A constructor can have any number of arguments. If a constructor has arguments, they must be supplied when the contract is deployed.

If a contract is expected to receive value on instantiation, the constructor should be declared payable.


Solang allows naming constructors in the Substrate target:

Constructors without a name will be called new in the metadata.

Note that constructor names are only used in the generated metadata. For contract instantiation, the correct constructor matching the function signature will be selected automatically.

Instantiation using new

Contracts can be created using the new keyword. The contract that is being created might have constructor arguments, which need to be provided.

The constructor might fail for various reasons, for example require() might fail here. This can be handled using the try-catch statement, else errors cause the transaction to fail.


On Solana, the try-catch statement is not supported, as any failure will cause the entire transaction to fail.

Sending value to the new contract

It is possible to send value to the new contract. This can be done with the {value: 500} syntax, like so:

The constructor should be declared payable for this to work.


If no value is specified, then on Parity Substrate the minimum balance (also know as the existential deposit) is sent.


On Solana, this functionality is not available.

Setting the salt, gas, and address for the new contract


The gas or salt cannot be set on Solana. However, when creating a contract on Solana, the address of the new account must be set using address:.

When a new contract is created, the address for the new contract is a hash of the input (the encoded constructor arguments) to the new contract and the salt. A contract cannot be created twice with the same input and salt. By giving a different salt, the same input can be used twice for a new contract. The salt can be set using the {salt: hex"439d399ee3b5b0fae6c8d567a8cbfa22d59f8f2c5fe308fd0a92366c116e5f1a"} syntax, or if it is omitted, then a random value is used.

Specifying a salt will remove the need for generating a random value at runtime, however care must be taken to avoid using the same salt more than once. Creating a contract twice with the same salt and arguments will fail. The salt is of type bytes32.

If gas is specified, this limits the amount gas the constructor for the new contract can use. gas is a uint64.

Instantiating a contract on Solana

On Solana, the contract being created must have the @program_id() annotation that specifies the program account to which the contract code has been deployed. This account holds only the contract's executable binary. When calling a constructor, one needs to provide an address that will serve as the contract's data account, by using the call argument address:

When the contract's data account is passed through the address call argument, the compiler will automatically create the AccountMeta array the constructor call needs. Due to the impossibility to track account ordering in private, internal and public functions, such a call argument is only allowed in external functions.

Alternatively, the data account to be initialized can be provided using the accounts call argument. In this case, one needs to instantiate a fixed length array of type AccountMeta to pass to the call. The array must contain all the accounts the transaction is going to need, in addition to the data account to be initialized.

For the creation of a contract, the data account must the first element in such a vector and the system account 11111111111111111111111111111111 must also be present. If the constructor one is calling has the @payer annotation <payer_seeds_bump>, the payer account should appear in the array as well. Moreover, the is_signer and is_writable bool flags need to be properly set, according to the following example:

The sequence of the accounts in the AccountMeta array matters and must follow the IDL ordering <account_management>.

Base contracts, abstract contracts and interfaces

Solidity contracts support object-oriented programming. The style Solidity is somewhat similar to C++, but there are many differences. In Solidity we are dealing with contracts, not classes.

Specifying base contracts

To inherit from another contract, you have to specify it as a base contract. Multiple contracts can be specified here.

In this case, contract a inherits from both b and c. Both func1() and func2() are visible in contract a, and will be part of its public interface if they are declared public or external. In addition, the contract storage variables foo and bar are also availabe in a.

Inheriting contracts is recursive; this means that if you inherit a contract, you also inherit everything that that contract inherits. In this example, contract a inherits b directly, and inherits c through b. This means that contract b also has a variable bar.

Virtual Functions

When inheriting from a base contract, it is possible to override a function with a newer function with the same name. For this to be possible, the base contract must have specified the function as virtual. The inheriting contract must then specify the same function with the same name, arguments and return values, and add the override keyword.

If the function is present in more than one base contract, the override attribute must list all the base contracts it is overriding.

Calling function in base contract

When a virtual function is called, the dispatch is virtual. If the function being called is overriden in another contract, then the overriding function is called. For example:

Rather than specifying the base contract, use super as the contract to call the base contract function.

If there are multiple base contracts which the define the same function, the function of the first base contract is called.

Specifying constructor arguments

If a contract inherits another contract, then when it is instantiated or deployed, then the constructor for its inherited contracts is called. The constructor arguments can be specified on the base contract itself.

When a is deployed, the constructor for c is executed first, then b, and lastly a. When the constructor arguments are specified on the base contract, the values must be constant. It is possible to specify the base arguments on the constructor for inheriting contract. Now we have access to the constructor arguments, which means we can have runtime-defined arguments to the inheriting constructors.

The execution is not entirely intuitive in this case. When contract a is deployed with an int argument of 10, then first the constructor argument or contract b is calculated: 10+2, and that value is used as an argument to constructor b. constructor b calculates the arguments for constructor c to be: 12+3. Now, with all the arguments for all the constructors established, constructor c is executed with argument 15, then constructor b with argument 12, and lastly constructor a with the original argument 10.

Abstract Contracts

An abstract contract is one that cannot be instantiated, but it can be used as a base for another contract, which can be instantiated. A contract can be abstract because the functions it defines do not have a body, for example:

This contract cannot be instantiated, since there is no body or implementation for func2. Another contract can define this contract as a base contract and override func2 with a body.

Another reason why a contract must be abstract is missing constructor arguments. In this case, if we were to instantiate contract a we would not know what the constructor arguments to its base b would have to be. Note that contract c does inherit from a and can specify the arguments for b on its constructor, even though c does not directly inherit b (but does indirectly).