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Releases: hyperledger/indy-node

Release 1.8.1

13 Jun 14:53
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Release date: June 06th, 2019

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.8.1
indy-node 1.8.1
sovrin 1.1.46

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
All BuilderNet nodes are restarting every 30-50 seconds INDY-2128
Primaries are not updated in audit ledger if one of the primaries is demoted INDY-2129
A client may receive NACK for a payment transfer request, but the transaction will be eventually ordered (payment transferred) INDY-2122

Release 1.8.0

13 Jun 14:52
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Release date: May 31th, 2019

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.8.0
indy-node 1.8.0
sovrin 1.1.45

Additional Information:

Payment transaction can return NACK from the pool but in fact it will be eventually ordered (see more details below).
There are possible OOM issues during 3+ hours of target load or large catch-ups at 8 GB RAM nodes pool so 32 GB is recommended.
Pool upgrade to sovrin 1.1.32 and above should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to txn format changes.
Pool upgrade to indy-node 1.8.0 should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to audit ledger.

Major Changes

  • Add Transaction Author Agreement Acceptance Mechanisms and Transaction Author Agreement support
  • Configurable Auth rules improvements
  • Stability fixes

Detailed Changelog

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Issues with catch up and ordering under the load INDY-2064
Editing of CLAIM_DEF uses auth rules for Adding a Claim Def INDY-2078
Faulty primary can order and write already ordered and written request INDY-1709

Changes and Additions

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
As a Network Admin, I would like to use GET_AUTH_RULE output as an input for AUTH_RULE INDY-2102
Get Transaction Author Agreement Acceptance Mechanisms from the Config Ledger INDY-2071
Support Transaction Author Agreement in Write Requests INDY-2072
Validate transaction author agreement as part of consensus INDY-2073
Write Transaction Author Agreement to Config Ledger INDY-2066
Get Transaction Author Agreement from the config ledger INDY-2067
Write Transaction Author Agreement Acceptance Mechanisms to the Config Ledger INDY-2068
Catch-up should take into account state of other nodes when sending requests INDY-2053

Known Issues

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
A client may receive NACK for a payment transfer request, but the transaction will be eventually ordered (payment transferred) INDY-2122
Incorrect auth constraint for node demotion INDY-2024

Release 1.7.1

13 Jun 14:51
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Release date: Apr 30th, 2019

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.7.1
indy-node 1.7.1
sovrin 1.1.41

Additional Information:

There are possible OOM issues during 3+ hours of target load or large catch-ups at 8 GB RAM nodes pool so 32 GB is recommended.
Pool upgrade to sovrin 1.1.32 and above should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to txn format changes.
Pool upgrade to indy-node 1.7.1 should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to audit ledger.

Major Changes

  • Audit Ledger
    • helps keeping all other ledgers in sync
    • helps recovering of pool state by new or restarted nodes
    • can be used for external audit
  • Correct support of multi-signatures
  • Configurable Auth Rules in config state
  • Stability fixes

Detailed Changelog

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Validator-info doesn't show view change information and sometimes shows node info as unknown INDY-2008
Schema can't be written with error "'Version' object has no attribute 'dev'" INDY-2020
Node fails to start after the load INDY-2018
POA: Sovrin TestNet lost consensus INDY-2022
Nodes can fail on first start after upgrading from version without audit ledger to version with audit ledger INDY-2047
Pool is getting out of consensus after a forced view change and writes to all the ledgers INDY-2035
View Change processing - replica ends up with incorrect primaries INDY-1720
Validator node shows False for consensus INDY-2031
Watermarks may not be updated correctly after view change by a lagging node INDY-2060
ATTRIB doesn't have auth rules in auth map INDY-2061
Some nodes are stalled and throw an error under load INDY-2050
Some nodes failed to join consensus after upgrade INDY-2055

Changes and Additions

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Implementation: Restore current 3PC state from audit ledger INDY-1946
Implementation (not active): As a user/steward I want to have better understanding of release version and changelog INDY-1992
Implement auth rule maps in config ledger INDY-2001
Add audit ledger INDY-1944
INSTANCE_CHANGE messages should be persisted between restarts INDY-1984
Add updateState method for ConfigReqHandler INDY-2006
Use auth constraints from config ledger for validation INDY-2002
Implementation: Improve catch-up to use audit ledger for consistency INDY-1945
Implement a command to set auth constraints INDY-2003
Debug and validation: Move the auth_map structure to the config ledger INDY-1995
Need to enhance write permissions for Revocation transactions INDY-1554
Implement a command to get auth constraint INDY-2010
Integrate testinfra-based system tests to Indy CD INDY-2016
Debug and Validation: As a user/steward I want to have better understanding of release version and changelog INDY-2019
As a QA I want system tests to be run in parallel in CD pipeline INDY-2028
Debug and Validation: Audit Ledger and improving catch-up to use audit ledger for consistency INDY-1993
Need to track same transactions with different multi-signatures INDY-1757
Debug and Validation: Restore current 3PC state from audit ledger - Phase 1 INDY-2025
A Node need to be able to order stashed requests after long catch-ups INDY-1983
Need to account fields from PLUGIN_CLIENT_REQUEST_FIELDS when calculating digest INDY-1674
Debug and validation: Multi-signature support INDY-2046
Debug and Validation: Restore current 3PC state from audit ledger - Phase 2 INDY-2051

Release 1.6.83

13 Jun 14:51
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Release date: Feb 11th, 2019

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.6.58
indy-node 1.6.83

Additional Information:

There are possible OOM issues during 3+ hours of target load or large catch-ups at 8 GB RAM nodes pool so 32 GB is recommended.
Pool upgrade to sovrin 1.1.32 and above should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to txn format changes.

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Validator-info to client times out if there are many upgrade attempts by node INDY-1922
Node on Sovrin TestNet did not upgrade automatically INDY-1919
Node that does not upgrade spams the config ledger INDY-1918
Incorrect pool upgrade txn validation INDY-1953
Upgrade appears to have broken "validator-info --nagios" INDY-1920
Node can't order after view change and catch up INDY-1955
Unclear error messages when Trustee send a NYM with the same verkey INDY-1963
A role that has been removed can't be added back INDY-1971

Changes and Additions

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Limit the number of attributes in schema INDY-1914
Enable Clear Request Queue strategy INDY-1836
A Node needs to be able to order requests received during catch-up INDY-1876
Network maintenance role INDY-1916
There should always be fresh enough signature of a state INDY-933
Node stops working without any services failure INDY-1949
As a user of Valdiator Info script, I need to know whether the pool has write consensus and when the state was updated the last time INDY-1928
Trust anchor permission not needed for ledger writes INDY-1528

Release 1.6.82

13 Jun 14:49
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Release date: Dec 24th, 2018

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.6.57
indy-node 1.6.82

Additional Information:

There are possible OOM issues during 3+ hours of target load or large catch-ups at 8 GB RAM nodes pool so 32 GB is recommended.

Changes - Additions

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Add old instance change messages discarding INDY-1909
Increase ToleratePrimaryDisconnection and bind re-try time INDY-1836
Add check for None of replica's primary name during logging INDY-1926


Release date: Dec 13th, 2018

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.6.55
indy-node 1.6.80

Additional Information:

There are possible OOM issues during 3+ hours of target load or large catch-ups at 8 GB RAM nodes pool so 32 GB is recommended.

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Issuing a pool restart does not work if there is no consensus INDY-1896
Intermittent test failure: test_primary_selection_increase_f INDY-1872
Fix throughput class creation bug INDY-1888

Release 1.6.79

13 Jun 14:48
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Release date: Dec 6th, 2018

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.6.54
indy-anoncreds dependency is not required anymore
indy-node 1.6.79

Additional Information:

Warning: Embedded command-line tool indy is no longer available. For further pool interaction use indy-cli package

indy-test-automation repo has been created for end-to-end tests and additional test tools (INDY-1766)

The INDY-1818 (Init Indy Node should output Base58-encrypted verkey already) affects nodes adding.

validator-info output has been changed. If you use validator-info as data source make sure that you have done necessary changes for compatibility

There are possible OOM issues during 3+ hours of target load or large catch-ups at 8 GB RAM nodes pool so 32 GB is recommended.

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Intermittent test failure: test_primary_selection_increase_f INDY-1872
Pool stopped writing after production load with fees INDY-1867
Node does not validate CLAIM_DEF's filed ref INDY-1862
Sovrin package can't be upgraded INDY-1850
Expected object or value error during batch handling INDY-1849
Node that is not on network is shown as 'unreachable' INDY-1842
Not enough information about upgrade in journalctl INDY-1834
Need to fix 'aws_manage' playbook that fails when inventory directory is not specified INDY-1827
Validator on Sovrin MainNet fails to upgrade, then fails to revert INDY-1824
Pool stops writing during load testing against domain and pool ledgers together INDY-1823
Node service stops during node key validation INDY-1820
Init Indy Node should output Base58-encrypted verkey already INDY-1818
Investigate slowness on TestNet due to demotion INDY-1816
New instance was removed after creating INDY-1815
Upgrade from 1.6.645+ version result errors about packages versions in journalctl INDY-1781
RequestQueue in Replica doesn't clear after View Change INDY-1765

Changes - Additions - Known Issues

Description Workaround Ticket
Create a Diagram for Components INDY-1870
Create Catch-up Sequence Diagram INDY-1869
Write and Read request flow INDY-1868
Plenum Consensus Protocol Diagram INDY-1851
Change pool state root hash for BLS-signature in Commit messages INDY-1846
3rd party open source manifest INDY-1839
Enable PreViewChange Strategy INDY-1835
Need to add Names to AWS ec2 instances and security groups INDY-1828
Need to securely automate SSH authenticity checking INDY-1826-
Limit RocksDB memory consumption INDY-1822
Run very long load test on a small local pool INDY-1821
AWS tags for pool automation AWS resources INDY-1813
Adjust last_ordered_3pc and perform GC when detecting lag in checkpoints on backup INDY-1795
Improve usability of current pool automation PoC INDY-1792
As a dev/QA I need to be able to refer different groups in the same namespace using one inventory INDY-1788
Remove security groups at tear-down phase for both tests and playbooks INDY-1784
Clear Requests queue periodically INDY-1780
Test ZMQ Memory Consumption with restarting of listener on every X connections INDY-1776
Get information about how many client connections is usually in progress INDY-1775
Do a long test with a load pool can handle INDY-1774
Find out why validation of PrePrepares with Fees takes so long INDY-1773
Check why backup instances stop ordering so often INDY-1772
As a dev I need to be able to perform tests on docker INDY-1771
Test ZMQ Memory Consumption with restricted number of client connections INDY-1770
Run load tests with file storages INDY-1769
Change dependency building for upgrade procedure INDY-1762
Use persisted last_pp_seq_no for recovery of backup primaries INDY-1759
Extend Load Script with GET_TXN INDY-1756
Avoid redundant static validation during signature verification INDY-1753
Find out why max node prod time increases during long load test INDY-1747

Upgrade Scripts:

No further action is required

Release 1.6.78

13 Jun 14:47
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Release date: Oct 18th, 2018

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.6.53
indy-anoncreds 1.0.11
indy-node 1.6.78

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Re-asking for ledger statuses and maximal consistency proofs is not canceled. INDY-1740
Bug in calling notifier methods in Restarter. INDY-1741
35 view changes were happened during 10 minutes after nodes failure because of invalid request. INDY-1696
Requests queue is not cleared in case of reject-nym transactions. INDY-1700
Throughput critically decreases without causing view_change. INDY-1672
Node can't catch up large ledger. INDY-1595
Unable to demote node in STN. INDY-1621
View changes happen when all responses should be rejected during load testing scenario. INDY-1653
Node doesn't write txns after disconnection from the rest nodes. INDY-1580
Throughput is degrading if backup primary is stopped. INDY-1618

Changes - Additions - Known Issues

Description Workaround Ticket
Switch off a replica that stopped because disconnected from a backup primary. INDY-1681
Extend load scripts emulating non-smooth load according to the changes in the core script. INDY-1667
Proof of stability under load. INDY-1607
Investigate Out of memory issues with the current load testing. INDY-1688
Do not re-verify signature for Propagates with already verified requests. INDY-1649
POA: Require multiple signatures for important transactions. INDY-1704
Support all FEEs txns in the load script. INDY-1665
Test domain transactions with FEEs. INDY-1661
3PC Batch should preserve the order of requests when applying PrePrepare on non-primary. INDY-1642
Ability to switch off (remove) replicas with no changes of F value. INDY-1680
A node should be able to participate in BLS multi-signature only if it has a valid proof of possession. INDY-1589
Make validator info as a historical data. INDY-1637
Known Issue: Upgrade failed on pool from 1.3.62 to 1.4.66. Note that INDY-1447 was fixed in indy-node 1.5.68, but it still presents in indy-node 1.3.62 and 1.4.66 code. So, some of the nodes may not to be upgraded during simultaneous pool-upgrade. If this problem will appear, stewards should perform manual upgrade of indy-node in accordance with this instruction:(!) To reduce the risk of reproducing INDY-1447, it is recommended to use old CLI for pool upgrade. INDY-1447

Upgrade Scripts:

Pool upgrade from indy-node 1.3.62 to indy-node 1.6.78 should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to txn format changes.

Additional Information:

All indy-cli pools should be recreated with actual genesis files.

For more details about txn format changes see INDY-1421 .

There are possible OOM issues during 3+ hours of target load or large catch-ups at 8 GB RAM nodes pool so 32 GB is recommended.

Release 1.6.73

13 Jun 14:47
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Release date: Sep 5th, 2018

Important: Several iterations were done very rapidly between the last release and this one. All of the changes, upgrades, etc... are included in this new release. Simply upgrading will include them all from 1.6.70 until 1.6.73. To see further, specific numerous changes, please reference the appropriate tickets in the Hyperledger Jira ticketing system.

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.6.51
indy-anoncreds 1.0.11
indy-node 1.6.73

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Fixed and issue where the pool stopped writing after F change. INDY-1583
Fixed an issue where read_ledger was passing incorrectly formatted stdout and breaks convention INDY-1645
Fixed an issue where the node couldn't catch up a large ledger. INDY-1595
Fixed an issue where the Validator Info may hang for a couple of minutes. INDY-1603

Changes - Additions - Known Issues

Description Workaround Ticket
Made it so that the 3PC Batch should preserve the order of requests when applying PrePrepare on non-primary. INDY-1642
Made it so that Monitor takes into account requests not passing the dynamic validation when triggering view change. INDY-1643
Improved throughput calculation to reduce a chance of false positive View Changes. INDY-1565
Made it so that the performance of monitor is improved. INDY-1660
Made it so that Stewards, can have a script that can generates Proof of possession for their BLS key. That value can now be used in a NODE txn. INDY-1588
Added Support Proof of Possession for BLS keys. INDY-1389
Made it so that the average is not used when calculating total throughput/latency of backups. INDY-1582
Made it so that any client requests are discarded during view change. INDY-1564
Created a simple tool to show graphical representation of some common metrics. INDY-1568
Changed default configs for better performance and stability. INDY-1549
Known Issue: Upgrade failed on pool from 1.3.62 to 1.4.66. Note that INDY-1447 was fixed in indy-node 1.5.68, but it still presents in indy-node 1.3.62 and 1.4.66 code. So, some of the nodes may not to be upgraded during simultaneous pool-upgrade. If this problem will appear, stewards should perform manual upgrade of indy-node in accordance with this instruction:(!) To reduce the risk of reproducing INDY-1447, it is recommended to use old CLI for pool upgrade. INDY-1447

Upgrade Scripts:

Pool upgrade from indy-node 1.3.62 to indy-node 1.6.73 should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to txn format changes.

Additional Information:

All indy-cli pools should be recreated with actual genesis files.

For more details about txn format changes see INDY-1421 .

There are possible OOM issues during 3+ hours of target load or large catch-ups at 8 GB RAM nodes pool so 32 GB is recommended.

Release 1.6.70

13 Jun 14:44
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Release date: Aug 14th, 2018

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.6.49
indy-anoncreds 1.0.11
indy-node 1.6.70

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Fixed and issue where several nodes (less than f) were getting ahead the rest ones under load. INDY-1473
Fixed an issue where the pool has stopped to write txns. INDY-1539
Fixed an issue where re-send messages to disconnected remotes. INDY-1497
Fixed an issue where the pool stopped writing under 20txns/sec load. INDY-1478
Fixed an issue where 1.3.62 -> 1.5.67 forced upgrade without one node in schedule failed. INDY-1519
Fixed an issue where tmp.log must have unique name. INDY-1502
Fixed an issue where a node needed to hook up to a lower viewChange. INDY-1199
Fixed an issue where the one of the nodes lagged behind others after forced view changes. INDY-1470
Made it so that View Change should not be triggered by re-sending Primary disconnected if Primary is not disconnected anymore. INDY-1544

Changes - Additions - Known Issues

Description Workaround Ticket
Made it so that as a Trustee running POOL_UPGRADE txn, you can specify any package depending on indy-node, so that the package with the dependencies get upgraded. INDY-1491
Made it so that Monitor is reset after the view change. INDY-1555
Made it so that GC by Checkpoints are not triggered during View Change. INDY-1545
Made it so that the validator info must show committed and uncommitted roots for all states. INDY-1542
Explored timing and execution time. INDY-1475
Memory leaks profiling. INDY-1493
Bound connection socket to NODE_IP INDY-1531
Updated revocation registry delta value during REG_ENTRY_REVOC writing. INDY-1378
Support latest SDK in Indy Plenum and Node. INDY-1480
Latency measurements in monitor are windowed. INDY-1468
Trust anchor permissions are not needed for ledger writes. INDY-1528
Known Issue: Docker pool can't be built because of new python3-indy-crypto in sdk repo. The problem described in INDY-1517 will be fixed in the next release of indy-node. Workaround for this problem is to add python3-indy-crypto=0.4.1 to the list of packages to be installed. INDY-1517
Known Issue: Upgrade failed on pool from 1.3.62 to 1.4.66. Note that INDY-1447 was fixed in indy-node 1.5.68, but it still presents in indy-node 1.3.62 and 1.4.66 code. So, some of the nodes may not to be upgraded during simultaneous pool-upgrade. If this problem will appear, stewards should perform manual upgrade of indy-node in accordance with this instruction:(!) To reduce the risk of reproducing INDY-1447, it is recommended to use old CLI for pool upgrade. INDY-1447

Upgrade Scripts:

Pool upgrade from indy-node 1.3.62 to indy-node 1.6.70 should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to txn format changes.

Additional Information:

All indy-cli pools should be recreated with actual genesis files.

For more details about txn format changes see INDY-1421 .

Release 1.5.68

13 Jun 14:35
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Release date: Jul 27th, 2018

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.5.48
indy-anoncreds 1.0.11
indy-node 1.5.68

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Fixed and issue where logs were appearing in the old CLI. INDY-1471
Fixed an issue where there were numerous blacklists under high loads. INDY-1461
Fixed an issue where the pool stopped writing after 1114k txns (different view_no). INDY-1460
Fixed an issue where the "AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute 'request' during load"; was appearing. INDY-1464
Fixed an issue where the validator-info was reading an empty file. INDY-1406
Fixed an issue where validator-info -v --json wasn't producing valid JSON. INDY-1443
Fixed an issue where the first Pre-Prepare message had incorrect state trie root right after view_change (on master replica). INDY-1459
Fixed an issue where the pool could not order transactions because Node set incorrect watermarks after its restart. INDY-1455
Fixed an issue where the pool stopped working due to several incomplete view changes. INDY-1454
Fixed an issue where the node crashes on _remove_stashed_checkpoints. INDY-1427
Fixed an issue where memory was running out during non-completed viewChange process (under load). INDY-1360
Fixed an issue where part of nodes continued ordering txns after incorrect state trie under load. INDY-1422
Fixed an issue where the upgrade failed on pool from 1.3.62 to 1.4.66. INDY-1447
Fixed an issue where a forced upgrade from 1.3.62 -> 1.5.67 without one node in schedule failed. INDY-1519

Changes - Additions - Known Issues

Description Workaround Ticket
Implemented periodic restart of client stack to allow new clients to connect. INDY-1431
Got rid of peersWithoutRemotes. INDY-1467
High Watermark on backup may be reset to 300. INDY-1462
We now allow optional field in node-to-node and client-to-node. INDY-1494
Catchup during view change may last forever under the load. INDY-1463
Propagate Primary mode should not be set for already started view change. INDY-1458
Catchup needs to be finished during high load. INDY-1450
Included reviewed logging strings in Indy. INDY-1416
Added benchmark performance impact of recorder tool. INDY-1483
Decreased the amount of logging with INFO level. INDY-1311
Made it so that throughput measurements in monitor should are windowed. INDY-1435
Limited the number of requested PROPAGATES in MessageRequests. INDY-1386
Made it so that any client requests during view change are not processed. INDY-1453
Made it so that a node must send LEDGER_STATUS with correct last ordered 3PC after catch-up. INDY-1452
Fixed calculation of prepared certificates during View Change. INDY-1385
Made it so that catchup should not be interrupted by external events. INDY-1404
Known Issue: Upgrade failed on pool from 1.3.62 to 1.4.66. Note that INDY-1447 was fixed in indy-node 1.5.68, but it still presents in indy-node 1.3.62 and 1.4.66 code. So, some of the nodes may not to be upgraded during simultaneous pool-upgrade. If this problem will appear, stewards should perform manual upgrade of indy-node in accordance with this instruction: (!) To reduce the risk of reproducing INDY-1447, it is recommended to use old CLI for pool upgrade. INDY-1447

Upgrade Scripts:

Pool upgrade from indy-node 1.3.62 should be performed simultaneously for all nodes due to txn format changes.

Additional Information:

All indy-cli pools should be recreated with actual genesis files.
For more details about txn format changes see INDY-1421.