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The HTTP plugin as a standalone package.


import { http } from "@hyrious/esbuild-plugin-http";
import { build } from "esbuild";

  entryPoints: ["main.js"],
  bundle: true,
  plugins: [http()],
}).catch(() => process.exit(1));

Or, with @hyrious/esbuild-dev:

$ esbuild-dev -p:@hyrious/esbuild-plugin-http main.ts


  filter: (url) => true,
  agent: null,
  schemes: {},
  cache: new Map(),
  onfetch: (url) => void 0,
  fetchOptions: {},
  onload: () => void 0,
  • filter {RegExp|Function} Filter in URLs to be handled by this plugin. If the regex does not match, or the function returns false, the URL will be ignored.
  • agent {Object} The agent to use for HTTP requests.
  • schemes {Object} A map of custom schemes for shorter URL. For example, if you set it as { unpkg: '' }, then import "unpkg:react" will be resolved to More details see schemes.
  • cache {Map⟨String,String|Uint8Array⟩} A map of url -> contents which can be reused during incremental or watch builds.
  • onfetch {Function} A callback function that will be called before fetching each URL.
  • fetchOptions {Object} Options passed to make-fetch-happen.
  • onload {Function} A callback function to customize the onLoad hooks of esbuild.


You can use hpagent to apply http_proxy in your environment:

import { HttpProxyAgent } from "hpagent";

  agent: new HttpProxyAgent({ proxy: process.env.http_proxy }),

Or, use global-agent to configure a global proxy for all requests.


The custom schemes works by replacing prefixes in the import path, for example:

const schemes = {
  unpkg: "", // <- trailing '/'

is equivalent to:

let url = args.path;
if (args.path.startsWith("unpkg:")) {
  url = "" + args.path.slice("unpkg:".length);

Note that search params will be preserved to the end of the url, which means you can write this instead:

const schemes = {
  unpkg: "",

This package includes some common schemes but does not use them by default, you can import them when needed:

import { http, default_schemes } from "@hyrious/esbuild-plugin-http";

// => {
//   unpkg: '',
//   jsdelivr: '',
//   esm: ''
// }

  schemes: default_schemes,


By default this plugin does not cache any requests, esbuild does cache contents for the same resource path, so it won't request the same url more than once during one build.

If you want to do some basic caching during watch builds, you can pass in a map object to the cache option:

let cacheMap = new Map();
// cacheMap stores { url => contents }, you can easily persist it in file system

  cache: cacheMap,

// in another build...
// create a new plugin instance with the same cache
  cache: cacheMap,

A bit more details: the keys of the cache map is the url that are not resolved, which means if you're importing "", the key will just be "" instead of something like "".

The schemes transformation is done before the cache lookup, so the following URLs share the same cache:

import "esm:react";
import "";

Custom Loader

By default this plugin uses loader: "default" in the onLoad hooks of esbuild, which means it relies on the url to have a correct file extension to determine the loader. If you want to use a custom loader, you can either use the loader option in esbuild for static extensions, or use the onload option in this plugin to handle it by yourself.

  onload(url, contents) {
    if (!extname(url) && is_env_node(contents)) {
      return { contents, loader: 'js' }

function is_env_node(a) {
  if (typeof a === 'string')
    return a.startsWith('#!/usr/bin/env node')
  if ( === '[object Uint8Array]') 
    return is_env_node(new TextDecoder().decode(a.subarray(0, 20)))


Run npm link at the root of this repo to create a symlink in your global node_modules. This way, you can directly import this package from a global module (like the esbuild-dev usage mentioned above).

When you're done, run npm r -g @hyrious/esbuild-plugin-http to remove it from the global node_modules.



Add fetchOptions and onload options.


Use make-fetch-happen to make HTTP cache happy.


MIT @ hyrious


Bundle http(s) resources on-the-fly






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