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Open and close <dialog> modals based on the URL hash value. A vanilla JavaScript library for all browsers and frameworks. Demo



Assume a webpage with the following anchor elements.

<a href="#1">#1</a>
<a href="#2">#2</a>

The dialog will be opened if

  1. The page is initially loaded with the hash of #1 or #2.
  2. Hash change is triggered (e.g. clicking <a href="#1">).

The dialog will be not open if

  • The page is requested with #3, since there are no <a> elements with the href value of #3. The URL hash is trimmed as well.

The dialog will be closed if

  1. The Escape key is pressed (browser default).
  2. dialog.close() is called using JavaScript.

When the dialog is closed

  1. Hash is removed from the current URL using history.pushState().
  2. Corresponding <a> element is focused for keyboard accessibility.

When the dialog is opened/closed

  • The <body> can have its overflow automatically set to hidden/visible to remove scroll from the <body>. Reference options.


Import from jsDelivr - Vanilla JavaScript example

<a href="#1">#1</a>
<a href="#2">#2</a>


<script type="module">
  import { controlDialogWithUrlHash } from 'cdn-of-choice';

  // Select the dialog element.
  const dialog = document.querySelector('dialog');

  const updateDialogContent = () =>
    (dialog.textContent = `Current hash is '${window.location.hash}'`);

  updateDialogContent(); // Update the dialog content on initial load.

  // Dynamically update the dialog content based on the URL hash change.
  window.addEventListener('hashchange', updateDialogContent);

  // Pass the dialog element to the imported function.
  const { removeEventListeners } = controlDialogWithUrlHash(dialog, 'auto');

  // Remove all event listeners when needed.
  // - window.removeEventListener('hashchange', updateDialogContent);
  // - removeEventListeners();

Install from npm - Node.js and SvelteKit example

  import { page } from '$app/stores';
  import { controlDialogWithUrlHash } from 'hash-dialog-modal';

  /** @type {import('svelte/action').Action<HTMLDialogElement>} */
  const controlWithHash = (dialog) => {
    const { removeEventListeners } = controlDialogWithUrlHash(dialog, 'auto');
    return { destroy: removeEventListeners };

<a href="#1">#1</a>
<a href="#2">#2</a>

<!-- Requires @sveltejs/kit@1.22.0+ -->
<dialog use:controlWithHash>Current hash is {$page.url.hash}</dialog>


export declare const controlDialogWithUrlHash: (
  dialog: HTMLDialogElement,
  overflow: 'auto' | 'manual', // sets the overflow style of the <body>
  options?: Partial<{
    onHashRemoval: () => void; // runs on dialog close and hash removal
) => {
  removeEventListeners: () => void; // removes all event listeners


What overflow auto is recommended.

// Remove scroll from the <body> when the <dialog> is opened as a modal.
if (overflow === 'auto') = 'hidden'; // handleHash
if (overflow === 'auto') = 'visible'; // closeDialog

Why onHashRemoval callback should be provided.

window.history.pushState(null, '', ' '); // Does not trigger on:hashchange event.
options.onHashRemoval?.(); // Therefore, the callback should be manually provided.