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Install Nix

Only two dev tools are required: git to clone the sources from GitHub and nix. Please see the appropriate installation instructions from

Then, run the following command that will download all dev tools (the first time) and open a shell with all dev tools installed:

$ nix-shell

Enable HTTPS support

Run the following commands:

$ mkcert -install
$ mkcert localhost ::1
$ mv localhost+1.pem ./secrets/cert.pem
$ mv localhost+1-key.pem ./secrets/key.pem

Warning: ~/.local/share/mkcert/rootCA-key.pem file that mkcert automatically generates gives complete power to intercept secure requests from your machine. Do not share it.

Start the dev Docker container

# build and watch the Go sources
$ make start
# Build and watch the CSS and Javascript
$ make watch
# Then, access https://localhost:8443


Mike-sierra-sierra uses SQLite to persist data. The database file is located at ./database/file/mike.db You must create the database file yourself and run the ./database/schema/install.sql script on it in order to create the DB tables.

First-time registration

Upon first starting the container, go to https://localhost:8443/first-time-registration to register your admin user.

Go commands

# Run unit tests
$ make test-go
# Run golint
$ make lint-go
# Generate html test coverage
$ make coverage-go-html

NPM commands

# Install npm dependencies
$ npm install 
# Build and minify the CSS and Javascript (for production)
$ npm run build
# Run unit tests
$ npm test
# Display text test coverage
$ npm test -- --coverage
# Build and watch (for development)
$ make watch


Add music files to the dev Docker image

# Run an alpine container with bind-mount to a folder where you have music (on your host). Replace <my-user> in the command
$ docker run -it --rm -v /home/<my-user>/Music:/source -v mike_music:/dest alpine ash
[container]$ cp /source/*.mp3 dest

Build the production Docker image

# Build the image
$ make build-docker-image
# Run goss tests on the built image to ensure everything keeps working
$ make dgoss-ci

How to edit the goss.yaml file interactively

# It will run the container with goss and goss.yaml inside. --user allows you to edit the goss.yaml file.
# The env variable disables HTTPS (otherwise you need to provide valid cert and key)
$ dgoss edit -e MIKE_DISABLE_HTTPS=1 --user=$(id -u) hyzual/mike-sierra-sierra
# Once in the container, you can run goss commands
[container]$ goss autoadd

Run stylelint

$ npm run stylelint -- ./styles
# To automatically fix problems
$ npm run stylelint -- --fix ./styles

Run eslint

$ npm run eslint -- .
# To automatically fix problems
$ npm run eslint -- --fix .

Run prettier

# To automatically format HTML templates, Typescript files and CSS assets
$ npm run prettier -- --write ./templates ./scripts ./styles