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GPUGems2 Demo: Sorting on the GPU


Windows: run Sort.exe
Linux:   run Sort_Linux

The first argument is the power-of-2 field size to sort (default 8).
The second argument is whether to sort floating point keys (default 0).

Now press <1>,<2> or <3> to select a sorting algorithm. The program generates
an inverse sorted sequence. Now step through the sorting stages and passes
with <space> or complete the sorting sequence with <return>. For illustration
on how values are moved around, you can insert zero and one values at random
positions using <m>. Also check out <r>,<s> and <i> for the canonical border
cases. The current field that is displayed can also be dumped to stdout with
<d>. Finally check the sorting performance of your GPU by pressing <p>. This
will do 100 full sorts of the field and report the obtained sorting rate.

Have fun !

Compiling the source:

Windows: use the VisualStudio solution file GPUGems.sln
Linux:   use the provided Makefile

You'll need a working OpenGL installation. Other libraries should already be
present in the Windows/Linux subdirectories.

More info:

Read the original paper: 

Peter Kipfer and Mark Segal and Rüdiger Westermann, "UberFlow: A GPU-Based
Particle Engine", Graphics Hardware 2004 Eurographics Symposium Proceedings,
2004, pages 115-122

Check for more GPGPU stuff:


Peter Kipfer
Computer Graphics & Visualization
Technische Universität München