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Editing the grid

The following is an explanation of the grid creating functions.

When the Pre-processor is active, grids can be created by using the menu in [Grid] (G). The following manipulations are possible: - [Edit] - [Delete]

[Edit] has the following three functions:

  • Edits the node coordinates
  • Edits the node attributes
  • Edits the cell attributes

These editing manipulations are carried out as follows:

  1. In [Object Browser], select [Grid].
  2. Select the node you want to edit.
  3. Edit the coordinates or attributes of the selected node.

Regarding 1. and 3., refer to sec_grid_edit_node_coordinates to sec_grid_edit_cell_atts. Regarding 2., the operation is common, so refer to sec_grid_edit_select_node.

Regarding the import and export of a grid, refer to sec_file_import_grid and sec_file_export_grid respectively.

02_01_select_node 02_02_edit_node_coordinates 02_03_edit_node_attributes 02_04_edit_cell_attributes 02_05_edit_boundary_conds 02_06_delete 02_07_display_settings