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37 lines (26 loc) · 1.11 KB


File metadata and controls

37 lines (26 loc) · 1.11 KB

Creating a README file

Creates a text file that explains the abstract of the grid generating program.

Creates a text file with name "README" in the folder you created in create_gridgen_folder. Save the file with UTF-8 encoding.

You should create the README file with the file names like below. When the language-specific README file does not exists, "README" file (in English) will be used.

  • English: "README"
  • Japanese: "README_ja_JP"

The postfix (ex. "ja_JP") is the same to that for dictionary files created in how_to_setup_dictionary_gridgen.

The content of "README" will be shown in "Description" area on the [Select Grid Creating Algorithm] dialog. When you created "README", opens the [Select Grid Creating Algorithm] dialog, and check whether the content is shown on that dialog.

screenshot_for_readme_gridgen shows an example of the [Select Grid Creating Algorithm] dialog.

The [Select Grid Creating Algorithm] dialogThe [Select Grid Creating Algorithm] dialog