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eCharge is a sample application to evaluate some libraries and techniques. Main focus was building a microservice environment based on .Net Core with EventFlow as the core for event sourcing and CQRS and MithrilJS as the frontend library for a single page application.

The idea behind

Target of this application is following scenario:

Users have electric cars. They travel around the world and - as it is the point with electric cars - have to charge them now and then. They can charge their cars at locations owned by other users inviting them to consume charges at their location.

To be more precise:


  • Locations are owned by users
  • Locations have a name
  • Locations have an address
  • Locations have a latitude
  • Locations have a longitude
  • Locations have a price per kw
  • Locations have allowed consumers (users) assigned
  • Location owners can invite users by their email address


  • Cars are owned by users
  • Cars have a name
  • Cars have a maximum battery capacity in kw


  • Charges are done by a user
  • Charges are done at a location for a certain price per kw (keep in mind: location owners can change the price)
  • Charges are done for a car with a certain battery capacity at this time (keep in mind: batteries can be replaced with better ones)
  • Charges are done at a date and time
  • Charges are starting at a percentage
  • Charges are stopped at a percentage
  • Charges can be cleared

Stuff used

  • EventFlow (obviously)
  • AutoMapper (all the way through... I simply cannot live without this library)
  • AutoFac (same as with AutoMapper)
  • Entity Framework Core (including how to use migrations alongside with EventFlow) with PostgreSQL
  • FluentValidation
  • MithrilJS

How to get things running

First of all - there isn't ONE app to run but four of them. The solution exists of four runnable applications:

  • The frontend (as a MithrilJS single page application)
  • A microservice for locations
  • A microservice for cars
  • A microservice for charges

All of them have to run at once. So - if you run it locally without any custom hostnames - remind that it all runs as localhost with different ports.


  1. Ensure to have an account at Auth0 . Create an application there or use one of your existing ones.
  2. Ensure to have an Account at SendGrid .
  3. Ensure to have a PostgreSQL server up and running.
    1. Create a database for "locations" microservice
    2. Create a database for "cars" microservice
    3. Create a database for "charges" microservice
  4. cd into the directory src/eCharge.Public.Frontend and run npm install
  5. Modify the app settings according to your needs by either directly editing appsettings.json or creating your own appsettings.Development.json (given, your dotnet environment is named "Development")
    1. src/eCharge.Public.Frontend/appsettings.json
      • "Application:Frontend": the full qualified uri to your frontend (e.g. "http://localhost:5000")
      • "Application:Api:Locations": the full qualified uri to the "locations" microservice (e.g. "http://localhost:5001")
      • "Application:Api:Cars": the full qualified uri to the "cars" microservice (e.g. "http://localhost:5002")
      • "Application:Api:Charges": the full qualified uri to the "charges" microservice (e.g. "http://localhost:5003")
    2. src/eCharge.Services.Locations.Public.Api/appsettings.json, src/eCharge.Services.Cars.Public.Api/appsettings.json and src/eCharge.Services.Charges.Public.Api/appsettings.json
      • "SendGrid:ApiKey": your api key at SendGrid
      • "SendGrid:SenderAddress": email address to use as sender
      • "SendGrid:SenderName": display name to use as sender
      • "Database:ConnectionStrings:Locations": database connection string to use with EF Core and PostgreSQL
      • "Auth0:Authority": Authority setting for Auth0 authentication
      • "Auth0:Audience": Audience setting for Auth0 authentication
      • "Application:Frontend": the full qualified uri to your frontend (e.g. "http://localhost:5000")
      • "Application:Api:Locations": the full qualified uri to the "locations" microservice (e.g. "http://localhost:5001")
      • "Application:Api:Cars": the full qualified uri to the "cars" microservice (e.g. "http://localhost:5002")
      • "Application:Api:Charges": the full qualified uri to the "charges" microservice (e.g. "http://localhost:5003")
  6. cd into the root directory where the .sln file is located and create the database tables:
    1. dotnet ef database update --startup-project ./src/eCharge.Services.Locations.Public.Api --project ./src/eCharge.Services.Locations.Domain
    2. dotnet ef database update --startup-project ./src/eCharge.Services.Cars.Public.Api --project ./src/eCharge.Services.Cars.Domain
    3. dotnet ef database update --startup-project ./src/eCharge.Services.Charges.Public.Api --project ./src/eCharge.Services.Charges.Domain


Depending on your environment either start the apps with dotnet run or some direct debug option from within your IDE. Make sure that the apps are started with the urls as you have set them in your app settings.

Some final words

The code is not guaranteed to be perfect or even close to this. I do not provide any warranty or such. Building this stuff helped me to understand the two main libraries to evaluate - named MithrilJS and EventFlow. The idea is that it might help others as well.

Splitting cars, locations and charges into separate microservices might appear overcomplicated and unneccessary - I know. The reason behind this decision is a simple one - I also had been evaluating the usage of kubernetes as the hosting environment for multiple microservices.

In case of questions or feedback: head over to the EventFlow Gitter Channel. Please note, that it might take me a while to respond - well, I got a job on my own as everyone else :-)