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File metadata and controls

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Developer Setup Guide


To run this project, you'll need the following installed:

  • Docker - For building and running containers
  • Docker Compose - For managing multiple containers
  • Python 3.11 - For intellisense and linting (not explicitly needed to run the project due to docker, but recommended for development)
  • pip - For installing poetry
  • poetry - For managing python packages
  • Make - For running commands in the Makefile

If you don't have this python version, we'd recommend using pyenv to manage your python versions.

Installing packages

Currently, we use poetry to manage our python packages. The list of poetry groups and python packages we install can be found here in pyproject.toml.

Run the following to install the packages into a virtual environment poetry will create.

poetry install

Setting environment variables

We use .env files to populate the environment variables for local development. When cloning the repository the files .env.test, .env.django, .env.integration and .env.example will be populated.

To run the project, create a new file called .env and populate this file with the setting names from .env.example and the values these settings need.

Typically this involves setting the following variables:

  • ANTHROPIC_API_KEY - Anthropic API key

.env is in .gitignore and should not be committed to git

Other dependencies (for Document Ingestion and OCR)

You will need to install poppler and tesseract to run the worker

  • brew install poppler
  • brew install tesseract

Building and running the project

To view all the build commands, check the Makefile that can be found here.

The project currently consists of multiple docker images needed to run the project in its entirety. If you only need a subsection of the project running, for example if you're only editing the django app, you can run a subset of the images. The images currently in the project are:

  • elasticsearch
  • kibana
  • worker
  • minio
  • redis
  • core-api
  • db
  • django-app

To build the images needed to run the project, use this command:

make build


docker compose build

Once those images have built, you can run them using:

make run


docker compose up

Some parts of the project can be run independently for development, for example the django application, which can be run with:

docker compose up django-app

For any other commands available, check the Makefile here.

How to run tests

Tests are split into different commands based on the application the tests are for. For each application there is a separate make command to run those tests, these are:

For the django app:

make test-django

For the core API:

make test-core-api

For the worker:

make test-worker

For integration tests:

make test-integration

Pre-commit hooks

  • Download and install pre-commit to benefit from pre-commit hooks
    • pip install pre-commit
    • pre-commit install

LLM evaluation

Notebooks with some standard methods to evaluate the LLM can be found in the notebooks/ directory.

You may want to evaluate using versioned datasets in conjunction with a snapshot of the pre-embedded vector store.

We use elasticsearch-dump to save and load bulk data from the vector store.

Installing Node and elasticsearch-dump

Install Node and npm (Node package manager) if you don't already have them. We recommend using nvm (Node version manager) to do this.

If you're familiar with Node or use it regularly we recommend following your own processes or the tools' documentation. We endeavour to provide a quickstart here which will install nvm, Node, npm and elasticsearch-dump globally. This is generally not good practise.

To install nvm:

curl -o- | bash

Restart your terminal.

Install Node.

nvm install node
nvm use --lts

Verify installation.

node --version

Install elasticsearch-dump globally.

npm install elasticdump -g

Dumping data from Elasticsearch

The default indices we want are:

  • redbox-data-file
  • redbox-data-chunk

Dump these to data/elastic-dumps/ for saving or sharing.

elasticdump \
  --input=http://localhost:9200/redbox-data-file \
  --output=./data/elastic-dumps/redbox-data-file.json \
elasticdump \
  --input=http://localhost:9200/redbox-data-chunk \
  --output=./data/elastic-dumps/redbox-data-chunk.json \

Loading data to Elasticsearch

If you've been provided with a dump from the vector store, add it to data/elastic-dumps/. The below assumes the existance of redbox-data-file.json and redbox-data-chunk.json in that directory.

Consider dumping your existing indices if you don't want to have to reembed data you're working on.

Start the Elasticsearch service.

docker compose up -d elasticsearch

Load data from your JSONs, or your own file.

elasticdump \
  --input=./data/elastic-dumps/redbox-data-file.json \
  --output=http://localhost:9200/redbox-data-file \
elasticdump \
  --input=./data/elastic-dumps/redbox-data-chunk.json \
  --output=http://localhost:9200/redbox-data-chunk \

If you're using this index in the frontend, you may want to upload the raw files to MinIO, though that's out of scope for this guide.