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Repository files navigation

Create a config.ts file with a following content in the project directory:

    export const capeRepo = {
        owner: '',                    // the owner of the cape repository
        repo: '',                    // the name of the cape repository
        path: '',                    // the path to the capes.json file
        branch: '',                  // the branch of the capes.json file

    export const defaultRepo = {
        owner: '',              // owner of repo to look up issues and pull requests by default
        repo: '',               // repository name to look up issues and pull requests by default

Then add these variables in your process enviroment, or your .env file:

    TOKEN="discord bot token"
    BOT_ID="discord bot id"
    GITHUB_TOKEN="github token with repository access"

You can then run the bot by executing:

    yarn dev                             # for yarn
    npm run build && npm run run         # for npm

Notes for Contributing
When writing commit messages, use the Conventional Commits[1] format.
Lint and format your code using eslint[2] and editorconfig[3] before committing.

Licensed under The Unlicense.
