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Quick Start

Table of Contents

  1. Install
  2. Access Function API
    Importing i18n.js in the Project Entry File
    Wrap with t Translation Text
  3. Initialize Command Line Configuration File
  4. Adjust i18nrc.js Configuration
  5. Execute Translation Command
  6. Importing Language Pack
  7. Switch Language
  8. Demo

1. Install

npm i i18n-pro
# or
yarn add i18n-pro
# or
pnpm i i18n-pro

2. Access Function API


// i18n.js
import { initI18n } from 'i18n-pro'

const {
} = initI18n({
  // The namespace attribute must be configured
  namespace: 'testI18N',

// Here, API can be mounted on the global object to avoid the need for different modules to import API
// Note: If you are currently using  i18n-pro in a standalone third-party library or component, it is not recommended to do so as it may cause naming conflicts with your users' API
// Browser environment, note: if it is  Node  environment, you need to replace  window  with  global 
window.t = t
window.setI18n = setI18n
window.withI18n = withI18n

// If API is not mounted on the global object, it needs to be exported so that other modules can use the corresponding API
return {

Importing i18n.js in the Project Entry File

 // App.js
 import './i18n.js'

 // The subsequent execution (rendering) logic of the application

Wrap with t Translation Text

This step mainly wraps the text to be translated with the t function

/** test.js in the same directory */
// If it is mount API to the global object, you can omit the downward code
import { t } from './i18n.js'

// The text to be translated
const text = t('hello world')

3. Initialize Command Line Configuration File

Enter the following command at the command line terminal, more commands

npx i18n init 

After the command execution is successful, a i18nrc.js file will be generated in the current directory. The default configuration will be as follows:

const { join } = require('path')

module.exports = {
  funcName: 't',
  entry: join(__dirname, './src/'),
  fileRegExp: /\.[jt]s$/,
  // input: 'src/**/*.{js,ts}',
  output: {
    path: join(__dirname, './i18n/'),
  translator: 'googlex',
  googlexConfig: {
    from: 'en',
    to: ['zh-CN', 'ja'],
    codeLocaleMap: {
      'zh-CN': 'zh',
    // proxy: '',

4. Adjust i18nrc.js Configuration

Adjust the configuration items in the configuration file according to the requirements, Description of configuration items

5. Execute Translation Command

npx i18n t 

If the command is executed successfully, the language pack file will be generated in the specified directory

Under the default configuration, the generated language package is the form of each language separate document (output.langType == 'multiple'), which will generate 2 language pack: zh.json and ja.json

// zh.json
  "hello world": "你好世界"

// ja.json
  "hello world": "こんにちは世界"

If the generated language pack is a polymerization form (output.langType == 'single'), it will generate 1 language package: langs.json

// langs.json
  "zh": {
    "hello world": "你好世界"
  "ja": {
    "hello world": "こんにちは世界"

6. Importing Language Pack

The language pack already exists, so it needs to be applied to the project

If the generated language pack is a separate file form (output.langType == 'multiple') for each language, the operation is as follows:

import zh from './i18n/zh.json'
import ja from './i18n/ja.json'
// ... More languages

  locale: 'en',
    // ... More languages
// The application page rendering logic is later

If the generated language pack is in the form of aggregation (output.langType == 'single'), the operation is as follows:

import langs from './i18n/langs.json'

  locale: 'en',
// The application page rendering logic is later

At this point, the project has been completely connected to internationalization. The above locale specifies any of the target language, and the translated content can be seen on the page. If there are new Translation Text (need to be wrapped with t function) in the subsequent project, you only need to execute the translation command npx i18n t again to generate the latest language package

7. Switch Language

Normally, just execute the following method, but the content already rendered on the page will not be updated until the t function corresponding to the text is executed again, which may display the text corresponding to the new language

  locale: 'en', // Set the specified language

If this library is used directly in a frontend application, when switching languages on the page, only the entire page can see the translated effect through refresh directly. A version of ReactVueSolidJSSvelte related UI library will be released later, which can achieve switching languages without refreshing the page by combining with the characteristics of the corresponding library. Stay tuned

8. Demo

Real code examples can be found in the Live Demo section of the README documentation, and the console output of the current library Command Line Tool has also been internationalized

You can see the Chinese version by executing the command npx i18n h -L zh demo