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vutils-python: Python Language Tools

This package provides a set of tools to deal with tasks related to Python language environment, like copying data to or from objects, importing, object analysis etc.


To get vutils-python, just type

$ pip install vutils-python

How To Use

Functions and classes provided by vutils-python can be accessed by importing following submodules:

  • vutils.python.objects

Each of these submodules is described in the following subsections.

Objects Manipulation

Functions and classes that deals with Python objects, defined in vutils.python.objects submodule, are

  • merge_data(dest, src) merges data from src to dest. src and dest must be of the same type. Examples:
    src = [1, 2, 3]
    dest = [1, 2]
    merge_data(dest, src)
    # dest will be [1, 2, 1, 2, 3]
    src = {1, 2, 3}
    dest = {2, 4}
    merge_data(dest, src)
    # dest will be {1, 2, 3, 4}
    src = {"a": "bc", 1: 2}
    dest = {1: "a", "b": "c"}
    merge_data(dest, src)
    # dest will be {1: 2, "a": "bc", "b": "c"}
    merge_data({}, [1])  # TypeError
  • ensure_key(mapping, key, default) ensures mapping has a key of the same type a default. If key is not in mapping, store default to mapping under it.
  • ensure_no_key(mapping, key) ensures key is not present in mapping.
  • flatten(obj) flattens obj recursively if it is list or tuple.