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vutils-yaml: Working with YAML Format

This package provides tools for loading data from and saving data to the YAML format. Features:

  • It annotates data while loading them from the YAML format. Every object returned by vutils.yaml.load.load_yaml has information about its origin. This is useful when reporting errors.


  • Due to the annotating data, this packages is not suitable for loading YAML formatted data containing thousands and hundreds of thousands items. For such amounts of data use PyYAML or other YAML parser since it is supposed that large data sets are usually machine-generated and consistent so further verification is not required.
  • When used for the first time, vutils.yaml.utils.keyloc function builds a mapping between dict keys and their locations. This can be a bottle-neck for large dictionaries.

Due to the limitations, this package is suitable for parsing human-written configurations in YAML format containing at most hundreds of items.


pip install vutils-yaml

How to Use

Topic covered in this short guide is:

  • loading annotated YAML data
  • API reference

Loading Annotated YAML Data

To load YAML data with annotations, use the load_yaml function from vutils.yaml.load. Example:

from vutils.yaml.load import load_yaml
from vutils.yaml.utils import is_null, keyloc

stream = """
    - apple
    - banana
    - orange
    - potato
    - tomato
    - carrot
  meat: null

data = load_yaml(stream)
food = data["food"]
# `if food["meat"] is None` will not work, `null` is converted to `NullType`
# object to be annotated
if is_null(food["meat"]):
    # `keyloc` retrieves the annotated key object from `food` and return its
    # location
    print(f"{keyloc(food, 'meat')}: At least one kind of meat is required.")

Observe the testing if the value is null and the retrieving the meat key location to inform a user where the problem with his/her data is.

API Reference

Module vutils.yaml.load provide these functions:

  • load_yaml(stream) loads YAML data from stream and annotates them. stream can be str, bytes, or a file-like object supporting read.

Module vutils.yaml.utils provide these functions:

  • getloc(obj) retrieves the location of obj
  • keyloc(obj, kobj) retrieves the location of kobj, which is a key of dict-like object obj.
  • is_null(obj) tests whether obj is null.
  • is_bool(obj) tests whether obj is of the Boolean type.