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iPowerShellSmbios assembly

PowerShellSmbios.CmdLets namespace

public type description
class GetSmbiosAvailableStructuresCmdlet Returns a collection of elements where each element represents an available SMBIOS structure.
class GetSmbiosImplementedPropertiesCmdlet Returns a collection of elements where each element represents an implemented property for given strucutre class.
class GetSmbiosLocatePropertyCmdlet Returns a value that contains the location or locations of the SMBIOS property by its name.
class GetSmbiosPropertyCmdlet Returns a reference that contains the information associated with the given property such as the key that identifies the property and its value.
class GetSmbiosPropertyDetailCmdlet Returns a reference that contains the complete data of the given property, includes its name, value, unit in which the property is expressed, description and structure class to which it belongs.
class GetSmbiosVersionCmdlet Returns a value that contains the SMBIOS version of the system.

PowerShellSmbios.CmdLets.Results namespace

public type description
class PropertyDefinitionResult Class that defines the location of a SMBIOS property.
class PropertyDetailResult Class that defines the detail of a SMBIOS property.
class StructureResult Class that defines the a SMBIOS structure.