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User Guide

ExtraRandom edited this page Jun 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

User Guide

For Idiotech's Discord Bot

Command syntax

Every command starts with !, then comes the main command. Some commands can also have subcommands. After that, use arguments, if the commands wants some from you.

Final command with subcommand and argument then looks like !command subcommand MyArgument


Whenever you are lost and don't want to open this guide, use !help command or !help command subcommand!

Command categories

Category Description
General Informational links and general commands like !time
Games Center for community games and various games-related commands
Giveaways Category that handles giveaways on #giveaways channel
Stats For all statistics (not much is being tracked, don't worry
Versioning Information about bot's version and changes



Shows local time in San Francisco, New York, London and Sydney (in that order).


Subcommand Result
advanced Shows UTC positions next to local times
ny Shows only New York and it's UTC position
sydney Shows only Sydney and it's UTC position
perth Shows only Perth and it's UTC position
sf Shows only San Francisco and it's UTC position
london Shows only London and it's UTC position

!github, !reddit, !twitter

These commands show links to this bot's github, /r/idiotechgaming and Idiotech's twitter.


Links to Idiotech's twitch channel. If stream is online, shows number of viewers and game played, else it will state that the stream is offline.


Links to latest video uploaded by Idiotech on YouTube.


Links to Idiotech's Facebook and shows his latest facebook post.


Points everyone in the channel to #rules room.



Lists people currently playing games within the community

Please remember to always close the game after you're done with your gaming session!

Subcommand Arguments Result
open gamename Open a community game
description - Provide a description for your opened community game
close - Close your community game
join gamename Joins a community game
leave - Leaves a community game you were playing

If I wanted to get an Overwatch group going, I'll use these commands:

!game open Overwatch (EU) - I specified EU, because I want it to be clear on first glance to other people.

!game description Add me on (iScrE4m#2299) and whisper to me on there!

Now everyone who does !game join Overwatch (EU) will get a PM from the bot: You joined test, here's information by iScrE4m: Add me on (iScrE4m#2299) and whisper to me on there!


Fetches overwatch stats of player with specified battletag on specified region. Please note that battletag is case sensitive!

!overwatch result


List of games and countdown until their releases. Games with staggered release dates will show the latest release date. Game release dates are subject to change at any time.

You can also provide additional argument, the bot will check if any of the games start with the argument you provided and lists only those.

!release result


Checks the availability of Steam's servers. Returns status of Login, Community and Economy servers.



Want to find out how many commands the bot has served (since tracking this begun)? !stats will return the amount of commands served in lifetime and how many have been served since the last bot restart. Usage: !stats

Want to find out how many games have been given away using the bot's Giveaway commands? This command will return the amount of games giveaways hosted in lifetime and since restart. Usage: !stats giveaways


Returns the current version of the bot.


Sends a private message to the user whom called it with the change log for the bot.



Subcommand Arguments Result
open minutes - gamename Prepares a giveaway
code game code/key Enter a game code/key to be sent to the winner
link url Link to the games store page, this will be shared when giveaway is confirmed
description description Add a description for the giveaway, to be shared when giveaway is confirmed
confirm - Confirms and opens the giveaway for entries
enroll gamename Joins a community game
cancel - Cancels your current giveaway if you are hosting one