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A small package to simplify configuration storing and retrieving


Using BetterConfigs is as simple as importing the package, calling a new configuration object, and saving whatever you need to a file.

Example Code

  • Import the package with import betterconfigs
  • Create a configuration file object with objectname = betterconfigs.config(filename) where objectname is a blank variable and filename is the string of the configuration file.
  • You can now set properties using objectname[property]=key. Note you cannot use the property version as this is specific to the configuration file and must not be changed.
import betterconfigs
t = betterconfigs.config('test.config')
t['hello'] = 'world'


With version 0.8 of BetterConfigs, you can now encrypt and decrypt your configuration files on the fly. This is great in the case you need to sync configurations, and don't want them to be available to prying eyes.

To get started, use the encryptFile() function after you've created the config object. This will encrypt all existing configurations in the file, as well as provide you with an encryption key stored in the property encKey. When the configuration object is destroyed, the encKey value is also unloaded from memory, so make sure you save it!

To open an encrypted configuration file, create the object again, and set the encKey value to the same one used to encrypt it previously. Then, just access the configuration as normal, and BetterConfigs handles everything for you.

Finally, to decrypt the file, make sure the encKey value is set correctly, and use the decryptFile() function.