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Section 3. Terraform

File metadata and controls

30 lines (22 loc) · 1.09 KB

Section 3. Terraform State

Terraform State

  • Maps real resources to Terraform config
  • State is stored locally in a file called terraform.tfstate by default
  • Any modification, Terraform refreshes the state file
  • Resource dependency is tracked via the state file
  • Boost deployment performance by caching resource attributes for subsequent use

Terraform State Command

  • terraform state is a utily to manipulate and read terraform.tfstate:
    • manualy remove a resource
    • listing tracked resources
    • advanced state management

Common commands:

  • terraform state list: get all list resources tracked on state file
  • terraform state rm: remove manually a resource form state file
  • terraform state show: get all info from one resource

Local and Remote State Storage

  • By default save state locally
  • Saves state to a remote data source: AWS S3, Google Storage, Azure Blob...
  • Allow share state file between differents teams
  • Allows locking state enable by default, but isn't compatible with all rmeote storage
  • You can share "output" values with other Terraform config or code