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Installation and Setup

The following is a (non-exhaustive) set of instructions for getting setup to run spymicmac on your own machine. Note that this can be an extremely computationally intensive process, so we don't really recommend trying to run this on your personal laptop.

As this is a (non-exhaustive) set of instructions, it may not work 100% with your particular setup. We are happy to try to provide guidance/support, but we make no promises.

Installing MicMac

Detailed installation instructions for MicMac on multiple platforms can be found here, but we've added a short summary to help guide through the process.

First, clone the MicMac repository to a folder on your computer (you can also do this online via github):

/home/bob/software:~$ git clone
/home/bob/software:~$ cd micmac
/home/bob/software/micmac:~$ git fetch
/home/bob/software/micmac:~$ git checkout IncludeALGLIB

This will clone the MicMac git repository to your machine, fetch the remote, and switch to the IncludeALGLIB branch. Check the (or file to install any dependencies, then:

/home/bob/software/micmac:~$ mkdir build && cd build/
/home/bob/software/micmac/build:~$ cmake .. -DWITH_QT5=1 -DWERROR=0 -DWITH_CCACHE=OFF
/home/bob/software/micmac/build:~$ make install -j$n

where $n is the number of cores to compile MicMac with. The compiler flag -DWERROR=0 is needed, as some of the dependencies will throw warnings that will force the compiler to quit with errors if we don't turn it off.

Finally, make sure to add the MicMac bin directory (/home/bob/software/micmac/bin in the above example) to your $PATH environment variable, in order to be able to run MicMac. You can check that all dependencies are installed by running the following:

/home/bob:~$ mm3d CheckDependencies
git revision : v1.0.beta13-844-g21d990533

byte order   : little-endian
address size : 64 bits

micmac directory : [/home/bob/software/micmac/]
auxilary tools directory : [/home/bob/software/micmac/binaire-aux/linux/]

--- Qt enabled : 5.9.5
    library path:  [/home/bob/miniconda3/envs/bobtools/plugins]

make:  found (/usr/bin/make)
exiftool:  found (/usr/bin/exiftool)
exiv2:  found (/usr/bin/exiv2)
convert:  found (/usr/bin/convert)
proj:  found (/usr/bin/proj)
cs2cs:  found (/usr/bin/cs2cs

In a nutshell, the basic idea is: clone the MicMac git repository, then build the source code. Simple!

Installing spymicmac

spymicmac is available in a number of ways - either installing from source or packaged via PyPI or conda-forge.

via PyPI

As of version 0.1, spymicmac is available via PyPI. To install the latest packaged version into your python environment, simply run:

pip install spymicmac

via conda-forge

As of version 0.1.1, spymicmac is available via conda-forge. To install the latest version, run:

conda install -c conda-forge spymicmac

from source

To get started, clone the repository, then navigate to the directory where the repository is downloaded:

git clone

Optional: Preparing a python environment

If you like, you can set up a dedicated python environment for your spymicmac needs. This can be handy, in case any packages required by spymicmac clash with packages in your default environment. Our personal preference is conda, but your preferences may differ.

The git repository has a file, environment.yml, which provides a working environment for spymicmac and conda. Once you have conda installed, simply run:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will create a new conda environment, called spymicmac, which will have all of the various python packages necessary to run spymicmac. To activate the new environment, type:

conda activate spymicmac

And you should be ready to go. Note that you will have to activate this environment any time you wish to run spymicmac scripts and tools, if it is not already activated in your terminal.

Installing via pip

Once you have the environment prepared (or not), run pip from inside the spymicmac directory:

pip install .

Alternatively, you can install a development version, which allows you to make changes to the code (either via git updates or your own tinkering) without having to re-install each time. To install a development version, use the -e option:

pip install -e .

Checking the installation

Assuming that you haven't run into any errors, you should be set up. You can verify this by running:

register_relative -h

From the command line. You should see the following output (or something very similar):

usage: register_relative [-h] [-ort FN_ORTHO] [-ref FN_REF] [-glacmask GLACMASK] [-landmask LANDMASK]
                         [-footprints FOOTPRINTS] [-im_subset IM_SUBSET [IM_SUBSET ...]] [-b BLOCK_NUM] [-ori ORI]
                         [-ortho_res ORTHO_RES] [-imgsource IMGSOURCE] [-density DENSITY] [-no_allfree] [-useortho]
                         dirmec fn_dem

Register a relative DEM or orthoimage to a reference DEM and/or orthorectified image.

positional arguments:
  dirmec                the name of the MEC directory to read the relative DEM from (e.g., MEC-Relative)
  fn_dem                path to reference DEM

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ort FN_ORTHO, --fn_ortho FN_ORTHO
                        path to relative orthoimage (optional)
  -ref FN_REF, --fn_ref FN_REF
                        path to reference orthorectified image (optional)
  -glacmask GLACMASK    path to shapefile of glacier outlines (i.e., an exclusion mask)
  -landmask LANDMASK    path to shapefile of land outlines (i.e., an inclusion mask)
  -footprints FOOTPRINTS
                        path to shapefile of image outlines. If not set, will attempt to download from USGS.
  -im_subset IM_SUBSET [IM_SUBSET ...]
                        subset of raw images to work with (default all)
  -b BLOCK_NUM, --block_num BLOCK_NUM
                        Block number to use if multiple image blocks exist in directory.
  -ori ORI              name of orientation directory (after Ori-) [Relative]
  -ortho_res ORTHO_RES  approx. ground sampling distance (pixel resolution) of ortho image. [8 m]
  -imgsource IMGSOURCE  USGS dataset name for images [DECLASSII]
  -density DENSITY      pixel spacing to look for GCPs [200]
  -no_allfree           run Campari with AllFree set to False
  -useortho             use the orthomosaic in Ortho-{dirmec} rather than the DEM (default: False). If fn_ortho
                        is set, uses that file instead.