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LandslideCore: A Tendermint Subnet on Avalanche

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The Landslide Network is an IBC-enabled Avalanche Subnet which allow any ComsmWasm-based dapp to run natively on Avalanche. This means that dApps like Osmosis (on Osmosis), WYND (on Juno), and Helix (Injective) will be able to run their software stack natively on Avalanche and access new liquidity and new users.

This new Cosmwasm SDK can be used to develop games, AMMs, and other dapps that require high throughput and scalability that are currently unavailable on Cosmos or Terra due to the slow finality of Tendermint consensus.


  • Decrease the finality of transactions on Tendermint from 7-22 seconds to under 1 second.
  • Connect natively to IBC to allow native transfers of all IBC-connected tokens.
  • Take advantage of trading opportunities created by the faster finality times.
  • 99% compatible out-of-the-box with native Cosmos-based SDK.
  • Create a closer collaboration between the three ecosystems of Avalanche, Cosmos, and any IBC-enabled chain.
  • Airdrop tokens to the most amount users on Avalanche, and Cosmos.


The large scale adoption of Tendermint is entirely dependent on Tendermint consensus. While rollups do present a potential soluiton to TPS, they present centralized security risks. With a Tendermint module and Avalanche consensus, now the Cosmos and Terra ecosystems will be able to build entire realm of metaverse, gaming, and trading applications that were formerly impossible to scale.


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Network Characteristics

  • Be accessible via the Terra Station, Keplr, and Core AVAX wallets.
  • Integrate IBC via building an opensource IBC light client on Avalanche.
  • Stock tokens from Mirror will be frozen until the Landslide DAO, or the Foundation, votes to unfreeze these assets (which may or may not occur) based on the legal risk and Foundation policies.
  • Create a custom open source Avalanche-Cosmos SDK merging the Cosmos SDK with the Avalanche SDK.
  • Innovative inflationary network fees are being discussed in addition to the native $AVAX burning mechanism.
  • Fees may be split between being burned (similar to AVAX), and being sent to popular network apps via token holders (similar to Archway).
  • These parameters will be governed by the voting similar to current native Cosmos voting.
  • Require Landslide Validators to be validators on AVAX mainnet.


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  • Go 98.5%
  • Shell 0.5%
  • Python 0.4%
  • Makefile 0.3%
  • Jinja 0.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%