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Design engine

You can provide design themes for your eZ application, with an automatic fallback system using the design engine from the ezplatform-design-engine bundle. It is very similar to the eZ Publish legacy design fallback system.

When you call a given template or asset, the system will look for it in the first configured theme. If it cannot be found, the system will fall back to all other configured themes for your current SiteAccess.

Under the hood, the theming system uses Twig namespaces. As such, Twig is the only supported template engine. For assets, the system uses the Symfony Asset component with asset packages.


  • Theme: A labeled collection of templates and assets.

    Typically a directory containing templates. For example, templates located under app/Resources/views/themes/my_theme or src/AppBundle/Resources/views/themes/my_theme are part of my_theme theme.

!!! caution

After creating a new folder either in `app/Resources/views/themes/` or your bundle's `Resources/views/themes/` directory
you need to clear Symfony cache (`bin/console cache:clear`), even if you are working in the dev environment.
  • Design: A collection of themes.

    The order of themes within a design is important as it defines the fallback order. A design is identified with a name. One design can be used per SiteAccess.

Default designs

By default two designs are included:

admin covers templates for the Back Office. It contains the admin theme.

standard covers the default content rendering templates. It contains the standard theme.

When the ez_platform_standard_design.override_kernel_templates setting is true, the standard theme is automatically mapped to the directory in kernel containing the templates.

    override_kernel_templates: true

!!! caution

If you encounter problems during upgrading, disable the override by setting `override_kernel_templates` to `false`.

The standard design overrides the following Twig templates by prefixing them with the @ezdesign namespace:

  • viewbase_layout.html.twig
  • pagelayout.html.twig
  • default/content/full.html.twig
  • default/content/line.html.twig
  • default/content/text_linked.html.twig
  • default/content/embed.html.twig
  • default/content/embed_image.html.twig
  • default/block/block.html.twig
  • content_fields.html.twig
  • fielddefinition_settings.html.twig

!!! caution

`ez_platform_standard_design.override_kernel_templates` is set to `true` in new installations.
However, when upgrading from older version it will be set to false to avoid overriding existing configuration.


To define and use a design, you need to:

  1. Declare it, with a name and a collection of themes to use
  2. Use it for your SiteAccess

Here is a simple example:

# ezplatform.yml
    # You declare all available designs under "design_list".
        # my_design will be composed of "theme1" and "theme2"
        # "theme1" will be tried first. If a template cannot be found in "theme1", "theme2" will be tried out.
        my_design: [theme1, theme2]

    # ...
            # my_siteaccess will use "my_design"
            design: my_design

!!! note

Default design for a SiteAccess is `standard` which contains no themes.
If you use the `@ezdesign` Twig namespace and/or the `ezdesign` asset package, the system will always fall back to
application level and override directories for templates/assets lookup.

Referencing current design

It is possible to reference current design in order to inject it into a service. To do so, you just need to reference the $design$ dynamic setting:

        class: Foo\Bar
        arguments: ['$design$']

It is also possible to use the ConfigResolver service (ezpublish.config.resolver):

// In a controller
$currentDesign = $this->getConfigResolver->getParameter('design');

Design usage with assets

For assets, a special ezdesign asset package is available.

<script src="{{ asset("js/foo.js", "ezdesign") }}"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset("js/foo.css", "ezdesign") }}" media="screen" />

<img src="{{ asset("images/foo.png", "ezdesign") }}" alt="foo"/>

Using the ezdesign package will resolve current design with theme fallback.

By convention, an asset theme directory can be located in:

  • <bundle_directory>/Resources/public/themes/
  • web/assets/themes/

Typical paths can be for example:

  • <bundle_directory>/Resources/public/themes/foo/ => Assets will be part of the foo theme.
  • <bundle_directory>/Resources/public/themes/bar/ => Assets will be part of the bar theme.
  • web/assets/themes/biz/ => Assets will be part of the biz theme.

It is also possible to use web/assets as a global override directory. If called asset is present directly under this directory, it will always be considered first.

!!! caution

You must have *installed* your assets with `assets:install` command, so that your public resources are
*installed* into the `web/` directory.

Fallback order

The default fallback order is:

  • Application assets directory: web/assets/
  • Application theme directory: web/assets/themes/<theme_name>/
  • Bundle theme directory: web/bundles/<bundle_directory>/themes/<theme_name>/

Calling asset("js/foo.js", "ezdesign") can for example be resolved to web/bundles/app/themes/my_theme/js/foo.js.

Performance and asset resolution

When using themes, paths for assets are resolved at runtime. This is due to how the Symfony Asset component is integrated with Twig. This can cause significant performance impact because of I/O calls when looping over all potential theme directories, especially when using a lot of different designs and themes.

To work around this issue, assets resolution can be provisioned at compilation time. Provisioning is the default behavior in non-debug mode (e.g. prod environment). In debug mode (e.g. dev environment), assets are being resolved at runtime.

This behavior can, however, be controlled by the disable_assets_pre_resolution setting.

# ezplatform_prod.yml
    # Force runtime resolution
    # Default value is '%kernel.debug%'
    disable_assets_pre_resolution: true

Design usage with templates

By convention, a theme directory must be located under <bundle_directory>/Resources/views/themes/ or global app/Resources/views/themes/ directories.

Typical paths can be for example:

  • app/Resources/views/themes/foo/ => Templates will be part of the foo theme.
  • app/Resources/views/themes/bar/ => Templates will be part of the bar theme.
  • src/AppBundle/Resources/views/themes/foo/ => Templates will be part of the footheme.
  • src/Acme/TestBundle/Resources/views/themes/the_best/ => Templates will be part of the_best theme.

In order to use the configured design with templates, you need to use the @ezdesign special Twig namespace.

{# Will load 'some_template.html.twig' directly under one of the specified theme directories #}
{{ include("@ezdesign/some_template.html.twig") }}

{# Will load 'another_template.html.twig', located under 'full/' directory, which is located under one of the specified theme directories #}
{{ include("@ezdesign/full/another_template.html.twig") }}

You can also use @ezdesign notation in your eZ template selection rules:

                        template: '@ezdesign/full/home.html.twig'

!!! tip

You may also use this notation in controllers.

Fallback order

The default fallback order is:

  • Application view directory: app/Resources/views/
  • Application theme directory: app/Resources/views/themes/<theme_name>/
  • Bundle theme directory: src/<bundle_directory>/Resources/views/themes/<theme_name>/

!!! note

Bundle fallback order is the instantiation order in `AppKernel`.

Additional theme paths

In addition to the convention described above, it is also possible to add arbitrary Twig template directories to a theme from configuration. This can be useful when you want to define templates from third-party bundles as part of one of your themes, or when upgrading your application in order to use eZ Platform design engine, when your existing templates are not yet following the convention.

        my_design: [my_theme, some_other_theme]
        # FOSUserBundle templates will be part of "my_theme" theme
            - '%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/Resources/views'

!!! note "Paths precedence"

Directories following the convention will **always** have precedence over the ones defined
in config. This ensures that it is always possible to override a template from the application.

Additional override paths

It is possible to add additional global override directories, similar to app/Resources/views/.

        - '%kernel.root_dir%/another_override_directory'
        - /some/other/directory

!!! note

`app/Resources/views/` will **always** be the top level override directory.

PHPStorm support

@ezdesign Twig namespace is a virtual namespace, and as such is not automatically recognized by the PHPStorm Symfony plugin for goto actions.

EzPlatformDesignEngine will generate a ide-twig.json file which will contain all detected theme paths for templates in your project. It is activated by default in debug mode (%kernel.debug%).

By default, this config file will be stored at your project root (%kernel.root_dir%/..), but you can customize the path if your PHPStorm project root doesn't match your Symfony project root.

!!! note

`ide-twig.json` **must** be stored at your PHPStorm project root.

Default config:

        # Activates PHPStorm support
        enabled: '%kernel.debug%'
        # Path where to store PHPStorm configuration file for additional Twig namespaces (ide-twig.json).
        twig_config_path: '%kernel.root_dir%/..'