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This project explores running IBM Blockchain on IBM Cloud Private.


  • ICP with Dynamic Storage Class provision configured. Eg. GlusterFS
  • Helm client is installed and configured


The deployment will be based on the helm chart from IBM-Blockchain/ibm-container-service

The steps are listed as below:

  1. Clone the original repo ( on a box where helm client is installed.
  2. Update the following file ibm-container-service/helm-charts/ibm-blockchain-chaincode/templates/_helpers.tpl

Add in the following template at the last part of the file,

/* fix the missing template */
{{- define "" -}}
{{- default "ibm-blockchain-network" .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
  1. Deploy the helm charts in the following order
cd ibm-container-service/helm-charts
helm install --name blockchain --set persistence.storageClass=glusterfs-storage ibm-blockchain-network
helm install --name channel  ibm-blockchain-channel
helm install --name chaincode  ibm-blockchain-chaincode
helm install --name composer  ibm-blockchain-composer

Change the storageClass name according to your environment settings

  1. Monitor the deployment Examine the pvc are bound and wait for all the images are pulled, and all the pods are running. In my test environment, it took about 15 minutes to get all the pods running.

Pods for Blockchain

  1. Find out what is the NodePort exposed for the composer playground. For example,
$ kubectl get services | grep blockchain-composer
composer-ibm-blockchain-composer-playground        NodePort    <none>        8080:31080/TCP                                 14d
composer-ibm-blockchain-composer-rest-server       NodePort   <none>        3000:31090/TCP                                 14d

Composer Playground

You can follow the composer playground scenario step by step

Attached are some sample screen captures

  • Trade2 is holding the Commodity trader2
  • History of transactions trader2