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This repository contains:

(1) The ThinkP dataset: a high quality benchmark dataset of key point hierarchies for business and product reviews.
(2) NEW: Code for KPH construction and evaluation.


Information about using the data can be found here.


In order to run this repo, you need a Python Anaconda environment with all the requirements installed:

conda create --name kpa_hierarchy python=3.9
conda activate kpa_hierarchy 
pip install -r requirements.txt

Creating Pairwise Scores:

python --output_path "./out/pairwise_scores.csv"

To generate pairwise scores for the ThinkP dataset, use the script. This will load the ThinkP dataset and convert it to a dataframe with the predicted scores for all the key points pair in each topic. Replace lines 17-19 with your code for computing the pairwise scores: add a column for the dataframe with a unique method name and the scores for each row. The scores for the methods reported in the paper are in eval/pairwise_scores/all_pairwise_scores.csv.


  • gold_path : path to the gold data jsonl, default to the path of ThinkP.
  • output_path: path of csv to save the pairwise scores dataframe.

Evaluating Pairwise scores:

python --output_path "./out/eval_pairwise.csv" --methods APInc NLI BinInc KPA-Match NLI_BinInc_WL

This script runs evaluation over the scores computed in the previous section, and outputs:

  1. the Precision-Recall graphs per domain.
  2. The auc (for recall > 0.1) and best f1 score (using leave-one-topic-out) for choosing the classification threshold for each domain.


  • output_path: path to the output .png file to be saved. The table with the scores will be saved to a csv file in the same path.
  • pairwise_scores_file: path to csv with pairwise scores (defaults to our provided pairwise scores).
  • methods: list of space seperated methods to evaluate, i.e. columns in the dataframe in pairwise_scores_file

Constructing KPH

python --topic "AV6weBrZFFBfRGCbcRGO4g_neg" --viz --output_dir "./out/build_kph/" --pairwise_method "NLI_BinInc_WL" --tree_method "tncf"

Tree construction is performed in two steps: first, computing the pairwise scores for each pair of key points, and then using the pairwise scores to construct the hierarchy. The first step is done in the previous section, resulting in the pairwise scores dataframe. To run kph construction from the pairwise scores, run the script. This script constructs a single KPH, for a given classification threshold, and prints its evaluation measures against the gold data.


  • gold_path: path to the gold data jsonl (default to the path of ThinkP).
  • pairwise_scores_file: path to a csv file with pairwise scores (defaults to our provided pairwise scores).
  • pairwise_methods: the pairwise methods to use, i.e. a column in the dataframe in pairwise_scores_file (default to NLI_BinInc_WL)
  • threshold: the decision threshold for counting two kps as related (default 0.5)
  • topic: the (string) topic id of the business or product to build the kph for
  • output_dir: path to output directory to save a directory with the jsonl file of the hierarchy and .txt for visualization")
  • viz: create or not a user friendly visualization of the generated tree
  • tree_methods: which kph method to use for tree construction, must be a key in kph_method_to_predictor_class, the dictionary in The construction methods available in the paper are available.

Adding a new hierarchy construction method

KPH construction is done using a class that extends TreePredictor: its constructor receives a decision threshold and a dataframe which contains all the rows for a certain topic in the pairwise scores df, with the relevant pairwise scores column named "score". The class has a method called get_hierarchy that returns a KPH object. Both TreePredictor and KPH are documented in Once the class is ready, add an entry to kph_method_to_predictor_class with a unique name as key and the class name as value, and run as explained in the previous section.

Evaluating KPH constructions

python --output_dir ./out/eval_kph --tree_methods reduced_tree greedy_local_score greedy_best_edge tncf --pairwise_methods NLI_BinInc_WL

This script first creates and saves all KPHs with all thresholds for all the combinations of the construction methods and pairwise methods. Then it performs the evaluation, computes the best f1_score (using leave-one-topic-out in each domain) and saves a visualization of the best tree for each combination of methods and topic.


  • output_dir: required, directory to save trees and evaluation results. previous evaluations in the same dir will be overriden. the generated trees are saved during the run, so if the execution was terminated or if you want to add more methods to the evaluation, You can use the same output dir and continue from where you left off
  • gold_path: path to the gold data jsonl (default to the path of ThinkP).
  • pairwise_scores_file: path to csv with pairwise scores (defaults to our provided pairwise scores).
  • tree_methods: list of space seperated KPH construction methods to evaluate, must be keys in kph_method_to_predictor_class (as explained in the previous section)
  • pairwise_methods: list of space seperated pairwise methods to evaluate, i.e. columns in the dataframe in pairwise_scores_file
  • domains: list of domains to evaluates (by default, run for all domains).


If you are using ThinkP in a publication, please cite the following paper:

From Key Points to Key Point Hierarchy: Structured and Expressive Opinion Summarization
Arie Cattan*, Lilach Eden*, Yoav Kantor and Roy Bar-Haim.
ACL 2023.


Major changes are documented here


kpa_hierarchy code, to share code of key point analysis hierarchy.







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