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This repository contains the source code of our proposed multimodal image segmentation frameworks. The network architectures and training procedure are provided to reproduce the experimental results in our publications.



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Multimodal Image Segmentation

This repository contains our proposed image segmentation frameworks applicable to both 2D and 3D segmentation. These include architectures and losses of:

  1. HartleyMHA

    Ken C. L. Wong, Hongzhi Wang, and Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, “HartleyMHA: self-attention in frequency domain for resolution-robust and parameter-efficient 3D image segmentation,” in International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2023, pp. 364–373. [pdf]

     title =       {{HartleyMHA}: self-attention in frequency domain for resolution-robust and parameter-efficient {3D} image segmentation},
     author =      {Wong, Ken C. L. and Wang, Hongzhi and Syeda-Mahmood, Tanveer},
     booktitle =   {International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)},
     pages =       {364--373},
     year =        {2023},
  2. FNOSeg3D

    Ken C. L. Wong, Hongzhi Wang, and Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, “FNOSeg3D: resolution-robust 3D image segmentation with Fourier neural operator,” in IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2023, pp. 1–5. [pdf]

     title =       {{FNOSeg3D}: resolution-robust {3D} image segmentation with {Fourier} neural operator},
     author =      {Wong, Ken C. L. and Wang, Hongzhi and Syeda-Mahmood, Tanveer},
     booktitle =   {IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)},
     pages =       {1--5},
     year =        {2023},
  3. V-Net-DS (V-Net with deep supervision)

    Ken C. L. Wong, Mehdi Moradi, Hui Tang, and Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, “3D segmentation with exponential logarithmic loss for highly unbalanced object sizes,” in International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2018, pp. 612–619. [pdf]

     title =       {{3D} segmentation with exponential logarithmic loss for highly unbalanced object sizes},
     author =      {Wong, Ken C. L. and Moradi, Mehdi and Tang, Hui and Syeda-Mahmood, Tanveer},
     booktitle =   {International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)},
     pages =       {612--619},
     year =        {2018},
  4. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (PCC) loss

    Ken C. L. Wong and Mehdi Moradi, “3D segmentation with fully trainable Gabor kernels and Pearson’s correlation coefficient,” in Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, 2022, pp. 53–61. [pdf]

       title =       {{3D} segmentation with fully trainable {Gabor} kernels and {Pearson's} correlation coefficient},
       author =      {Wong, Ken C. L. and Moradi, Mehdi},
       booktitle =   {Machine Learning in Medical Imaging},
       pages =       {53--61},
       year =        {2022},

Technical Details

The code is developed with Python 3.10.12 and Keras in TensorFlow 2.16.1, and the "channel-last" format is assumed. If you are only interested in the architectures, the nets module is all you need, though the hyperparameters are stored under experiments/config_files as they are dataset specific. The experimental setups such as data splits and training procedure are in the experiments module. The nets module is dataset independent, while some functions in the experiments module (e.g., dataset partitioning) are written exclusively for BraTS'19.

In experiments, parameters or arguments are provided through a config file using the Python's module ConfigParser. The config file is saved to the output directory for future reference. Examples of the config files used in our experiments are provided under experiments/config_files for reproducibility.

For your convenience, we include an example of our experimental setup in which contains the necessary folders and config files for testing. To perform experiments on the BraTS'19 dataset, please obtain the dataset from CBICA. In our example, we assume that the images are downsampled by the nearest neighbor interpolation to 120x120x78 for training, and the original data hierarchy remains unchanged. For inference, the official validation dataset with the original image size of 240x240x155 should be used.

Setting Up the Virtual Environment

There are multiple Python packages required to run the code. You can install them by the following steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment ( Note that the default python in your system may be Python 2. You can use the following command to ensure Python 3 is used:

    python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
  2. Upgrade pip in the activated virtual environment:

    pip install --upgrade pip

    It is important to upgrade pip as the installed version can be outdated and the next step may fail.

  3. Install the required Python packages using:

    pip install tensorflow[and-cuda] natsort SimpleITK matplotlib pandas pydot

    Note: The Linux (not Python) library graphviz is required by the function keras.utils.plot_model. If you encounter the corresponding runtime error, you can either install graphviz by sudo apt-get install graphviz if you have sudo privileges, or set is_plot_model = False in the training config file to skip plot_model.

For more information on troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting.

Data Partitioning

The experiments/data_split folder contains the script and config files for partitioning the BraTS'19 dataset. The program goes through the dataset folders to extract the patient IDs and groups them into training, validation, and testing sets. The resulted lists of file paths are saved as txt files. To run the script, we first modify the config_partitioning.ini config file, then use the command line:

python /path/to/config_partitioning.ini

The split examples used in our experiments are provided under split_examples. They are also included in


To perform training, we first modify the config_<arch>.ini file, then run:

python /path/to/config_<arch>.ini

where <arch> stands for an architecture (e.g., fnoseg). The config files of different architectures are only different in the [model] section and output_dir. Note that in our example, the validation and testing sets are the same. The config files used in our experiments can be found under experiments/config_files. They are also included in


To perform inference, we first modify the config_inference_<arch>.ini file, then run:

python /path/to/config_inference_<arch>.ini

where <arch> stands for an architecture (e.g., fnoseg). The segmentation results can be uploaded to CBICA for the official performance validation. The config files used in our experiments can be found under experiments/config_files. They are also included in

Results Statistics

We find that in the official validation results, the "enhancing tumor" (ET) region has sensitivity of NaN. We also find that Hausdorff95_ET = NaN when Sensitivity_ET = 1. These indicate that there may be no positives for ET for some cases. Therefore, when computing the means and variances for the ET region (e.g., Dice_ET, Hausdorff95_ET), those cases with Sensitivity_ET equals to NaN or 1 are ignored.



  1. Updated codes for the most recent version of TensorFlow (2.16.1).
  2. The module is replaced by the module that uses PyDataset in Keras 3. As PyDataset is new in Keras 3 and thus TensorFlow 2.16.1, class InputData is not backward compatible.

Contact Information

Ken C. L. Wong (


This repository contains the source code of our proposed multimodal image segmentation frameworks. The network architectures and training procedure are provided to reproduce the experimental results in our publications.







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