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(i) codes for creation of an IT domain specific IR benchmark data from Stackoverflow public forums and IBM Technotes corpus, and (ii) codes for simulating Dynamic Faceted Search experiments.



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The Stackoverflow-Technotes dataset for IR Evaluation

This project contains two sets of codes.

  • benchmark_generator contains codes for benchmark data creation from Stackoverflow-Technotes, an IT domain specific IR benchmark data from Stackoverflow public forums and IBM Technotes corpus.
  • benchmark_evaluator contains codes for simulating DFS experiments.

For the details about this dataset please see -

  title={Dynamic Facet Selection by Maximizing Graded Relevance},
  author={Glass, Michael and Chowdhury, Md Faisal Mahbub and Deng, Yu and Mahindru, Ruchi and Fauceglia, Nicolas Rodolfo and Gliozzo, Alfio and Mihindukulasooriya, Nandana},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Interactive Learning for Natural Language Processing (InterNLP 2021)},
  publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",

Stackoverflow-Technotes benchmark creation (automatically)

First download the TechQA technote corpus (which contains full_technote_collection.txt.bz2) from This requires a free registration.

This script will download the forum post histories from The files downloaded are (15.1GB) and (26.5 GB). Run it in the same directory that you downloaded full_technote_collection.txt.bz2. It will produce the dataset with a train and test split. You must have 7z installed (sudo apt-get install p7zip-full).

sh benchmark_generator/

Automatic simulated evaluation of Dynamic Faceted Search Appraoches

Use the following script to run the experiments. Before running the script, set the correct parameter values for input/output file or directory paths.


If you already have a .tsv file generated with the results, then run -

python -m benchmark_evaluator.util.results_reader YOUR_TSV_FILE_PATH

The format of each line in the .tsv file should be as following -

Query ID\tQuery\tBaseLine_TIP_RANK\tDFS_TIP_RANK\tSelected_Facets (in order)

The following output files will be written inside resources\tmp folder.

Results for all queries -

  • summary_hits.csv : Contains summary results for all queries

  • result_ranks.tsv : Contains results for each individual query

Results for queries for which DFS was activated -

  • summary_per_iteration.csv : Stats are calculated by restricting number of iterations, i.e. number of max. facet selection by oracle

  • bottom_queries_summary.csv : (view at BOTTOM) Stats calculated by restricting to those queries for which the baseline (ES) rank for the desired document (in the returned results) is greater than than a threshold rank

  • top_queries_summary.csv : (view at TOP) Stats calculated by restricting to those queries for which the baseline (ES) rank for the desired document (in the returned results) is at k or lower


(i) codes for creation of an IT domain specific IR benchmark data from Stackoverflow public forums and IBM Technotes corpus, and (ii) codes for simulating Dynamic Faceted Search experiments.







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