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Functionality - Alpha Release

User Functionality
Admin Functionality

User Functionality

Read the API documentation

There are four main functions that the MCCS web application provides to end users:

  1. Manage accounts - create and modify user records and their related entity details
  2. Find entities - view and search for entities based on the good and services they provide and need
  3. Transfer mutual credits - create and complete/cancel mutual credit (MC) transfers between entities
  4. Review transfer activity - view one's pending and completed MC transfers and current MC balance

Manage Accounts

Individual users can create an account in MCCS by providing an email address, creating a password and adding some other details about themselves and their related entities: an incorporated business, a not-for-profit organization, etc. An entity need not be a formal business or organization; it can be a sole proprietorship with a list of services or goods that the individual is willing to offer to other participants in the network. Account management includes standard features like:

  • Create account
  • Login/logout
  • View and modify one's user & entity details
  • Reset a lost password
  • Change password

Review the MCCS data model to see how users and entities are related.

Find Entities

MCCS enables each entity to list its "offers" (goods and services it can provide to the network) and "wants" (goods and services it would like to procure from the network), and to see the offers and wants of the other participants. There is a matching algorithm that looks for corresponding wants that match am entity's offers and offers that match an entity's wants.

From the users' perspective, once they have listed their entities' offers and wants, MCCS will propose potential trades to them with other users' entities. These potential trades are searchable through the GET /entities API endpoint, and entities can opt into a daily email notification that displays all of the matches to their offers and wants that occured in the previous 24 hours.

MCCS' matching logic searches for exact matches, wildcard matches and fuzzy matches, so a search for "vegetables" will not only turn up "vegetables" (exact match) but also "organic-vegetables" (wildcard match) and "vegetalbes" (fuzzy match, which can pick up typos or spelling variations).

Aside from the tagging feature on offers and wants, MCCS also offers a standard directory (like the Yellow Pages). An admin running MCCS can assign one or more categories to each entity and the users can browse these categories alphabetically, just like in a telephone directory.

Entities are able to send introductory emails to each other to start a dialog about a trade. The entity receiving the first email does not have to expose its email address to the party contacting them. Only if the contacted entity replies will its email be exposed as the conversation continues between them through regular email.

Finally, entities can flag other entities as "favorites" so they can be easily found.

Transfer Mutual Credits

Each entity in MCCS has a MC transfer account that it can pay from or accept payment to in order to facilitate transfers between entities. The sum of those increases and decreases will yield the current balance of that entities' transfer account. IOW, it is the same functionality you would expect from a basic bank accounting system.

The following rules will be enforced by MCCS:

  • Every increase in one account must be offset by an equal decrease in another account (or set of accounts in the case of collecting fees). So if Account A is decreased by 50, Account B will be increased by 50 (or Account B could be increased by 49 and Account C by 1).
  • Given the above, the sum total of all transfers, and the overall balance in the system must always equal zero. These are the two foundational principles of double-entry bookkeeping and they must be enforced at all times.
  • In order to start the transfer process, some accounts will need to be able to have a negative balance (see Account A above), but not all accounts are required to have the ability to run a negative balance. MCCS admins will need to make a decision about which entities may have an account whose balance can be negative.
  • There needs to be a limit to the positive and negative balances for accounts (maxPositiveBalance and maxNegativeBalance). A transfer can only be processed if the resulting balances of all accounts involved in the transfer do not exceed these limits. Continuing the example above, if the maxNegativeBalance for Account A is set to -40, the transaction above would not be processed because the balance of Account A would be exceeding this limit by going to -50. And if the maxNegativeBalance for an account is set to 0, then that account is not allowed to have a negative balance at all.

Initiating Debits or Credits

Users will be able to create transfers that result in either a debit from or a credit to their account. This is unusual given that most online payment systems only allow the former. A practical application of this ability to initiate a credit to one's account is that a supplier could setup the payment from their customer within MCCS. The customer would login, see the invoice link in the payment description and if in agreement, confirm the debit of funds from their entity's account.

Two-Step Transfers

One of the objectives behind a mutual credit system is to enable participants to vet transfers before the mutual credits (MCs) are added to or, in the case of payee-initiated transfers, removed from their accounts. This requires that a transfer must first be authorized by by both the sender and receiver of the MCs before the transfer is completed and the accounts are debited and credited accordingly.

To enable this two step transfer process, state has been introduced into transfers, so a transfer can be in one of only three possible states at any given moment:

  1. Initiated - a transfer has been initiated by either the payer or payee of the MCs.
  2. Completed - a transfer is completed because the payee/payer has authorized the credit to/debit from their account that was proposed in the initiated transfer.
  3. Cancelled - a transfer can be cancelled because (a) the initiator cancels it before the receiver has a chance to accept it, (b) the receiver can decide to reject the transfer, or (c) the transfer is not allowed by the system due to balance limits or other reasons even if the receiver accepts it. The cancellationReason field can be filled in to explain why the transfers was cancelled or rejected and is included in the notification email sent to the other party.

Only transfers in the completed state will affect the balances of the payer's and payee's accounts. Cancelled transfers will trigger an email to both the payer and payee to inform them of the cancelled transfer.

Review Transfer Activity

A user can review the initiated, cancelled and completed transfers in their entity's MC transfer account. For each transfer in the initiated state, if the user created the transfer, that user has the option to cancel it before the receiver of the transfer approves or rejects the transfer. If the user has received a transfer, that user can decide whether to approve or reject it. Transfers approved by the receiver are set to completed state, while transfers rejected (by the receiver) and cancelled (by the initiator) are set to cancelled state.

A user can also request the current MC balance of their entity's account.

Admin Functionality

Read the API documentation

There are six main functions that the MCCS Admin API provides to admins:

  1. Manage account - admin login/logout and password management
  2. Manage categories and tags - view, modify and delete categories and tags
  3. Manage users - view, modify and delete user records
  4. Manage entities - view, modify and delete entity records
  5. Manage transfers - view user transfers and initiate transfers on behalf of users
  6. Review logs - view all admin and user activity that modifies DB data (change of details, transfers, etc.)

Manage Account

Account management for admins includes:

  • Login/logout
  • Reset a lost password
  • Change password

Because admins will change infrequently and because introducing an admin user is a sensitive operation, new admins are added and retired admins are removed by posting update queries directly to the Mongo database in the adminUsers collection.

Manage Categories and Tags

Tags are created by users to describe their entities. Each entity can have up to 10 tags associated to it, and admins can modify tags (e.g., to fix spelling errors) or delete them. When a tag is modified or deleted, all entities that had that tag are updated accordingly.

Categories are tags as well, but they are created by admins and assigned by admins to each entity. Categories give admins a way to curate a list of the entities. Usually an admin will assign just one category to an entity, but if it makes sense to assign two or more categories then they are able to do so.

Manage Users

Users can be searched and viewed, and their details can be updated and deleted by an admin. Further, it is possible to associate a single user to more than one entity, or several users to one single entity.

Password reset emails are sent to the email address of the user when a new password is requested.

Manage Entities

Each entity is assigned a permanent account number which is used for MC transfers. The accountNumber is the unique key that links an entity in the Mongo database to its transfer and balance data in the PostgreSQL database.

An email address for the entity can be specified that is different from the email of the user who creates the entity's account. Having this separate email means that a shared email address can be used to receive emails for the entity. Emails sent to this email address include:

  • The welcome email sent after first signing up
  • The daily email of new tag matches
  • Contact emails sent to an entity by another entity after finding them in the directory
  • Notifications about pending or completed MC transfers to/from the entity

Entity Status

Each entity has a status field that drives functionality available to an entity, which can have 6 possible values:

  1. pending - has applied to be listed in the directory
  2. rejected - not accepted for listing in the directory
  3. accepted - listed in directory
  4. tradingPending - listed in directory and applied to make MC transfers
  5. tradingRejected - listed in directory but not accepted to make MC transfers
  6. tradingAccepted - listed in directory and able to make MC transfers

Admins are able to set each entity to any one of the six possible values above. The default value for a newly-created entity is pending.

Entities with a status from 3 to 6 will be listed in the public directory. They will also be able to call the POST /send-email endpoint.

Only entities with status 6 (tradingAccepted) will be able to make MC transfers to other entities with that same status. Also, when a tradingAccepted entity views the details of another tradingAccepted entity through either the GET /entities or GET /entities/{entityID} endpoints, the email address for the searched entity will also be returned.

Manage Transfers

Although it should rarely be used, admins have the ability to transfer MC on behalf of users.

Review Logs

Logs show all actions by users and admins that change the data in MCCS' databases. IOW, all POST, PATCH and DELETE actions performed are logged stating the prior and subsequent state of all affected DB fields (for PATCHes) or what information has been created (POSTs) or removed (DELETEs).