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Elixir is a simple and lightweight object persistence solution.


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Build Status CocoaPods Compatible Carthage compatible

TL;DR: Elixir is a simple and lightweight library that lets you easily persist your objects (i.e. make them live forever*) and query objects.

(*: sometimes when grownups say forever, they mean a very long time.)


Let's face it: most of times, we need some of our objects to live just longer than the running application itself. Backend by SQLite, Elixir is a simple (only 4 core APIs) and lightweight (only 2 files, around 2000 lines of code) persistent solution. It fully utilizes Objective-C's runtime environment to automatically save and load object properties to and from a sqlite database with minimum user interaction; it provides object query support with the NSPredicate interface, and most importantly, with simplicity as the main design objective, Elixir is very easy to use. Elixir is perfect for the projects that are too complex to use NSUserDefault, but not complicated enough to require the convolution of CoreData or raw SQL.


NOTE : Elixir uses the newest Objective-C features such as Generics and Nullability annotation (see Apple's documentation, you will need Xcode 7 to use Elixir.


Elixir is Carthage compatible. To include it add the following line to your Cartfile

github "iCharlesHu/Elixir" "master"

Then, simply run carthage update under the same working directory. The resultant frameworks will be stored in:

  • ./Carthage/Build/Mac/Elixir.framework
  • ./Carthage/Build/iOS/Elixir.framework

You can simple drag the framework(s) into your project.

NOTE: In your Target > General tab, make sure you have Elixir.framework listed under Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries.


To use Elixir with CocoaPods, simply include this in your Podfile:

use_frameworks! # Add this line if you are targeting iOS 8+ and want to use dynamic framework (recommended)
pod 'Elixir'


Since there are only 2 files, you can easily include Elixir adding the source files directly.

Elixir is backend by sqlite, therefore you need to link libsqlite3 library to your project. To do so, go to your target > Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries, and click "+" and search for libsqlite3.


Before using Elixir, make sure you include the ELXObject header file:

#import "ELXObject.h"

Or, if you are targeting iOS 8+ using the dynamic framework, especially with Carthage, you can simply include the module:

@import Elixir;

To use Elixir, subclass any object that you wish to persistent on disk from ELXObject.

Archiving Object

- (void)archiveObject

As the name suggests, this method will insert the object into database (in-memory or on-disk).

Deleting Object

- (void)deleteObject

NOTE: if an object is saved both on-disk and in-memory, only the version it's currently in will be deleted.

Querying Objects

+ (nonnull NSArray<ELXObject *> *)allObjects;
+ (nonnull NSArray<ELXObject *> *)objectsWhere:(nonnull NSString *)predicateFormat, ...;
+ (nonnull NSArray<ELXObject *> *)objectsWithPredicate:(nonnull NSPredicate *)predicate;

You can use NSPredicate to query your objects (see Apple's documentation for Predicate Format String Syntax). Currently Elixir supports these predicate comparisons:

  • Basic Comparisons: =, >, >=, <, <=, !=, BETWEEN, IN.
  • String Comparison: BEGINSWITH, CONTAINS, LIKE.
  • Compound Predicates: AND, OR, NOT.

These methods will return an empty NSArray if no objects found.

Notes on Handling NSPredicate
  • Although SQL does not enforce column name (property name) to be the left-hand-side of the comparison, some predicates (for example, BETWEEN and IN) do emphasis this order. Therefore, it's always a good practice to put property name as the left-hand-side and the value you are comparing to as the right hand side when defining a predicate.
  • In OS X and 32-bit iOS, BOOL type is typedefed from signed char in objc.h, and YES is simply ((BOOL)1), NO is simply ((BOOL)0). This means at run time, Elixir will not be able to distinguish BOOL and char, and BOOL is stored in its native char value '\1' and '\0', NOT '1' and '0'! Therefore, when comparing BOOL values, please use NSPredicate literals YES (or TRUE) and NO (or FALSE), instead of "1" and "0". In 64-bit iOS, the BOOL values are stored as "1" and "0", but in general it's a good idea to stick with the defined NSPredicate literals.
  • Please put single quotation marks "'" around the literal strings when you are constructing a predicate. They are not strictly required in most cases, but it's a good practice to use them.

In-Memory-Only Mode

You can set a object to be saved in memory only by invoking

- (void)setInMemoryOnly:(BOOL)inMemoryOnly;

When an object is in memory only, it will no longer be write to database on disk; instead, it will be cached in memory. This object will still appear as a result of your query. In memory mode is a great way to save temporary data.



There are currently two ELXObjectArchiveOptions:

  • With ELXObjectArchiveOptionManual, you have to archive objects by manually invoke - (void)archieveObject.
  • With ELXObjectArchiveOptionOnObjectDelloc, the object will be automatically saved when it's being dealloced.

The default value is ELXObjectArchiveOptionManual.

Database File Path

+ (nonnull NSString *)databasePath;

On OS X, the default database file path for Elixir is ~/Library/Application Support/com.iCharlesHu.Elixir/base/elixir.db (NSApplicationSupportDirectory with NSUserDomainMask).

On iOS, the default database file path is (within App's sandbox): /Documents/base/elixir.db (NSDocumentDirectory with NSUserDomainMask).

You can change the database file path by overriding this method.


Supported Datatypes

All primitive datatypes are supported except struct, union, array(not NSArray), and pointers (see Limitations). All objects conforming NSCoding (or NSSecureCoding) are supported.

Property Attributes

Custom getters and setters are supported. Elixir will try to get/set property values via key-value coding, or your custom getters and setters if provided. However, there are several datatypes that are not key-value coding complaint (i.e. C string, Class and SEL), and Elixir relies solely on the setters to update those values. Therefore, if you are using these types, please avoid making them readonly.


By design, Elixir will only store object properties, NOT Ivars. Therefore, you can use Ivars to store some value that you don't wish to be saved.

Schema Update

Elixir will automatically check the current list of properties against saved table schema, and add/delete columns when needed. However, since deleting a column is very costly and it might introduce data lose, please try to avoid deleting columns.

NOTE: do NOT rename object properties. Elixir will treat it as a new property and delete the old column, which will cause the loss of data.


The primary design goal Elixir is to be lightweight and simple to use. Therefore, some functionalities are sacrificed for the simplicity. Specifically:

  • struct, union, array, and pointer types are NOT supported. You can still use them as properties, but they will not be saved to database. The reason behind this decision is that Objective-C forbits the creation of an unknown struct (or union) at runtime. However, you can pack your structs to NSData or NSValue and save them instead.
  • At this stage, all the NSCoding conforming objects (except NSDate and NSString, but including all the collection types) are serialized and stored as blob in the SQL table. This means predicate comparison on object properties will NOT work. Predicate comparisons mostly work on strings and numeric properties.

In future versions, Elixir will support archiving objects recursively.


This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.


Elixir is a simple and lightweight object persistence solution.







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