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Grin CPU Cloud Mining Guide - How to Mine GRIN in the Cloud

1. Create Server

First, create a new Ubuntu instance at your favorite cloud hosting provider. We use DigitalOcean. In this guide we are using a CPU optimized instance with 4 CPUs, which currently costs $0.119/hour = $2.856 per 24 hours of mining.

You can get about about 0.15-0.2 GPS per such instance.

In this guide, we will install both grin and grin-miner, configure grin-miner with your pool credentials, and start the mining process.

2. Log In and Build Grin

Connect to your server via SSH.

2.1 Update Server

apt update

2.2 Install Dependencies

apt-get install build-essential cmake git libgit2-dev clang libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev zlib1g-dev pkg-config libssl-dev

2.3 Install Rust

curl -sSf | sh; source $HOME/.cargo/env

2.4 Build Grin

git clone

cd grin

The next step will take some time. Have a coffee, tea, or whatever kind of break that makes you grin.

cargo build --release

If all went well, you now have the grin binary in ~/grin/target/release.

To test, try to start it and have a look.

cd target/release


What you see is the Grin TUI (Text-User-Interface). You can quit the TUI for now by pressing Q on your keyboard.

2.5 Add Grin to Environment


nano .profile

add the following line to the last line of your .profile file and save with CTRL + O:

export PATH="$HOME/grin/target/release:$PATH"

2.6 Prepare Configuration Files


source ~/.profile

cd grin

grin server config

3. Prepare Grin Miner


git clone

cd grin-miner

git submodule update --init

cargo build

3.1 Add grin-miner to Environment


nano .profile

Add the following line to the last line of your .profile file and save:

export PATH="$HOME/grin-miner/target/debug:$PATH"

3.2 Add Pool Credentials

Open grin-miner.toml

cd grin-miner

nano grin-miner.toml

You can use CTRL + V to jump forth one page, and CTRL + Y to jump back one page.

Jump to


Change the following 3 settings to your pool credentials, remove the comment tags:

# listening grin stratum server url
stratum_server_addr = ""

# login for the stratum server (if required)
#stratum_server_login = ""

# password for the stratum server (if required)
#stratum_server_password = "x" 

In our example, we use Grinmint. Check your Pool to find your personal credentials:

# listening grin stratum server url
stratum_server_addr = ""

# login for the stratum server (if required)
stratum_server_login = ""

# password for the stratum server (if required)
stratum_server_password = "YourPassword"

Please note: if you use more than 4 CPUs, you have to specify nthreads in your configuration file as well. If you follow this guide on a 4 CPU instance, you do not need to do this

CTRL + O to save.

Restart Ubuntu for all changes to take effect


Reconnect to your server via SSH.

4. Start Grin

Start the Grin client. Let's start it with screen, so that it always keeps running in the background.


cd grin

screen -S grin


Congratulations! What you see is the Grin user interface. Play around a bit, if you like.

Press CTRL+A+D to detach from the screen view. If you want to reattach at any time, simply type

screen -rd grin

and again deatach using CTRL+A+D

5. Start Grin-Miner and Mine Grin

Just like the grin client, let's start grin-miner using screen to keep it running.

cd ~/grin-miner

screen -S grin-miner


Grin Miner will open. Check Connection Status. It will start mining right away.

6. Enjoy

Nice one! You set up a Grin cloud mining op.

Visit your pool's interface to check your mining statistics. Happy Grin mining!