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difficulty: hard
difficulty: hard
discussion: design
discussion: design
doc: typedd
doc: typedd
Improvements or additions to documentation
editor: emacs
editor: emacs
error: bad message
error: bad message
error: reporting
error: reporting
error: warning
error: warning
event: April Fools
event: April Fools
event: IDM 2021/04
event: IDM 2021/04
Issue tackled during the April 2021 Idris Developers Meeting
event: IDM 2021/12
event: IDM 2021/12
Issue tackled during the December 2021 Idris Developers Meeting
event: IDM 2022/05
event: IDM 2022/05
Issue tackled during the May 2022 Idris Developers Meeting
event: IDM 2022/12
event: IDM 2022/12
Issue tackled during the December 2022 Idris Developers Meeting
event: IDM 2023/08
event: IDM 2023/08
Issue tackled during the August 2023 Idris Developers Meeting
Feature request
Feature request
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
ide: highlighting
ide: highlighting
implem: cast
implem: cast
implem: common subexpression elimination
implem: common subexpression elimination
implem: compilation
implem: compilation
implem: dead code elimination
implem: dead code elimination
implem: desugaring
implem: desugaring
implem: elaboration
implem: elaboration
implem: error handling
implem: error handling
implem: eta
implem: eta
implem: exec
implem: exec
implem: import
implem: import
implem: incremental compilation
implem: incremental compilation