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JSON parser and DOM library in C++.


  1. Setup your OS-preferred package system repo following this manual

  2. Install package

    • deb (Linux): libjsondom

    • homebrew (MacOS X): libjsondom

    • pacman (Windows, Msys2): mingw-w64-i686-jsondom, mingw-w64-x86_64-jsondom

    • Nuget (Windows, Visual Studio): libjsondom

    • cocoapods (iOS, xcode): jsondom

    • gradle (Android): jsondom


#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

#include <jsondom/dom.hpp>

const char* json = R"qwertyuiop(
		"key1": "value1",
		"key2": "value2"

int main(int c, const char** v){
	// parse the JSON to DOM
	auto dom = jsondom::read(json);

	// check that root node is a JSON object, just to be sure

	// let's check if there is an expected key1-value1 pair,
	// but do not fail if there is no such key or value is not of an expected type

	auto value1_i = dom.object().find("key1");
	if(value1_i != dom.object().end()){
		auto& value1 = value1_i->second;
			std::cout << "value1 = " << value1.string() << std::endl;
			// this never happens in this example, but just to show how
			// to handle cases when JSON value type is not as expected
			std::cout << "value1 is not a string" << std::endl;
		// this never happens in this example, but just to show how
		// to handle cases when JSON key is not found
		std::cout << "key1 is not found" << std::endl;

	// Try to use key2-value2 pair, relying on that it exists.
	// An exception will be thrown if something goes wrong, like
	// no 'key2' key is found or value is of unexpected type.

		std::cout << "value2 = " << dom.object().at("key2").string() << std::endl;
	}catch(std::logic_error& e){
		// handle exception here if needed
		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

	return 0;