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Kubernetes UX instructions

Kubernetes User Interface

Kubernetes currently supports a simple web user interface.

Running locally

Start the server:

cluster/ -proxy -www $PWD/www

The UX should now be running on localhost

Running remotely

When Kubernetes is deployed, the server deploys the UX, you can visit /static/index.html#/groups//selector on your master server.

Interacting with the user interface.

The Kubernetes user interface is a query-based visualization of the Kubernetes API. The user interface is defined by two functional primitives:


GroupBy takes a label key as a parameter, places all objects with the same value for that key within a single group. For example /groups/host/selector groups pods by host. /groups/name/selector groups pods by name. Groups are hiearchical, for example /groups/name/host/selector first groups by pod name, and then by host.


Select takes a label selector and uses it to filter, so only resources which match that label selector are displayed. For example, /groups/host/selector/name=frontend, shows pods, grouped by host, which have a label with the name frontend.

Rebuilding the UX

The UX relies on go-bindata

To install go-bindata:

go get

To rebuild the UX, run the following:

go-bindata -o pkg/ui/datafile.go -prefix ${PWD} -pkg ui www/...