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254 lines (161 loc) · 5.53 KB

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254 lines (161 loc) · 5.53 KB
author title date transition fontsize header-includes
Igor M. Coelho
Demonstration Beamer/Reveal
April 8, 2020
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="general.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="reveal-beamer.css">

Part 1: Basics

Basic Formatting

Text formatting requires a few things, such as lists (prefix -, * or +):

  • bold (Markdown **bold**, LaTeX \textbf{bold})
  • italics (Markdown *italics*, LaTeX \textit{italics})
    • bold and italics (Markdown *** symbol, LaTeX \textbf{\textit{...}})

Enumeration lists can use 1. or #. prefix:

  1. one
  2. two

::: {.block}

An important reminder for $\text{\LaTeX}$ {#reminder}

Use math mode as $\sum_{i=0}^{n}\sqrt{i}$ for $\sum_{i=0}^{n}\sqrt{i}$.


For color use "--filter pandoc-latex-color": then use <span latex-color="green" style="color:green;">abc</span>.

Headers and Tables {#header-tables}

Headers can become different things (e.g,--slide-level 2 on Pandoc):

Slide Header 1 (#) Header 2 (##) Header 3 (###)
Level 1 Frame Box
Level 2 Section Frame Box
Level 3 ^ Subsection Frame

You just need to use standard markdown table notation:


| Slide   | Header 1 (`#`) | Header 2 (`##`) | Header 3 (`###`) |
| :---    |    :----       |         :---:   |          ---:    |
| Level 1 | Frame          | Box                               ||
| Level 2 | Section        | Frame           | Box              |
| Level 3 | ^              | Subsection      | Frame            |

Images {#sec-images1}

We saw basic formatting. To insert figures, use Markdown notation: ![AltText](./filename.jpg "Title")

To resize it and visualize on Atom, Beamer and Reveal, just use Pandoc bracketed_spans notation: {width=80%}.

An universe picture{width=30%}

Example: ![An universe picture](./universe.jpg "An example image"){width=40%}

Organization and Columns (Part I)

Let's divide in three parts (35%, 30%, 35%):

::::::::::::: {.columns}

::::: {.column width=35%}

  • First column
    • Some item


::::: {.column width=30%}

Just an equation: $$\sum_{i=0}^{n}\sqrt{i}$$


::::: {.column width=35%}

  1. A third column
    • Something
  2. One extra item



To create multiple columns in a compatible way, we can use: \footnotesize

<div class="columns">
  <div class="column" width="35%" style="max-width:35%;">
     Content for column with 35% size

Fenced Divs {#fenceddivs .allowframebreaks}

This code should allow organizing text into column.

::::::::::::: {.columns}

::::: {.column width=100%}

::: {.centered}


Single centered column




::::::::::::: {.columns}
::::: {.column width=100%}
::: {.centered}
*Single centered column*

This doesn't work on Typora or Atom, but works on LaTeX and Reveal.

For centering, just ::: {.centered} and \centering would be enough.

Organization and Columns (Part II)

Double column with image on side (20% and 80%):

  • One topic
    • Another item
  • Second topic
    • One extra
      • One deeper level

An universe picture{width=70%}

Fenced Divs

Note that Pandoc 2.9 provides a special syntax for fenced divs, like: ::::::: {.columns} and ::: {.column width="50%"}. This is not recommended because Atom Preview will not understand it. For the same reason, use both max-width=50%; and width="50%".

Some notes

These notes are not on main slide.
  • You can use <div class="notes">
  • Or right-align: <div class="notes right">

This slide will only ask you to press s on Reveal. This will put you on Speaker Mode and you'll see the notes.

For Beamer

This is more complicated, but possible. It requires an specialized pdf player for multiple monitors, like pdfpc or pympress.

%\documentclass[notes]{beamer}       % frame + notes
\documentclass[notes=only]{beamer}   % only notes
%\documentclass{beamer}              % only frames


Last advices {#hh-lastadvices}

Never add frame breaks ------ before Level 1 headers (#). Otherwise it will create a blank slide ;)

Practice on Atom, VSCode or Typora editors

On Atom, install one of these plugins:

  • Markdown Preview Plus:
  • Markdown Preview Enhanced:

Comparison on syntax for Markdown-It and Pandoc: see Atom community discussion.

See more reveal.js themes on

::::::::::::: {.columns}

::::: {.column width=100%}

::: {.centered}


See you next time!


