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Paralus terraform provider

Action Go Report Card Go Version reference

Terraform Provided for Paralus


See docs page for a full explanation of the various datasource/resources

Acceptance Tests


Setting Up Environment

In order to run the tests, you will need a functioning paralus environment. You can either use one existing, or install the development environment outlined here and here, for the paralus server and dashboard respectively. If installing a local one modify the file to use port 80 instead of 3000. Otherwise, the pctl commands will try to use HTTPS.

Note if while trying to start up the dashboard you get the error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (120), then downgrade nodejs to version 14 using asdf. After you'll need to run sudo yarn install before running yarn run start again.

Note: Make sure node -v comes back as version 14.

Generating Credentials File

The provider needs to connect to the paralus environment via a config json file. You can download the file for the user from the dashboard or use the command as defined above for the test resources. See See CLI

Note: Put the json into the same directory as the make file and name it paralus.local.json.

Setting Up Required Resources

Some of the tests require certain items already be setup. These are as follows:

  • New Project: - name: acctest-donotdelete - description: Project used for acceptance testing
  • New Cluster - project: acctest-donotdelete - name: man-acctest - description: Manually created for acceptance testing
  • New Group: - name: acctest-group - description: For acceptance testing
  • New User: - name: - first name: acctest - last name: user
  • New User: - name: - first name: acctest2 - last name: user

Either manually create them within the dashboard, or install the Paralus CLI and run the following commands to setup the resources:

  1. pctl config download http://<SERVER_URL> --to-file paralus.local.json # Optional if you downloaded it manually earlier. Note: If you are using a local environment, you will need to change the config.json URLs to be the same as the <SERVER_URL> value above and also change the project value in the config file to acctest-donotdelete
  2. pctl create project acctest-donotdelete --desc 'Project used for acceptance testing' -c ./paralus.local.json
  3. pctl create cluster imported man-acctest -c ./conparalus.localfig.json
  4. pctl create group acctest-group --desc "For acceptance testing" -c ./paralus.local.json
  5. pctl create user --groups acctest-group -c ./paralus.local.json
  6. pctl create user --groups acctest-group -c ./paralus.local.json

Note: Make sure that the CLI downloaded matches the release date of the environment you will be testing against

Deploying a test cluster

You can deploy a test cluster by following the below steps:

  1. Install minikube via the steps here
  2. Start minikube with desired Kubernetes version via command minikube start --kubernetes-version=<K8S_VERSION>
  3. Grab the IP address minikube users to see the host via the command minikube ssh "nc -vz host.minikube.internal 80"
  4. Create a new cluster manually within Paralus and download the bootstrap config
  5. Update the bootstrap config by replacing the replays addr value for the relay-agent-config ConfigMap with the IP address you found above
    • For example, replace "addr":"" with "addr":""
  6. Apply the bootstrap against the minikube instance

Running the tests

Acceptance tests (deployed under the /internal/acctest directory) can be run one of two ways.

Single Test

If you wish to run a specific acceptance test, do the following:

(Note: this assumes you are using vscode and TF is deployed as a plugin)

  1. Create a launch.json file with the following contents


    { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Launch a test function", "type": "go", "request": "launch", "mode": "auto", "program": "${fileDirname}", "env": { "PKG_NAME": "${relativeFileDirname}", "TF_ACC": "1", "TF_LOG": "INFO", "GOFLAGS": "-mod=readonly", "CONFIG_JSON": "${workspaceFolder}/paralus.local.json" }, "args": [ "-test.v", "", "^${selectedText}$" ], "showLog": true } ] } ```

  2. Go into the individual test case within your go file and highlight the func name

  3. Go to the Run and Debug on the far left and select Launch a test function from the top (the green button)

  4. Look at the DEBUG CONSOLE window to see the result

All Tests

To run all acceptance tests, use the make command by running the command make testacc

Note: This will run all acceptance tests in the internal/acctest directory

Important Note

If when running your tests you find that you keep getting 404 errors, try removing the port from the REST_ENDPOINT and OPS_ENDPOINT.