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Running Simulations

Once you have your model completed, you'll need to actually run a simulation. There is documentation on an engineering page and on the Hub about running the simulation, but here we provide a how-to guide for running simulations for a research team audience. The below sections are meant to guide someone through running a simulation and the various sub-steps.

Prior to running a simulation, check all the input data and parameters match the run you want.

Data Inputs

The data inputs for the simulation should all be in the artifact. Check out our page on :ref:`building the artifact <artifact_building_rt>` if you need more information on this.

The model_spec File

The model_spec.yaml file contains the majority of the parameters for a given model run. This includes things like what components to include, the population size, what draw and artifact to use, and stratifications for observers. The research team now owns this file.

Engineering notes can be found on this model specs file page.

At the top, there is a section titled components which lists the components in the model. You might see subheadings, which refer to the names of specific packages, and within those packages are the components themselves. Most of the components will be in the engineering repository, however some are often from vivarium_public_health as they are used in multiple simulations.

Generally, research will not be responsible for writing or maintaining components, though this might change in the future. You'll mainly use this section to turn on or off components. For an example of turning off a component, check the :ref:`common changes page <common_model_changes>`.

Below is the configuration section, which contains the specifications for a single model run, including the draw number, artifact path, population, scenario, time period, and any stratifications. This should largely be familiar as RT members edit this frequently for interactive sim runs. For more information on running an interactive sim, check out :ref:`this page <vivarium_interactive_simulation>`.

Match this information to the run specified in the vivarium research documentation.

The scenarios File

The branches/scenarios.yaml file contains information for when you want to do multiple model runs. When we say multiple model runs - we mean running on multiple draws/seeds/scenarios. Therefore we will use this on the majority of our simulation runs.

The information in this file is limited. It contains the number of draws, seeds, and scenarios to include in a simulation run. Check that this information matches the run specified in the vivarium research documentation.

If you are trying to run multiple locations simultaneously, you can also add multiple artifact paths to this file, one for each location. This can make the file much more complex, so take a look at some examples from the CVD simulation or the MNCH child simulation. But also ask for help with this if you need to!

Once you've confirmed that your artifact is correct, and that your model_spec.yaml and branches/scenarios.yaml files are up to date, you're ready to run the model!

Creating an Environment

First, you will need to create an environment. This will be the same as creating usual environments, except when you install the project repo, you'll need to do a special editable install. The command looks like this pip install -e.[dev]. Note that this is DIFFERENT than what is required for artifact building.

Additionally you'll need to install redis with conda install redis. Some other packages can be helpful here as well like ipython for debugging.

Generally, the project repo and redis are the only things you will need to install, but check with the engineers if there are updates to other vivarium packages you should be aware of - like vivarium_inputs, vivarium_public_health, or vivarium_gbd_access.


The simulate run will run a single simulation based on the model_spec.yaml file. Since you're only running one simulation, it won't look at the branches/scenarios.yaml file at all. While we mostly will need to use psimulate, running a simulate run can be very helpful in debugging as it is much faster and will reveal any bugs in the code.

Here is an example simulate run and an explanation of the flags.

$ simulate <PATH_TO_MODEL_SPEC> -vvv --pdb --proj_simscience_prod -o /mnt/team/simulation_science/pub/models/<PROJCET_NAME>/results/<MODEL_NUMBER>/ -i '<PATH_TO_ARTIFACT>'
  • -vvv is for the verbosity, the vvv is standard on the team
  • --pdb has you reach the python debugger if there are any errors
  • --proj_simscience_prod has you run on the production project on the cluster, which is reserved for simulation runs and may help your jobs get scheduled faster. You might need to be added to access this project!
  • -o is where to put the output results
  • -i is the location of the artifact

The simulate run should be relatively quick and won't take a tremendous amount of memory to run or store results.


The psimulate run will run multiple simulations, using information from both the model_spec.yaml and branches/scenarios.yaml files. One way to think about this is that the branches/scenarios.yaml file will supersede the model_spec.yaml, so anything present there - draws count, seed count, or scenarios for example, will therefore overwrite the corresponding lines in the model_spec.yaml.

Since the psimulate run is quite large, you'll need to start by getting a large srun going. There is pretty good documentation of this on the Hub. You do also need an srun for simulate, but without any special parameters, so we focus on this here instead.

We have included an example srun command here as well though.

$ srun --mem=70G -c <NUMBER_OF_THREADS> -A proj_simscience_prod -p all.q --pty bash
  • --mem=70G this is standard for running simulation, though check with engineering if you're doing a particularly large run
  • -c is the number of threads, how to find this is covered on the Hub page above
  • -A is the project, for simulation runs we can use proj_simscience_prod
  • -p is the queue. Here we use all.q but long.q would also work
  • --pty tells the cluster you want an interactive bash session

Now that you have your srun going, you can run psimulate. An example of the command is below

$ psimulate run <PATH_TO_MODEL_SPEC> <PATH_TO_SCENARIOS_FILE> -vvv --pdb --proj_simscience_prod -o /mnt/team/simulation_science/pub/models/<PROJECT_NAME>/results/<MODEL_NUMBER>/ -i '<PATH_TO_ARTIFACT>'
  • run runs that model as defined in the model_spec and scenario files
  • -vvv is for the verbosity, the vvv is standard on the team
  • --pdb has you reach the python debugger if there are any errors
  • --proj_simscience_prod has you run on the production project on the cluster, which has higher priority than other projects. You might need to be added to access this project!
  • -o is where to put the output results
  • -i is the location of the artifact

In addition to running the model, psimulate can also restart a run and expand a run. Restarting a run is very helpful if some jobs failed. It will automatically check what draws/seeds/scenarios are missing, and only run those jobs. Sometimes jobs fail due to cluster limitations, even if there aren't any bugs in the code, so this is helpful to try if only a few things failed.

$ psimulate restart <PATH_TO_CURRENT_RESULTS> -vvv --pdb --proj_simscience_prod
  • restart checks what isn't included in the current results and restarts them
  • -vvv is for the verbosity, the vvv is standard on the team
  • --pdb has you reach the python debugger if there are any errors
  • --proj_simscience_prod has you run on the production project on the cluster, which has higher priority than other projects. You might need to be added to access this project!

Lastly, you can use psimulate expand to increase the size of a run. For example, if you completed a successful run with 10 seeds and 15 draws you use the below run to expand it to be 15 draws and 25 seeds.

$ psimulate expand <PATH_TO_CURRENT_RESULTS> -vvv --pdb --proj_simscience_prod --add-draws 5 --add-seeds 10
  • expand adds the new runs to your current results
  • -vvv is for the verbosity, the vvv is standard on the team
  • --pdb has you reach the python debugger if there are any errors
  • --proj_simscience_prod has you run on the production project on the cluster, which has higher priority than other projects. You might need to be added to access this project!
  • --add-draws says how many new draws you would like to add to the results
  • --add-seeds says how many new seeds you would like to add to the results

When you run models, they will almost certainly fail at some point. Knowing how to debug them is an important part of how to run them!

If only a few jobs fail - try restarting the run as it might well be a cluster issue. If a larger chunk of your jobs fail, it's time to debug.

First, locate a log file for a job that failed. The logs files will be in the same base directory as you saved your results and then in logs/<RUN_NUMBER>/cluster_logs and you should see a lot of files here. If all your jobs failed, just select any of the files. If only a subset failed, go to your cluster log directory on a command line and enter grep "Error" * which should then tell you which logs are failing.

Once you have a log that failed open, look through and find the error message and stack trace. If you can figure out what's causing the issue, try to fix it.

If the error message is inscrutable, you can also get the draw and seed number from the log file, and then do a simulate run for the specific draw and seed by updating the model_spec.yaml file. With the --pdb flag, the run will drop you into the debugger when the simulation fails, and you can try to debug more interactively.

Also, check the docs on the Hub as these include specific failure messages that indicate types of failures, such as memory or node issues.

If these all fail, please ask for help! This can be confusing so don't be afraid to ask your friends.