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Low Birthweight and Short Gestation Risk Effects

Risk Overview

Provide a brief description of the risk, including potential opportunities for confounding (factors that may cause or be associated with the risk exposure), effect modification/generalizability, etc. by any relevant variables. Note that literature reviews and speaking with the GBD risk modeler will be good resources for this.

GBD 2019 Modeling Strategy


This section will describe the GBD modeling strategy for risk effects. For a description of GBD modeling strategy for risk exposure, see the Low Birthweight and Short Gestation (GBD 2019) <2019_risk_exposure_lbwsg> page.

The available data for deriving relative risk was only for all-cause mortality. For each location, data were pooled across years, and the risk of all-cause mortality at the early neonatal period and late neonatal period at joint birthweight and gestational age combinations was calculated. In all datasets except for the USA, sex-specific data were combined to maximise sample size. The USA analyses were sex-specific. Relative risks of all-cause mortality were calculated for each 500g and 2wk category of birthweight and gestational age. [GBD-2019-Risk-Factors-Appendix-LBWSG-Risk-Effects] (p. 176)


The risk appendix's description of 2-week age bins is not totally accurate --- there are two exceptions:

  • 2 of the 58 categories (cat2 and cat8) have an age range of 0-24 weeks.
  • 14 of the 58 categories have a 1-week age range, either 36-37 weeks or 37-38 weeks, because 37 weeks is the usual cutoff for defining preterm birth.

For simplicity, we will generally refer to "500g and 2wk categories," with the understanding that there are some exceptions.

Details of Relative Risk Estimation

In the Norway, New Zealand, and USA Linked Birth/Death Cohort microdata datasets, livebirths are reported with gestational age, birthweight, and an indicator of death at 7 days and 28 days. For this analysis, gestational age was grouped into two-week categories, and birthweight was grouped into 500-gram categories. The Taiwan, Japan, and Singapore datasets were prepared in tabulations of joint 500-gram and two-week categories. A pooled country analysis of mortality risk in the early neonatal period and late neonatal period by “small for gestational age” category in developing countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa were also used to inform the relative risk analysis.

To calculate relative risk at each 500-gram and two-week combination, logistic regression was first used to calculate mortality odds for each joint two-week gestational age and 500-gram birthweight category. Mortality odds were smoothed with Gaussian process regression, with the independent distributions of mortality odds by birthweight and mortality odds by gestational age serving as priors in the regression. A pooled country analysis of mortality risk in the early neonatal period and late neonatal period by SGA category in developing countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa were also converted into 500-gram and two-week bin mortality odds surfaces.

The relative risk surfaces produced from microdata and the Asia and Africa surfaces produced from the pooled country analysis were meta-analysed, resulting in a meta- analysed mortality odds surface for each location. The meta-analysed mortality odds surface for each location was smoothed using Gaussian process regression and then converted into mortality risk.

To calculate mortality relative risks, the risk of each joint two-week gestational age and 500-gram birthweight category were divided by the risk of mortality in the joint gestational age and birthweight category with the lowest mortality risk. [GBD-2019-Risk-Factors-Appendix-LBWSG-Risk-Effects] (p. 176)


Although the above description from the GBD 2019 risk appendix sometimes refers to location-specific mortality risks, the relative risks in GBD 2019 are the same for all locations. Pulling LBWSG RR's with get_draws for any location returns RR's with location_id = 1 (Global), and they are stratified by year/age_group/sex. If we need clarification on exactly how the relative risks were calculated, we should consult the GBD modelers.

Affected Outcomes in GBD 2019

The available data for deriving relative risk was only for all-cause mortality rather than for cause-specific outcomes. The exception was the USA linked infant birth-death cohort data, which contained three-digit ICD causes of death, but also had nearly 30% of deaths coded to causes that are ill-defined, or intermediate, in the GBD cause classification system.

Therefore, the GBD modelers analysed the relative risk of all-cause mortality across all available sources and selected outcomes based on criteria of biological plausibility. Some causes, most notably congenital birth defects, haemoglobinopathies, malaria, and HIV/AIDS, were excluded based on the criteria that reverse causality could not be excluded. [GBD-2019-Risk-Factors-Appendix-LBWSG-Risk-Effects] (p. 176)

Entities Affected by LBWSG in GBD 2019
Outcome Outcome type Outcome ID Affected measure Note
Diarrheal diseases Cause 302 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Lower respiratory infections Cause 322 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Upper respiratory infections Cause 328 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Otitis media Cause 329 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Meningitis Cause 332 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Encephalitis Cause 337 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Neonatal preterm birth Cause (PAF-of-1) 381 Mortality and Morbidity (GBD YLLs and YLDs) 100% attributable to Low birthweight and short gestation
Neonatal encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia and trauma Cause 382 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Neonatal sepsis and other neonatal infections Cause 383 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Hemolytic disease and other neonatal jaundice Cause 384 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Other neonatal disorders Cause 385 Mortality (GBD YLLs)
Sudden infant death syndrome Cause 686 Mortality (GBD YLLs)


There are 12 causes affected by LBWSG in GBD 2019, whereas GBD 2017 included 15 affected causes. The only difference is that meningitis (c332) had four subcauses in GBD 2017 (c333, c334, c335, c336, corresponding to different etiologies), whereas in GBD 2019, c332 is the most detailed cause, and the subcauses have been removed.


Age, Sex, and Outcome Restrictions for LBWSG Relative Risks in GBD 2019
Restriction Type Value Notes
Male only False
Female only False
YLL only True Except for Neonatal preterm birth; see note <note_on_preterm_birth_DALYs> below
YLD only False
Age group start Early neonatal (0-7 days, age_group_id = 2)
Age group end Late neonatal (7-28 days, age_group_id = 3) Except for Neonatal preterm birth; see note <note_on_preterm_birth_DALYs> below


GBD attributes 100% of the DALYs due to Neonatal Preterm Birth to the LBWSG risk factor. In particular, the attribution includes YLDs as well as YLLs, and the age restrictions for the LBWSG-attributable DALYs are the same as the age restrictions for Neonatal Preterm Birth.

  • YLLs due to Neonatal preterm birth, 100% attributable to LBWSG:
    • Age group start = 2 (Early neonatal, 0-7 days)
    • Age group end = 5 (1 to 4)
  • YLDs due to Neonatal preterm birth, 100% attributable to LBWSG:
    • Age group start = 2 (Early neonatal, 0-7 days)
    • Age group end = 235 (95+)

Note that this attribution of DALYs is not based on the relative risks for all-cause mortality, but instead is based on the logic that all preterm births are due to short gestation by definition. Thus, if we include Neonatal Preterm Birth in our models, the relative risks likely must be handled differently for this cause.

Risk Exposure Categories and TMREL

Here is a plot created by Kjell that shows the LBWSG exposure categories and the mean relative risk estimate in each category (the mean is taken across all all sexes, age groups, and draws):


Based on the GBD data as shown above, there are four TMREL categories where the relative risk is always at the minimum 1.0 regardless of sex, age group, or draw (recall that the relative risks are the same for all locations):

  • cat53 (38-40 weeks, 4000-4500 g)
  • cat54 (38-40 weeks, 3500-4000 g)
  • cat55 (40-42 weeks, 3500-4000 g)
  • cat56 (40-42 weeks, 4000-4500 g)

Here is the description of the modeling procedure for the TMREL in [GBD-2019-Risk-Factors-Appendix-LBWSG-Risk-Effects] (p. 177):

For each of the country-derived relative risk surfaces, the 500-gram and two-week gestational age joint bin with the lowest risk was identified. This bin differed within each country dataset. To identify the universal 500-gram and two-week gestational age category that would serve as the universal TMREL for our analysis, we chose the bins that was identified to be the TMREL in each country dataset to contribute to the universal TMREL. Therefore, the joint categories that served as our universal TMREL for the LBWSG risk factor were “38-40 weeks of gestation and 3500-4000 grams”, “38-40 weeks of gestation and 4000-4500 grams”, and “40-42 weeks of gestation and 4000-4500 grams”. As the joint TMREL, all three categories were assigned to a relative risk equal to 1.


The above description from the risk appendix indicates that there are only three universal TMREL categories (cat54, cat53, and cat56), whereas the RR data in GBD 2019 indicates that cat55 is also a TMREL category.

Moreover, digging further into the RR data reveals that in addition to the 4 categories that have RR=1 for all sexes, age groups, and draws (cat53, cat54, cat55, cat56):

  • There is one additional category (cat52) that has RR=1 for early neonatal females for all draws;
  • The two categories cat51 and cat52 have RR=1 in more than 75% of draws in the early neonatal age group for both males and females;
  • There are 4 additional categories (cat44, cat48, cat49, cat50) that have RR=1 in at least one age/sex/draw combination.

Thus, it may be worth discussing with the GBD modeler whether using the four categories cat53, cat54, cat55, cat56 as the TMREL regardless of sex, age group, or draw is a reasonable approach.

Vivarium Modeling Strategy


This section will describe the Vivarium modeling strategy for risk effects. For a description of Vivarium modeling strategy for risk exposure, see the Low Birthweight and Short Gestation (GBD 2019) <2019_risk_exposure_lbwsg> page.

Interpolation of LBWSG Relative Risks

The GBD LBWSG modelers estimated the relative risk for all-cause mortality on each 500g and 2wk category of birthweight (BW) and gestational age (GA). If we assume a constant relative risk on each rectangular LBWSG category, these relative risk estimates define a piecewise constant function on the union of the LBWSG categories, which is a subset of the GAxBW rectangle [0, 42wk] × [0, 4500g].

This piecewise constant relative risk function is discontinuous <continuous function_>, jumping from one value to another at the linear boundaries between the LBWSG categories (usually when GA is a multiple of 2 or BW is a multiple of 500), and the relative risk does not change at all within each LBWSG category. Therefore, any simulated intervention that affects birthweight or gestational age (e.g. a nutritional supplement given to pregnant mothers to increase the birthweight of their newborns) can only have an effect on a small percentage of our simulants, namely those whose birthweight or gestational age is near the boundary of one of the LBWSG categories.

To correct for this deficiency, we are interested in coming up with a continuously varying risk surface that interpolates between the relative risks estimated by GBD. In addition to (probably) being a better model of reality, this would allow every simulant the opportunity to get the effect of an intervention that affects birthweight or gestational age. The practical effect of this interpolation will be that every treated simulant will experience a small change in relative risk, vs. a small proportion of treated simulants experiencing a larger change in relative risk if we used the piecewise constant risk surface.

Strategy for Interpolating Relative Risks

Since the region on which the GBD RRs are defined is non-convex <convex set_>, interpolating between the RRs is not completely straightforward. Using SciPy's interpolation package, it required a two-step process of first extrapolating the relative risks to a complete rectangular grid, and then interpolating the extrapolated values to the full rectangular GAxBW domain. Here is a description of the procedure Nathaniel used to interpolate the LBWSG RRs for the large-scale food fortification project in March 2021.

  1. Start at category midpoints: We will assume that the relative risk at the midpoint of each rectangular LBWSG category is equal to the relative risk for that category as estimated by GBD. That is, if RRcat is the GBD relative risk for the LBWSG category 'cat', and the midpoint of cat is (xcat, ycat), we will assume that RR(xcat, ycat) = RRcat, where RR(x, y) denotes the relative risk at gestational age x and birthweight y. Our goal is to assign an interpolated value to RR(x, y) for all (x, y) ∈ [0, 42wk] × [0, 4500g], starting with the values RR(xcat, ycat) at the 58 category midpoints.


    One could consider using points other than the category midpoints to anchor the RRs. For example, perhaps it would be better to assign the GBD relative risk to the "average location of the category" with respect to prevalence, or to choose a point so that the average RR for the category matches the RR from GBD. However, this would (1) require using exposure data as well as RR data, which varies by location, and would (2) require more time on the parts of the human and the computer to implement.

  2. Take logarithms: Since the LBWSG relative risks vary widely between categories (from 1.0 in the TMREL up to more than 1600 in the highest risk category in some draws), we will do the interpolation in log space to keep everything at a reasonable scale, and then exponentiate the results. Thus, we compute log (RR(xcat, ycat)) for each of the 58 category midpoints (xcat, ycat), where RR denotes the relative risk function as defined above, and log  denotes the natural logarithm.
  3. Define a rectangular grid: In order to get SciPy's interpolation functions to work well, it helps to have the initial data points defined on a rectangular grid. The LBWSG category midpoints (xcat, ycat) define a partial rectangular grid, so our strategy will be to use a simple interpolation method (nearest-neighbor <nearest-neighbor interpolation_>) to extrapolate values of log (RR) to the "missing" points on the full grid G spanned by the category midpoints, and then use a more sophisticated method (bilinear interpolation) to fill in values of log (RR) between the grid points.

    In addition to the category midpoints, we will also include grid points on the GAxBW rectangle's boundary to guarantee that our interpolation will cover the entire domain defined by the LBWSG categories. To define the rectangular grid G precisely, we first take the the unique GA and BW coordinates of the 58 category midpoints, plus the boundary values,

    $$\begin{aligned} \text{ga_grid} &= \{ x_\text{cat} : \text{cat is a LBWSG category}\} \cup \{0,42\}\\ \text{bw_grid} &= \{ y_\text{cat} : \text{cat is a LBWSG category}\} \cup \{0,4500\}, \end{aligned}$$

    and then define the rectangular grid G as the Cartesian product of these coordinates,

    G = ga_grid × bw_grid.

    More explicitly, we can list the 13 x-coordinates in ga_grid and 11 y-coordinates in bw_grid in increasing order,

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{alignat*}{7} x_0&=0,\, &x_1&=12,\, &x_2&=25, &&\ldots,\, &x_9&=37.5,\, &x_{10}&=39,\, &&x_{11}=41, x_{12}=42\\ y_0&=0,\, &y_1&=250,\, &y_2&=750,\, &&\ldots,\, &y_9&=4250,\, &y_{10}&=4500,\, && \end{alignat*} \end{aligned}$$

    and then the rectangular grid of 143 points is

    G = {(xi, yj) : 0 ≤ i ≤ 12, 0 ≤ j ≤ 10}.

    We can think of the grid G as a "stepping stone" on our path to interpolating log (RR) on the entire GAxBW rectangle [0, 42wk] × [0, 4500g].

  4. Extrapolate to the rectangular grid: Use nearest-neighbor interpolation to extrapolate log (RR) from the category midpoints (xcat, ycat) to all points on the rectangular grid G. When doing this extrapolation, we rescale both the GA and BW coordinates to the interval [0, 1] before computing distances since the scales of gestational age and birthweight are incomparable and drastically different (0-42wk vs. 0-4500g). Explicitly,

    • Divide all the GA coordinates of points in G by 42, and divide all the BW coordinates of points in G by 4500.
    • For each rescaled grid point (xi/42, yi/4500), find the nearest rescaled category midpoint (xcat/42, ycat/4500), and set log (RR(xi, yj)) = log (RR(xcat, ycat)).

    The rescaled nearest-neighbor interpolation can be easily implemented using SciPy's griddata function (with method='nearest' and rescale='True') or NearestNDInterpolator class (with rescale='True').

  5. Interpolate to the full rectangle: Use bilinear interpolation to fill in all values of log (RR) in the entire GAxBW rectangle [0, 42wk] × [0, 4500g] from the extrapolated values of log (RR) on the grid G. The interpolating function f = log (RR) is continuous and piecewise bilinear. On each rectangle whose corners are neighboring grid points, it has has the form

    log (RR(x, y)) = f(x, y) = a + bx + cy + dxy (xi ≤ x ≤ xi + 1, yj ≤ y ≤ yj + 1),

    where x is gestational age, y is birthweight, and a, b, c, d are constants that depend on the function values at the rectangle's corners. There are 120 such rectangles indexed by i and j, and each such rectangular "piece" of f is linear in x and y separately and is quadratic as a function of two variables. The bilinear interpolation can be easily implemented using either SciPy's RectBivariateSpline class (with kx=1,ky=1), or interp2d function (with kind='linear'), or RegularGridInterpolator class (with method='linear').

  6. Exponentiate: Once we interpolate f = log (RR), we recover the relative risks by computing RR(x, y) = exp (f(x, y)). The above interpolation strategy guarantees that the interpolated RRs will remain between the minimum and maximum RR values in GBD.
  7. Reset RRs in TMREL categories to 1: Since we assumed that the RR values were equal to the GBD RRs at the midpoints of the LBWSG categories, and the interpolated RRs vary continuously, the interpolated RRs in the TMREL categories will be greater than 1 as GA or BW approaches a category of higher relative risk. In order to be consistent with GBD, we reset the RR to 1.0 in each of the four TMREL categories (cat53, cat54, cat55, cat56) after interpolation. This will introduce some discontinuity at the boundaries of the TMREL categories, but that is an acceptable tradeoff for consistency with GBD.


    It may be worth discussing the strategy of resetting the RRs to 1 with the GBD modelers to see if it matches their conception of the TMREL, or if it would actually be better to keep the interpolated RRs even though they are greater than 1 in some regions of the TMREL categories.

    Another option would be to add grid points at the corners of the TMREL categories, and set the RRs of these points to 1 before interpolating. This would force the the interpolated RRs to be 1 on the entire TMREL region while keeping the RR function continuous. This strategy would introduce 2 new x-coordinates and 2 new y-coordinates, increasing the grid size to 15 × 13 = 195 and the number of interpolation rectangles to 14 × 12 = 168. This may or may not slow down the interpolation by a noticeable amount. Some care should be taken if using this approach, as it's possible that the interpolated RR values near the TMREL categories could change in undesirable ways.

Implementation of RR Interpolation in SciPy

Here are two Jupyter notebooks in the Vivarium Research LSFF repo that demonstrate how to implement the above interpolation steps using scipy.interpolate:

The self contained notebook requires this LBWSG category data .csv <lbwsg_category_data.csv> for input (viewable online here <lbwsg_category_data online_>__), as well as the lbwsg_plots module if you want to plot the interpolated RRs.

Omitting some of the helper functions, here is the relevant interpolation code from the self-contained notebook, including the correct call to pull LBWSG RRs using get_draws:

import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from get_draws.api import get_draws
from scipy.interpolate import griddata, RectBivariateSpline

# `read_cat_df` requires `cats_to_ordered_categorical` and
# `string_to_interval` helper functions from the notebook
def read_cat_df(filename: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
  """Reads in the LBWSG category data .csv as a DataFrame, and converts the category column into a
  pandas ordered Categorical and the GA and BW interval columns into Series of pandas Interval objects.
  cat_df = pd.read_csv(filename)
  cat_df['lbwsg_category'] = cats_to_ordered_categorical(cat_df['lbwsg_category'])
  cat_df['ga_interval'] = string_to_interval(cat_df['ga_interval'])
  cat_df['bw_interval'] = string_to_interval(cat_df['bw_interval'])
  return cat_df

# `get_rr_data` requires `cats_to_ordered_categorical`
# helper function from the notebook
def get_rr_data(source='get_draws', rr_key=None, draw=None, preprocess=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
  """Reads GBD's LBWSG relative risk data from an HDF store or DataFrame or pulls it using get_draws,
  and, if preprocess is True, reformats the RRs into a DataFrame containing a single RR value for
  each age group, sex, and category.
  The DataFrame is indexed by age_group_id and sex_id, and the columns are the LBWSG categories.
  The single RR value will be from the specified draw, or the mean of all draws if draw=='mean'.
  If preprocess is False, the raw GBD data will be returned instead.
  if isinstance(source, pd.DataFrame):
      # Assume source is raw rr data from GBD
      rr = source
  elif source == 'get_draws':
      # Call get draws
      LBWSG_REI_ID = 339
      DIARRHEAL_DISEASES_CAUSE_ID = 302 # Can be any most-detailed cause affected by LBWSG
      GLOBAL_LOCATION_ID = 1 # Passing any location will return RRs for Global
      GBD_2019_ROUND_ID = 6
      rr = get_draws(
      # Assume source is a string representing a filepath, a Path object,
      # or an HDFStore object. Will raise an error if rr_key is None and
      # source hdf contains more than one pandas object.
      rr = pd.read_hdf(source, rr_key)

  if preprocess:
      draw_cols = rr.filter(like='draw').columns
      rr = rr.assign(lbwsg_category=lambda df: cats_to_ordered_categorical(df['parameter'])) \
             .set_index(['age_group_id', 'sex_id', 'lbwsg_category'])[draw_cols]

      if draw is None:
          raise ValueError("draw must be specified if preprocess is True")
      elif draw == 'mean':
          rr = rr.mean(axis=1)
          rr = rr[f'draw_{draw}']
      # After unstacking, each row is one age group and sex, columns are categories
      # Categories will be sorted in natural sort order because they're stored in an ordered Categorical
      rr = rr.unstack('lbwsg_category')
  return rr

def get_tmrel_mask(
    ga_coordinates: np.ndarray, bw_coordinates: np.ndarray, cat_df: pd.DataFrame, grid: bool
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Returns a boolean mask indicating whether each pair of (ga,bw) coordinates is in a TMREL category.

    The calling convention using the `grid` parameter is the same as for the scipy.interpolate classes:

        If grid is True, the 1d arrays ga_coordinates and bw_coordinates are interpreted as lists of
        x-axis and y-axis coordinates defining a 2d grid, i.e. the coordinates to look up are the pairs
        in the Carteian product ga_coordinates x bw_coordinates, and the returned mask will have shape
        (len(ga_coordinates), len(bw_coordinates)).

        If grid is False, the 1d arrays ga_coordinates and bw_coordinates must have the same length and are
        interpreted as listing pairs of coordinates, i.e. the coordinates to look up are the pairs in
        zip(ga_coordinates, bw_coordinates), and the returned mask will have shape (n,), where n is the
        common length of ga_coordinates and bw_coordinates.
    TMREL_CATEGORIES = ('cat53', 'cat54', 'cat55', 'cat56')

    # Set index of cat_df to a MultiIndex of pandas IntervalIndex objects to enable
    # looking up LBWSG categories by (GA,BW) coordinates via DataFrame.reindex
    cat_data_by_interval = cat_df.set_index(['ga_interval', 'bw_interval'])

    # Create a MultiIndex of (GA,BW) coordinates to look up,
    # one row for each interpolation point
    if grid:
        # Interpret GA and BW coordinates as the x and y coordinates of a grid
        # (take Cartesian product)
        ga_bw_coordinates = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
            (ga_coordinates, bw_coordinates), names=('ga_coordinate', 'bw_coordinate')
        # Interpret GA and BW coordinates as a sequence of points (zip the coordinate arrays)
        ga_bw_coordinates = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
            (ga_coordinates, bw_coordinates), names=('ga_coordinate', 'bw_coordinate')

    # Create a DataFrame to store category data for each (GA,BW) coordinate in the grid
    ga_bw_cat_data = pd.DataFrame(index=ga_bw_coordinates)

    # Look up category for each (GA,BW) coordinate and check whether it's a TMREL category
    ga_bw_cat_data['lbwsg_category'] = (
    ga_bw_cat_data['in_tmrel'] = ga_bw_cat_data['lbwsg_category'].isin(TMREL_CATEGORIES)

    # Pull the TMREL mask out of the DataFrame and convert to a numpy array,
    # reshaping into a 2D grid if necessary
    tmrel_mask = ga_bw_cat_data['in_tmrel'].to_numpy()
    if grid:
        # Make a 2D mask the same shape as the grid,
        tmrel_mask = tmrel_mask.reshape((len(ga_coordinates), len(bw_coordinates)))
    return tmrel_mask

def make_lbwsg_log_rr_interpolator(rr: pd.DataFrame, cat_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
  """Returns a length-4 Series of RectBivariateSpline interpolators for the logarithms of
  the given set of LBWSG RRs, indexed by age_group_id and sex_id.
  # Step 1: Get coordinates of LBWSG category midpoints, indexed by category
  # Category index will be in natural sort order
  interval_data_by_cat = cat_df.set_index('lbwsg_category')
  ga_midpoints = interval_data_by_cat['ga_midpoint']
  bw_midpoints = interval_data_by_cat['bw_midpoint']

  # Step 2: Take logs of LBWSG relative risks
  # Each row of RR is one age group and sex, columns are LBWSG categories
  # Categories (columns) are in natural sort order because they're stored
  # in an ordered Categorical
  log_rr = np.log(rr)

  # Make sure z values are correctly aligned with x and y values
  # (should hold because categories are ordered)
  assert ga_midpoints.index.equals(log_rr.columns)\
    and bw_midpoints.index.equals(log_rr.columns),\
    "Interpolation (ga,bw)-points and rr-values are misaligned!"

  # Step 3: Define intermediate grid $G$ for nearest neighbor interpolation
  # Intermediate grid G = Category midpoints plus boundary points
  ga_min, bw_min = interval_data_by_cat[['ga_start', 'bw_start']].min()
  ga_max, bw_max = interval_data_by_cat[['ga_end', 'bw_end']].max()

  ga_grid = np.append(np.unique(ga_midpoints), [ga_min, ga_max]); ga_grid.sort()
  bw_grid = np.append(np.unique(bw_midpoints), [bw_min, bw_max]); bw_grid.sort()

  # Steps 4 and 5a: Create an interpolator for each age_group and sex
  # (4 interpolators total)
  def make_interpolator(log_rr_for_age_sex: pd.Series) -> RectBivariateSpline:
      # Step 4: Use `griddata` to extrapolate to $G$ via nearest neighbor interpolation
      logrr_grid_nearest = griddata(
          (ga_midpoints, bw_midpoints),
          (ga_grid[:,None], bw_grid[None,:]),
      # Step 5a: Create a `RectBivariateSpline` object from the extrapolated values on G
      return RectBivariateSpline(ga_grid, bw_grid, logrr_grid_nearest, kx=1, ky=1)

  # Apply make_interpolator function to each of the 4 rows of log_rr
  log_rr_interpolator = log_rr.apply(
    make_interpolator, axis='columns').rename('lbwsg_log_rr_interpolator')
  return log_rr_interpolator

# Step 5: Interpolate log(RR) to the rectangle [0,42wk]x[0,4500g]
# via bilinear interpolation

# First create a test population to which we'll assign relative risks
def generate_uniformly_random_population(pop_size, seed=12345):
    """Generate a uniformly random test population of size pop_size, with attribute columns
    'age_group_id', 'sex_id', 'gestational_age', 'birthweight'.
    pop = pd.DataFrame(
            'age_group_id': rng.choice([2,3], size=pop_size),
            'sex_id': rng.choice([1,2], size=pop_size),
            'gestational_age': rng.uniform(0,42, size=pop_size),
            'birthweight': rng.uniform(0,4500, size=pop_size),
    return pop

# Step 5b: Interpolate log(RR) to (GA,BW) coordinates for a simulated population

def interpolate_lbwsg_rr_for_population(
      pop: pd.DataFrame, log_rr_interpolator: pd.Series, cat_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
      """Return the interpolated RR for each simulant in a population."""
      # Initialize log(RR) to 0, and mask out points in TMREL when we interpolate (Step 7)
      logrr_for_pop = pd.Series(0, index=pop.index, dtype=float)
      tmrel = get_tmrel_mask(pop['gestational_age'], pop['birthweight'], cat_df, grid=False)

      # Step 5b: Interpolate log(RR) to (GA,BW) coordinates for a simulated population
      for age, sex in log_rr_interpolator.index:
          to_interpolate = (pop['age_group_id']==age) & (pop['sex_id']==sex) & (~tmrel)
          subpop = pop.loc[to_interpolate]
          logrr_for_pop.loc[to_interpolate] = log_rr_interpolator[age, sex](
              subpop['gestational_age'], subpop['birthweight'], grid=False)

      # Step 6: Exponentiate to recover the relative risks
      rr_for_pop = np.exp(logrr_for_pop).rename("lbwsg_relative_risk")
      return rr_for_pop

# Step 0: Get input data
# Pick a draw in the range 0-999, or 'mean' for mean RR over all draws
draw = 29
# Create a DataFrame of LBWSG RRs for the specified draw, indexed by
# age_group_id, sex_id, with LBWSG categories as columns.
rr = get_rr_data('get_draws', draw=draw, preprocess=True)
# Read the .csv and convert LBWSG categories to ordered pandas Categorical
# and string representations of intervals to pandas Interval objects.
cat_df = read_cat_df('lbwsg_category_data.csv')

# Steps 1 - 5a: Create interpolators by age/sex for log(RR)
log_rr_interpolator = make_lbwsg_log_rr_interpolator(rr, cat_df)
# Steps 5b - 7: Interpolate RRs on a population
pop = generate_uniformly_random_population(10_000)
rr_for_pop = interpolate_lbwsg_rr_for_population(pop, log_rr_interpolator, cat_df)


For reference, here are the original notebooks in the Vivarium Data Analysis repo where I figured out how to do the RR interpolation (with pictures!):

Here's a link to Jupyter nbviewer in case GitHub sucks:

And here's my implementation of RR interpolation for a nanosim (the interpolation step is quite slow; the above Python code from the self-contained notebook <Self-contained code for LBWSG RR interpolation by age and sex_> should be faster):

PAF Calculation for Interpolated Relative Risks

The Population Attributable Fraction (PAF) is used to compute "risk-deleted" transiton rates in our simulations. In the present context, the deleted risk will be LBWSG, and the affected rate will be the simulants' mortality hazard. Since the interpolated relative risk function described above <lbwsg_2019_rr_interpolation_section> is different from the piecewise constant relative risk function used by GBD, we will need to compute our own PAF for the interpolated relative risks rather than using the PAF calculated by GBD.

As always, the formula for the PAF is

$$\mathrm{PAF} = \frac{E(\mathit{RR}) - 1}{E(\mathit{RR})} = 1 - \frac{1}{E(\mathit{RR})} = 1 - \frac{1}{\int \mathit{RR}\, d\rho},$$

where RR is the relative risk function, ρ is the risk exposure distribution, and E is expectation with respect to the probability measure ρ. Thus the PAF computation comes down to computing an integral representing the average relative risk in the population. In our case the relevant integral is

RRdρ = ∫GA × BWRR(x, y) dρ(x, y),

where GA = [0, 42wk], BW = [0, 4500g], RR(x, y) is the interpolated relative risk at gestational age x ∈ GA and birthweight y ∈ BW, and ρ is the LBWSG exposure distribution.

Note that the above formula employs the notation "dρ" from measure theory. If the exposure distribution ρ is absolutely continuous with density function p (e.g., if ρ is defined by the piecewise constant density function described on the GBD 2019 LBWSG exposure page <2019_risk_exposure_lbwsg>), we can rewrite dρ(x, y) in terms of the probability density function p for the LBWSG exposure distribution ρ:

$$d\rho(x,y) = \frac{d\rho(x,y)}{dx\, dy}\, dx\, dy = p(x,y)\, dx\, dy,$$

where dxdy represents two-dimensional Lebesgue measure, and the Radon-Nikodym derivative p(x, y) = dρ(x, y)/dxdy is the probability density function of the LBWSG exposure distibution at the point (x, y) ∈ GA × BW. On the other hand, if ρ is a discrete distribution (e.g., the polytomous LBWSG distribution described by GBD), then the integral with respect to dρ is by definition a sum over the discrete exposure categories.

Computing the PAF via Monte Carlo Integration

One way to compute the average relative risk RRdρ for the PAF calculation is to use Monte Carlo integration. We can implement a simple version of Monte Carlo integration by leveraging the Vivarium microsimulation framework. Namely, we can initialize a population of simulants according to the LBWSG risk exposure distribution ρ, then compute the average relative risk and the PAF for the simulated population. Here is Python (pseudo-)code to achieve this, continuing from the relative risk interpolation code above:


For the nutrition optimization child simulation, we have conducted this PAF calculation slightly differently than done in the code block below. For the nutrition optimization simulation LBWSG PAF calculation, we have likewise utilized the vivarium microsimulation to initialze a population of simulants, assess their LBWSG relative risks, and then compute the PAF among the simulated population.

However, in the nutrition optimization simulation, we have stratified the initialized population by LBWSG exposure category. This allow us avoid having small counts in the low-exposure categories and reduces the influence of stochastic variation for these categories.

Additionally, we further reduce the influence of stochastic variation by enforcing an exact uniform exposure distribution within each LWBSG exposure category rather than randomly sampling an exposure from a uniform distribution for each simulant.

We have evaluated the influence of the population size for each LBWSG exposure category within a given age/sex/location group (see notebook here) and have determined that 529 simulants per LBWSG category/age/sex/location group is adequate.

Link to the code for LBWSG PAF calculation used for the nutrition optimization simulation.

def initialize_population_from_lbwsg_exposure(
  pop_size: int,
  age_group_id: int,
  sex_id: int,
  draw: int,
  lbwsg_exposure: pd.DataFrame, # e.g. rescaled prevalence data from get_draws
  ) -> pd.DataFrame:
  Initializes a population of size pop_size according to the given LBWSG exposure distribution,
  with attribute columns 'age_group_id', 'sex_id', 'gestational_age', 'birthweight'.
  # This function can be implemented using the Vivarium Framework
  # if we already have a component for initializing a population with
  # LBWSG exposure data from GBD.
  # The main thing it needs to do is convet the categorical LBWSG
  # distribution from GBD into a continuous joint distribution of
  # (birthweight, gestational_age). See the GBD 2019 LBWSG Risk Exposure
  # documentation here:

def paf_from_mean_rr(mean_rr: float)->float:
  """Calculates the PAF from the mean relative risk."""
  return 1 - 1/mean_rr

# Variables and functions defined previously:
# -------------------------------------------
# pd, np
# draw, log_rr_interpolator, cat_df
# interpolate_lbwsg_rr_for_population

# Sample code to calculate the LBWSG PAF for Early Neonatal Females
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
pop_size = 100_000 # Choose a sufficiently large population size

lbwsg_exposure = ... # e.g., call get_draws for desired location, then rescale prevalence
enn_female_pop = initialize_population_from_lbwsg_exposure(
  pop_size, EARLY_NEONATAL_ID, FEMALE_ID, draw, lbwsg_exposure
assert set(['age_group_id', 'sex_id', 'gestational_age', 'birthweight']) \
  .issubset(enn_female_pop.columns), \
  "Insufficient attribute columns to interpolate LBWSG RRs for population!"
assert (enn_female_pop['age_group_id'] == EARLY_NEONATAL_ID).all() \
  and (enn_female_pop['sex_id'] == FEMALE_ID).all(), \
  "Population has simulants of the wrong age or sex!"

enn_female_lbwsg_rrs = interpolate_lbwsg_rr_for_population(
  enn_female_pop, log_rr_interpolator, cat_df
enn_female_paf = paf_from_mean_rr(enn_female_lbwsg_rrs.mean())

As the number of simulants gets larger, the Law of Large Numbers implies that the mean RR of the simulated population will converge to the mean RR of a population with LBWSG exposure distribution ρ (represented by the lbwsg_exposure DataFrame in the above code). Therefore, the PAF computed by the above code will converge to the true PAF of the population as the number of simulants gets larger.


In order to get an idea of how large of a population we need to get a mean RR and PAF close enough to the right value, we should do the Monte Carlo PAF calculation for several small population sizes (e.g., 10, 100, 1000, 10,000), and record some descriptive statistics for each calculation. Namely, it will be useful to record the mean RR, the sample standard deviation of the RRs, and the standard error of the mean RR for each simulation:

enn_female_rr_mean = enn_female_lbwsg_rrs.mean()
enn_female_rr_std_dev = np.sqrt(enn_female_lbwsg_rrs.var())
enn_female_rr_standard_error = enn_female_rr_std_dev / np.sqrt(len(enn_female_lbwsg_rrs))

These statisics will help us evaluate whether the PAF we get for a given simulation is likely to be close to the true PAF, and will help us choose a sufficiently large population size for a desired level of precision if we deem that the original population size was insufficient.

Describe a strategy for choosing a large enough population size for the Monte Carlo calculation. See this post in Slack.

Add link to Nathaniel's nanosim for LSFF as an example of working code that performs the Monte Carlo PAF calculation.

Determine if any alternative sampling strategies for the Monte Carlo calculation may be more efficient. For example, rather than sampling the continuous LBWSG distribution directly, it may be better to estimate the mean RR in each category separately, then take a weighted average of the mean RR in each category, weighting by the category prevalences.

Try using SciPy's integration tools to compute the PAF as an alernative to the Monte Carlo approach.

Affected Outcomes in Vivarium

We will follow the same strategy detailed in the GBD 2017 LBWSG documentation <riks_effects_vivarium_section>, with modifications to account for the continuous relative risk function defined by the interpolation method described above. In particular, we will need to compute a PAF for the interpolated RRs rather than using the PAF from GBD.

The relative risk of each LBWSG category in GBD is for all-cause mortality in the early and late neonatal periods. However, GBD identifies only a subset of causes (not all causes) that are affected by LBWSG, listed in the affected entities table above <lbwsg_affected_causes_table_gbd_2019>. Therefore, despite the RR's being measured for all-cause mortality, we are interested in applying the relative risks only to the cause-specific mortality rates of the causes that GBD considers to be affected by LBWSG.

First we decompose the all-cause mortality rate (ACMR) as the sum of:

  • Mortality from causes affected by LBWSG and modeled in the sim
  • Mortality from causes affected by LBWSG but not modeled in the sim
  • Mortality from causes unaffected by LBWSG and modeled in the sim
  • Mortality from causes unaffected by LBWSG but not modeled in the sim

We want to apply the relative risk and PAF only to the causes in the first two categories above. Specifically, we will apply the relative risks to the excess mortality rate (EMR) of modeled affected causes, and to the cause-specific mortality rate (CSMR) of unmodeled affected causes, as indicated in the following table.

Risk-Outcome Relationships for Vivarium
Outcome Outcome type Outcome ID Affected measure Note
Diarrheal diseases Cause 302 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Lower respiratory infections Cause 322 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Upper respiratory infections Cause 328 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Otitis media Cause 329 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Meningitis Cause 332 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Encephalitis Cause 337 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Neonatal preterm birth Cause (PAF-of-1) 381 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled Note: Preterm birth may need to be handled differently if explicitly modeled
Neonatal encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia and trauma Cause 382 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Neonatal sepsis and other neonatal infections Cause 383 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Hemolytic disease and other neonatal jaundice Cause 384 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Other neonatal disorders Cause 385 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled
Sudden infant death syndrome Cause 686 CSMR if unmodeled, EMR if modeled

Risk Outcome Pair #1

Replace "Risk Outcome Pair #1" with the name of an affected entity for which a modeling strategy will be detailed. For additional risk outcome pairs, copy this section as many times as necessary and update the titles accordingly.

Link to existing cause model document or other documentation of the outcome in the risk outcome pair.

Describe which entitity the relative risks apply to (incidence rate, prevalence, excess mortality rate, etc.) and how to apply them (e.g. affected_measure * (1 - PAF) * RR).

Be sure to specify the exact PAF that should be used in the above equation and either how to calculate it (see the Population Attributable Fraction section of the Modeling Risk Factors <models_risk_factors> document) or pull it (vivarium_inputs.interface.get_measure(risk_factor.{risk_name}, 'population_attributable_fraction'), noting which affected entity and measure should be used)

Complete the following table to list the relative risks for each risk exposure category on the outcome. Note that if there are many exposure categories, another format may be preferable.

Relative risks for a risk factor may be pulled from GBD at the draw-level using vivarium_inputs.interface.get_measure(risk_factor.{risk_name}, 'relative_risk'). You can then calculate the mean value as well as 2.5th, and 97.5th percentiles across draws.

The relative risks in the table below should be included for easy reference and should match the relative risks pulled from GBD using the above code. In this case, update the Note below to include the appropriate {risk_name}.

If for any reason the modeling strategy uses non-GBD relative risks, update the Note below to explain that the relative risks in the table are a custom, non-GBD data source and include a sampling strategy.


The following relative risks are displayed below for convenient reference. The relative risks in the table below should match the relative risks that can be pulled at the draw level using vivarium_inputs.interface.get_measure(risk_factor.{risk_name}, 'relative_risk').

Relative Risks
Exposure Category Relative Risk Note

Validation and Verification Criteria

List validation and verification criteria, including a list of variables that will need to be tracked and reported in the Vivarium simulation to ensure that the risk outcome relationship is modeled correctly

Validation of Mortality Rates, Relative Risks, and Change in Exposure

Here is a validation that can be run in isolation prior to putting the LBWSG model into a full simulation with other model components:

  1. Initialize a birth cohort with birthweights and gestational ages distributed according to the LBWSG exposure distribution at birth (age_group_id=164).
  2. Age the population to 7 days and to 28 days, subjecting the population to the LBWSG relative risks of all-cause mortality based on their LBWSG category.
  3. Record the person-time in the early neonatal age group (0-7 days) and late neonatal age group (7-28 days) in each of the 58 LBWSG categories. Use the person time to compute the person-time-weighted average prevalence of each LBWSG catgory in each age group as

    $$\left(\genfrac{}{}{0}{} {\text{person-time-weighted}} {\text{average prevalence}}\right) = \frac {\text{person-time in category for age group}} {\text{total person time for age group}},$$

    and compare the simulated prevalences with the ENN and LNN category prevalences pulled from GBD.

  4. Record deaths in the ENN and LNN age groups, and compare the mortality rates with the corresponding all-cause mortality rates in GBD. Deaths could also be stratified by LBWSG category to verify simulated RRs against the RR input data.

This validation could be run with increasing degrees of complexity:

  1. Apply the RRs directly to the all-cause mortality rate of the simulants. (Or did we already try this and decide it was a bad idea? See this Todo about different approaches <2017_risk_lbwsg_todo_alternative_approaches> and the assumptions and limitations of our approach to applying the relative risks <2017_risk_lbwsg_rr_strategy_assumptions_limitations> in the GBD 2017 LBWSG model.)
  2. Do not explicitly model any causes, but distinguish between causes affected by LBWSG vs. unaffected by LBWSG, and apply the RRs only to the CSMRs of the affected causes.
  3. Add in one or more explicitly modeled causes, and apply the the RRs to the EMR or CSMR of the affected causes, depending on whether the cause is explicitly modeled.
  4. The validation could also be done by initializing a cohort in the ENN age group or LNN age group based on GBD prevalences, to ensure that the LBWSG relative risks will work correctly for simulants initialized into these age groups in our models.

This validation strategy requires recording outputs stratified by all 58 LBWSG exposure categories, so it would be best to do the validation with as few model components as possible, then remove the stratified outputs once satisfactory behavior has been verified. In fact, it would be worth writing a reusable simulation specifically to do the (a), (b), and (d) validations above, independent of any specific project we're working on, and do the (c) validation for each project that uses LBWSG, depending on which causes are modeled.


We should ask the GBD modelers exactly how to interpret the ENN and LNN prevalences pulled from GBD. According to [GBD-2019-Risk-Factors-Appendix-LBWSG-Risk-Effects] (p. 175), the final step of modeling LBWSG exposure is:

Step C: Model joint distributions from birth to the end of the neonatal period, by l/y/s

Early neonatal prevalence and late neonatal prevalence were estimated using life table approaches for each 500g and 2-week bin. Using the all-cause early neonatal mortality rate for each location-year-sex, births per location-year-sex-bin, and the relative risks for each location-year-sex-bin in the early neonatal period, the all-cause early neonatal mortality rate was calculated for each location-year-sex- bin. The early neonatal mortality rate per bin was used to calculate the number of survivors at seven days and prevalence in the early neonatal period. Using the same process, the all-cause late neonatal mortality rate for each location-year-sex was paired with the number of survivors at seven days and late neonatal relative risks per bin to calculate late neonatal prevalence and survivors at 28 days.

Specifically, we should ask the following:

  • How exactly were the ENN and LNN prevalences computed in the above life table approach? In particular:
    • Can we interpret the ENN and LNN prevalences as person-time-weighted average LBWSG category prevalences for the 0-7 day period and 7-28 day periods, as described in the validation strategy above?
    • Should the ENN and LNN prevalences instead be interpreted as the point prevalence at the midpoint of each interval? The point prevalence at the midpoint approximates the person-time-weighted average prevalence using the midpoint rule with one rectangle, so these should be close to the average prevalences but perhaps slightly different.
    • Is there some other interpretation that would be more accurate?
  • In addition to the ENN and LNN prevalences from GBD, can the modelers give us the prevalences at 7 days and 28 days, since the above description indicates that these point prevalences were computed as well?

The answers to these questions may dictate some adjuststments to the validation strategy outlined above.

Assumptions and Limitations

List assumptions and limitations of this modeling strategy, including any potential issues regarding confounding, mediation, effect modification, and/or generalizability with the risk-outcome pair.

Bias in the Population Attributable Fraction

As noted in the Population Attributable Fraction section of the Modeling Risk Factors <models_risk_factors> document, using a relative risk adjusted for confounding to compute a population attributable fraction at the population level will introduce bias.

Outline the potential direction and magnitude of the potential PAF bias in GBD based on what is understood about the relationship of confounding between the risk and outcome pair using the framework discussed in the Population Attributable Fraction section of the Modeling Risk Factors <models_risk_factors> document.



Pages 167-177 in Supplementary appendix 1 to the GBD 2019 Risk Factors Capstone:

(GBD 2019 Risk Factors Capstone) GBD 2019 Risk Factors Collaborators. Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet 2020; 396: 1223–49. DOI: