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964 lines (737 loc) · 31.7 KB

File metadata and controls

964 lines (737 loc) · 31.7 KB

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  • User get different values of two dices in this game application;
  • When user first log in, a random combination appears;
  • Chick button then the values of two dices change automatically;
  • User can shake iPhone for getting new values of two dices as well;


  • Int.random()
    -From .h method to generate a random value;

  • command + D
    -ctrl c + ctrl v = copy a same one;

  • Two interactive View
    -visible view: static ImageView like logo, etc.
    -interactive view: dynamic view like button, etc. can interactive with users, it will give a feedback to users like a respond or some other actions to achieve any goals;


  • Add icon images into Assets
    -Move app icons into folder directly;
    -Move other images into the list of Assets in Xcode;
    -Adjust images' size by canva and appicon;

  • Add objects into storyboard

  • Constraints
    -Set background fill the whole screen to fit different devices;
    -Other objects are set by ratio due to different screen's sizes;

  • Stack View
    -Combine two imageView which contains diceImage into one stackView;

  • layer.cornerRadius
    -For button should Click to Bounds;
    -For others don't need to click above one;

  • Claim @IBOutlet for imageViews

  • Claim @IBAction for button

  • An independent function for updating dices

       func updateDice() {
            indexL = Int.random(in: 0...5)
            indexR = Int.random(in: 0...5)
            diceL.image = UIImage(named: diceArray[indexL])
            diceR.image = UIImage(named: diceArray[indexR])
  • Put diceImages's name into an Array

       let diceArray = ["dice-1", "dice-2", "dice-3", "dice-4", "dice-5", "dice-6"]
       var indexL = 0
       var indexR = 0       
  • Add a function for shaking by google shake apple document

       override func motionEnded(_ motion: UIEvent.EventSubtype,
                     with event: UIEvent?) {
  • shake on simulator
    -Device - shake;
    -control + command + Z;



  • The keys in application are regarded as 7 keys in keyboard;
  • When user click different keys, iPhone will display different sounds;


  • tag
    -Set different keys button with different values of tags;
    -Programme can find these different button by tags;

  • import AVFoundation
    -It contains AVAudioPlayer;


  • Add objects into storyboard
    -7 buttons;

  • Set constraints
    -The same height can only be displayed after the Y position is confirmed;

  • Set tags

  • Set basic environment for player

       import AVFoundation    
  • Claim a player

       var player : AVAudioPlayer!         
  • Claim @IBAction for different buttons
    -Combine different keys into this one @IBAction;

       @IBAction func click(_ sender: UIButton) {
             playMusic(tag: sender.tag)
  • Achieve playing music by clicking different keys

       func playMusic(tag: Int){
            let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "note\(tag)", withExtension: "wav")
                player = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url!)



  • There has a data base which contains several questions;
  • User can do this quiz and then get the score;
  • The bottom of this application shows the progress bar and only the progress by text;
  • Current score will display in the bottom of screen which located on right part;
  • After completing all questions, an alert will display to ask whether user want to try again;


  • MVC = Model + View + Controller
    -User wants to do sth.;
    -Tell (view)Controller;
    -(view)Controller tells model;
    -Model asks for data;
    -Then back to (view)Controller;
    -Finally, shows on View;

  • OOP = Object + Oriented + Program

  • Group files
    -Developer can create many groups without folders to tidy up complex files;

  • Alert from apple document

  • Progress Bar
    -progressBar.frame.size.width = view.frame.width:
    -With frame means developer can correct its value;
    -The above approach is for progressBar's progress is 0, we adjust the length of the bar, not the progress, through correcting the length of bar to show the progress;

    -progressBar.progress = Float (view.fram.width / 3):
    -It shows the correct progress;


  • Add objects into storyboard
    -Question label;
    -Two buttons with true and false;
    -A stack view combined with two lable: complete and score;
    -progress view = progress bar;

  • Assign files into different group

  • Create new .swift file in model folder
    -Here are data in order to support the whole programme(MVC);
    -A class claim here with class QuesAndAns which contains quesText and quesAns;

  • Put initial questions into an array

       let questions = [
                QuesAndAns(text: "1+1=2", ans: true),
                QuesAndAns(text: "1+1=3", ans: false),
                QuesAndAns(text: "1+2=3", ans: true)
  • Set the original display when entering the application firstly

       override func viewDidLoad() {
            // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
            questionLabel.text = questions[0].quesText
            completeLabel.text = "Comlete:1/\(questions.count)"
            scoreLabel.text = "Score: 0"
            progressBar.progress = 1 / Float(questions.count)
  • What will do when click button with tag in different button

       @IBAction func button(_ sender: UIButton) {
            curAns = sender.tag == 1 ? true : false
            corAns = questions[curQues].quesAns
  • checkAns()
    -Get curScore and sumScore;

       func checkAns() {
            curScore = curAns == corAns ? 10 : 0
            sumScore += curScore
  • updateUI()
    -Update scoreLabel;
    -Move to nextQuestion();

        func checkAns() {
             curScore = curAns == corAns ? 10 : 0
             sumScore += curScore
  • nextQuestion()
    -Judge whether it is the last question first;
    -If it isn't the last question, update relative information;

       func nextQues() {
            curQues += 1
            if curQues < questions.count{
                 questionLabel.text = questions[curQues].quesText
                 completeLabel.text = "Complete: \(curQues + 1)/\(questions.count)"
                 progressBar.progress = Float(curQues + 1) / Float(questions.count)
  • endToBegin()
    -Return to first page when entering into this application;
    -Use alert to pop a text for asking whether user wants to try again;

       func endToBegin() {
            let alert = UIAlertController(
                            title: "Congratulations!", 
                            message: "Do you want to try again?", 
                            preferredStyle: .alert)
            alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Yes, try again!", style: .default, handler: { _ in
                    self.curQues = 0
                    self.sumScore = 0
                    self.questionLabel.text = self.questions[0].quesText
                    self.completeLabel.text = "Comlete:1/\(self.questions.count)"
                    self.scoreLabel.text = "Score: 0"
                    self.progressBar.progress = 1 / Float(self.questions.count)
             self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)



  • When users enter the application, it will show current city's weather, temperature, and city's name;
  • User can switch city which user wants to know;
  • The condition of weather will display as a temperature as well as an image;


  • cocoapods
    -It is a platform for developer to storage different packages;
    -Developer can find more comleted API or codes to achieve any functions;
    -Any functions which has been developed can be found in the homepage of;

  • Alamofire
    -It is a nice tool for developer to get weather API;

  • Action segue
    -When user click an button, a segue will appear;
    -It is not another page, it just like the notification page;
    -It is independent with other pages;

  • Delegate
    -Allocate works to workers;

  • Protocol
    -It is more likely the same as Interface in java;
    -There is just the name of the method, no details to achieve the methods;
    -First: claim a procotol;
    -Second: var delegate in selectCityViewController;
    -Third: Trigger when click change city button - IBAction;

  • Dictionary
    -To store some data;


  • Add object into the 1st storyboard
    -A button for switching city;
    -A label for displaying temperature;
    -A label for displaying current city;
    -An imageView for displaying the current weather condition;

  • Claim objects(labels) as a variable

  • import CoreLocation for managing iPhone's location
    -import CoreLocation;

  • Give a background or licence (Delegate) to viewController

       extension ViewController: CLLocationManagerDelegate{
  • Let locationManager knows who is its agent

       locationManager.delegate = self    
  • Set locationManager's accuracy

       locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters     

    -Higher accuracy with more power requirement;

  • Request User's location at the beginnning

  • viewDidAppear()
    -Once the page appears, it runs;
    -viewDidLoad() means what happened when the application is opened the first time;

       override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

    -Ask for user whether it is allowed to request location like:
    -Allow to use location while in the use/always/never on iPhone;

  • What system will do when app wants to request location

       func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
            let lat = locations[0].coordinate.latitude
            let lon = locations[0].coordinate.longitude
            print(lat, lon)
            let paras = ["lat":"\(lat)", "lon":"\(lon)", "appid":"\(appid)"]
            getWeather(paras: paras)

    -If there has an error when applying for position:

       func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) {
  • Create a podfile using cocoaPods
    -Because of some problems of cocoaPods, the podfile cannot be created by application directly;
    -Terminal - cd folder - pop init;
    -Open cocoaPods - command O - open popfile;

  • import Alamofire in cocoaPods
    -pod 'SVProgressHUD';
    -pod 'Alamofire';
    -pod 'SwiftyJSON';

  • getWeather() by applying for API from weather by Alamofire

       func getWeather(paras:[String:String]){
            AF.request("", parameters: paras).responseJSON { response in
                if let json = response.value{
                    let JSONWeather = JSON(json)
                    self.createWeather(JSONWeather: JSONWeather)
  • Create a class to store weather object

       class Weather {
            var temp = 0
            var city = ""
            var condition = 0
            var icon : String{
                switch (condition) {
                        case 0...300 : return "tstorm1"
                        case 301...500 : return "light_rain"
                        case 501...600 : return "shower3"
                        case 601...700 : return "snow4"
                        case 701...771 : return "fog"
                        case 772...799 : return "tstorm3"
                        case 800 : return "sunny"
                        case 801...804 : return "cloudy2"
                        default : return "dunno"

    -It is based on weather website API introduction;

  • createWeather() to create a weather object through JSON which has been replied

       func createWeather(JSONWeather: JSON) {
   = JSONWeather["name"].stringValue
            weather.condition = JSONWeather["weather", 0,"id"].intValue
            weather.temp = Int(round(JSONWeather["main", "temp"].doubleValue - 273.15))

    -The temperature should be transferred into original format, so - 273.15 to ˚;

  • updateUI()

       func updateUI() {
            cityLabel.text =
            tempLabel.text = "\(weather.temp)˚"
            weatherImage.image = UIImage(named: "\(weather.icon)")
  • Remember to give description in Info.plist
    -Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description;
    -A description for why it needs location;

  • Add segue for selecting city page
    -Create a new viewController;
    -Add objects: TextField and Button in a stackView;
    -Connect 1st switch button with this segue page;
    -Set segue's identifier as selectCity;

  • Set for segue type
    -If NaigationController exists, the Controller which segue connects will be pushed in navigation stack, the new viewController has return button, click then return back;

    -show Detail
    -No matter NavigationController exists, it will not be pushed into stack, it just replaces the current view, there is no return button, it will show contents in Detail area;

    -Present Modally
    -It is not pushed into stack as well, like the view which move from button into above, more likely to be regarded as an alert/login in field. User cannot interactive with last view, unless close this view;

    -Present As Popover
    -Don't push into stack as well, like a downCrash menu, when click other area out of this area, this target view controller will disappear in ipad. But in iphone, this area will fill out the whole screen;

  • Protocol by creating a delegate for segue page to didChangeCity()

       import UIKit
       protocol SelectCityDelagte {
            func didChangeCity(city: String)
  • Give didChangeCity() details in viewController.swift

       func didChangeCity(city: String) {
   = city
            let paras = ["q":"\(", "appid":"d838c529dbd89a6de2937fe3829a17dc"]
            getWeather(paras: paras)
  • Create a new class selectCityController which is a subClass of UIViewController
    -Set segue belongs to SelectCityController first on the right navigation part;

       class SelectCityController: UIViewController {
                    var delegate : SelectCityDelegate?
                    @IBOutlet weak var cityInputField: UITextField!
                    @IBAction func returnBtn(_ sender: Any) {
                            dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
                    @IBAction func searchBtn(_ sender: Any) {
                            delegate?.didChangeCity(city: cityInputField.text!)
                            dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
                    override func viewDidLoad() {
                            // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
  • Prepare() method for communicate data from 1st page to 2nd page

       override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        // Get the new view controller using segue.destination.
        // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
            if segue.identifier == "selectCity"{
                let vc = segue.destination as! SelectCityController
                vc.delegate = self



  • This application is more likely to record what to do;
  • User can add, edit, multi-remove, order todo tasks;


  • TableViewController
    -The traditional ViewController is replaced by TableViewController;

  • struct
    -It is similar with class;
    -But there is no initialised;
    -It can only have var text : "";

  • Segue
    -A segue which for function 'add' is set by 'show';

  • NavigationBar
    -It can be regarded as a box;
    -The main screen and segue will be pushed or poped from this 'stack box';

  • The process of TableView
    -iPhone just show what users can see;
    -The first cell will move to last one when user slides up the screen;
    -It improves quality;


  • Add app icon

  • Add TableViewController into storyboard with the below settings
    -Move arrow to TableViewController;
    -Delete original ViewController;
    -Give TableViewController a class name - TodosController;
    -Click Inherit Module from Target;
    -Choose TableView's style as 'Group' rather than 'Pain', just the beauty;

  • Create a TodosController.swift for above class name
    -In folder 'Controller';
    -Create 'cocoatouch class' rather than 'swift file';
    -Named TodosController.swift;
    -Delete original ViewController.swift;

  • Save only one Table View Cell
    -Change Table View Cell's style into Basic;
    -Give TableViewCell a Identifier - todos;
    -Give TableViewCell a class name - TodosCell;
    -Click Inherit Module from Target;

  • Create a TodosCell.swift for above class name
    -In folder 'Controller';
    -Create 'cocoatouch class' rather than 'swift file';
    -Named TodosCell.swift;

  • Create a .swift class for items in Todos
    -Original Todo.swift in folder 'Model';

       struct Todo{
            var text = ""
            var check = false
  • Add initialised todos list
    -Change the section into 1;
    -Change the rows number into 3;

       var todos = [
            Todo(text: "Drink water", check: false),
            Todo(text: "Walk", check: false),
            Todo(text: "Sleep on time", check: false)
  • Change TableCell's Accessory into Detail Disclosure

  • Change TableCell's style into Custom

  • Add 2 labels in one cell
    -one for check;
    -one for text;
    -Combine them in a stack view;
    -Do contraints;
    -Do claim @IBOulet in TodosCell.swift;

  • Do initialised setting for cells

       override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
           let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "todos", for: indexPath) as! TodosCell
           // Configure the cell...
           cell.todoTextLabel.text = todos[indexPath.row].text
           cell.todoCheckLabel.text = todos[indexPath.row].check ? "" : ""
           return cell
  • Select the row will change into ✅

       override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
           todos[indexPath.row].check = !todos[indexPath.row].check
           let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as! TodosCell
           cell.todoCheckLabel.text = todos[indexPath.row].check ? "" : ""
           tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true) 
  • Add a new TableViewController as add and edit page
    -Change TableView's content into Static Cells;
    -Save only one cell;
    -The section is set into 1;
    -Create a cocoatouch class and give it a class in right part;
    -Choose TableView's style as 'Group' rather than 'Pain', just the beauty;

  • Embed the first TableViewController into a Navigation Controller
    -Change Navigation Bar with Prefers Large Titles;

  • Add a bar button item into the first TableViewController's Navigation item right part
    -Set its System Item as Add;
    -Others are: Edit, Done, Cancel, etc.;
    -Change Navigation Item's title as: Task list;
    -Set Back Button's name as: Cancel;

  • Connect Add(bar button item in first page) with second TableViewController as segue(show)

  • Add Navigation Item into second TableViewController
    -Set Large Title as: Never;
    -Set Title as: Add a task;

  • Add bar button item as Confirm into second TableViewController's right part

  • Do some setting in TodoController
    -Delete the number of sections and rolls;
    -Delete data part;
    -Add claim of Confirm button in TodoController: @IBAction;

  • Add a TextField into second TableViewController
    -Set contraints;
    -Border style: null;
    -Set font, etc.;
    -Claim in TodoController;

  • Create a delegate for Todo to do sth.
    -Step 1:

       protocol TodoDelegate {
           func didAdd(taskText: String)

    -Step 2:

       var delegate : TodoDelegate?    

    -Step 3:

       @IBAction func confirmText(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
           if let inputText = todoInput.text, !inputText.isEmpty{
               delegate?.didAdd(taskText: inputText)
  • Do function details in TodosController

       extension TodosController : TodoDelegate{
            func didAdd(taskText: String) {
                todos.append(Todo(text: taskText, check: false))
                let indexPath = IndexPath(row: todos.count-1, section: 0)
                tableView.insertRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
  • Set the segue from 1st to 2nd TableViewController a identifier: addTodo
    -Give details in prepare method;
    -Set row's number as: todos.count;

       if segue.identifier == "addTodo"{
            let vc = segue.destination as! TodoController
            vc.delegate = self
  • Set the arrow become the first responder as blingbling
    -In TodoController's viewDidLoad;

  • Click confirm then return back 1st page
    -navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true);

  • Add segue from ❕ to 2nd page
    -Set identifier as: editTodo;
    -Choose Accessory Details as: Show;

  • Set prepare in TodosController

       else if segue.identifier == "editTodo"{
            let vc = segue.destination as! TodoController
            vc.delegate = self
  • Claim a variable to store editText in TodoController

       var editTodoInput : String?     
       @IBAction func confirmText(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
            if let inputText = todoInput.text, !inputText.isEmpty{
                if editTodoInput != nil {
                    delegate?.didEdit(editTaskText: inputText)
                    delegate?.didAdd(addTaskText: inputText)
            navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)

    -Remember to change several claim name in protocol or TodosController;

  • didEdit

       func didEdit(editTaskText: String) {
            todos[row].text = editTaskText
            let indexPath = IndexPath(row: row, section: 0)
            let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as! TodosCell
            cell.todoTextLabel.text = todos[row].text
  • Set prepare for segue with identifier(editTodo) in TodosController

       var row = 0
       override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
            // Get the new view controller using segue.destination.
            // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
            if segue.identifier == "addTodo"{
                let vc = segue.destination as! TodoController
                vc.delegate = self
            }else if segue.identifier == "editTodo"{
                let vc = segue.destination as! TodoController
                vc.delegate = self
                let cell = sender as! TodosCell
                row = tableView.indexPath(for: cell)!.row
                vc.editTodoInput = cell.todoTextLable.text
  • Remove the cell using original code in TodosController

       todos.remove(at: indexPath.row)     
  • Change delete button's name into Remove
    -It can be easily found by: deleteButtonConfirm, then the code appears;

       override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> String? {
            return "Remove"
  • Achieve multiple removing
    -Choose Multiple selecting when editing in TableView from storyboard;
    -In viewDidLoad():

       self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem    

    -Put all of things in didSelect into if !isEditing{};

  • Add multiple delete
    -Create a bar button item into Navigation Bar on TodosTableViewController;
    -Give a claim on TodosController.swift:

       @IBOutlet weak var multiDeleteBtn: UIBarButtonItem!    

    -Override setEding:

       override func setEditing(_ editing: Bool, animated: Bool) {
            super.setEditing(editing, animated: animated)
            editButtonItem.title = isEditing ? "Done" : "Edit"
            multiDeleteBtn.title = isEditing ? "Delete" : ""

    -Add the initialised setting on viewDidLoad:

       multiDeleteBtn.title = ""    
  • Add @IBAction for Delete button

       @IBAction func multiDelete(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
            if let indexPaths = tableView.indexPathsForSelectedRows{
                for indexPath in indexPaths{
                    todos.remove(at: indexPath.row)
                tableView.deleteRows(at: indexPaths, with: .automatic)
  • Try to save data on cloud
    -Let Todo.swift with struct Todo : Codable;
    -In TodosController:

       func saveData(){
                let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(todos)
                UserDefaults.standard.set(data, forKey: "todos")

    -After every gestures on array todos should have a saveData();
    -Add decode details in viewDidLoad():

        if let data = "todos"){
                todos = try JSONDecoder().decode([Todo].self, from: data)
  • Change claim todos

       var todos : [Todo] = []     




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