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425 lines (334 loc) · 13.2 KB

File metadata and controls

425 lines (334 loc) · 13.2 KB


  • var indexL: Int = 0
    -Claim a variable with Int;

  • indexL = Int.random(in:1...6)
    -Generate a random Int from 1 to 6 by "...";

  • print(indexL)
    -When running the project, check whether the action did as the code shows in console by print;

  • var str = "hello"
    -If the variable can be clearly recognised after "=", it don't need to claim the variable as the first line shows;
    -It is the same as var indexL = 0;

  • command delete
    -When move the mouse on the last of current line, it can delete the whole line;

  • command shift enter
    -When open a background not create a project on Xcode, it can run the pure code without UIview or simulator;

  • command option [
    -Move the whole line codes up;
    -] means move the whole line codes down;

  • let name = "grace"
    -It is same as final string;
    -The value of which let claims cannot be changed;
    -It cannot assign to value that 'name' is constant;
    -It needs less and less and less storage than ordinary variables;
    -We can claim the variable as let at the beginning, if we need to change its value, change it after then;

  • let fullName = "\(name) liu"
    -"name" is another varible with let which contains the value of "grace";

  • let flag: Bool = false
    -Bool not boolean;

  • let mini = 3.14
    -It will be double, because it will directly recognise it as double;
    -But if we do not know the details of this variable, we should claim double though;

  • diceImageViewL.image = UIImage(named = "dice-\(indexL)"
    -Change diceimageViewL's imageView into dice-X;

  • let diceArray = ["dice-1", "dice-2", "dice-3", "dice-4", "dice-5", "dice-6"]
    -An array with String;
    -diceImageViewL.image = UIImage(named = diceArray[indexL];

  • **func methodName() {}
    -Claim a function;

  • Tells the receiver that a motion event has ended.

       override func motionEnded(_ motion: UIEvent.EventSubtype, with event: UIEvent?) {

    -motion: An event-subtype constant indicating the kind of motion. A common motion is shaking, which is indicated by UIEvent.EventSubtype.motionShake;
    -event: An object representing the event associated with the motion;

  • Hard Code -E.g. print(1x) can only print 1x, cannot print 2x, so it is hard code;
    -If we want to print 2x/3x, etc. Use the parameter in the method();

  • function

       func getMilk (nums: Int, total: Int) {
            total = nums * 5
            print("Buy \(nums) bottles of milk needs \(total) pounds.")

    -Think more than twice about the license of the parameters -> nums: Int;
    -let rest = getMilk(nums: 2, total: 100);

  • The type for return variable is **->Int**

       func getMilk (nums: Int) -> Int {
            return 0
  • if-else

       func textSimilar (herName: String, hisName: String, num: Int) -> String {
            if nums > 80 {  
               return "Up"   
            }else if nums > 40 && nums <=80{  
               return "Mid"
               return "Down"
  • round(double)
    -Focus on a double variable value into 4cut5add BUT will return a double as well like 22 .0;

  • pow(2, 3)
    -2^3 = 2x2x2;

  • loop

       let nums = [1,2,7,4,3]`  
       for num in nums {

    -It will print 1,2,7,4,3 is the same as for the below in java

       for(int item:arrayName){

    -The basic principle is:

       var num = nums[0]
       num = nums[1]
       print (\(num))
       then ...
  • The original loop

       for num in 1...10{  

    -It will print 1,2,3,...,10 as what java shows:

       for(int i=1; i<=10; i++) {
  • Fixed scope
    -1..<10: 10 is open, so the range is 1-9;
    -1>..10: 1 is open, so the range is 2-10;

  • Add condition on loop

       for i in 1...10 where i % 2 == 0 {
             print("The current number is \(i)")

    -It will print 2,4,6,8,10 which is same as what java show:

       for(int i=1; i<=10; i++) {
           if(i % 2 == 0) {
  • (1...10).reversed()
    -Change 1->10 into 10->1;

  • How to use methods

       func calSong (howmany total: Int) {
       calSong(howmany: 10)

    -howmany: It is the name to use;
    -total: It is the name to run in the code;
    -Target: To guarantee the frequency of different meaning of function target, which is focus on foreigner? Anyway, don't mention it;
    -If we don't care foreigner language:

       func calSong (_ total: Int) {
  • IBAction of UIButton

       @IBAction func touchKeys (_ sender: UIBotton) {

    -_: The meaning of null parameter outside method which we have mentioned before. It is the parameter name which when we use this method and give a name of this parameter;
    -sender: It is the sender of this action, the same as the object which sends this command. It is equal to what shows as follows that sender is btn:

       @IBOutlet weak var btn: UIButton    
       @IBAction func touchKeys (_ sender: btn) {    
  • if send.tag == 1 {}

  • import Foundation
    -It is everything we can use in the .swift, which after we created a .swift file it will appear;

  • import UIKit
    -It is a more wide package than Foundation, it contains Foundation;

  • Initialise a class

    init(text: String, ans: Bool) {
         quesText = text
         quesAns = ans
  • Judge then give a value
    -var name = (flag ? "yes" : "no");

  • nil
    -It is the same as null in java/c/etc.;

  • Transfer variable type
    -Int to String: String(IntVariableName);
    -String to Int: Int(StringVariableName);

  • enum

    enum Type{
         case apple
         case orange
         case banana
    var type = Type.banana
    //var type:Type = .banana
  • A non-parameter constructor

    convenience init(){
         init(name: "hello", seats: 2, type: .sports)
    convenience init(name: String){
         init(name: "hello", seats: 2, type: .sports)

    -Then we can use two approaches to init;

  • inherit
    -Tesla is son, Car is fater;

       class Tesla:Car{  
  • Override

     class fish:animal{
         override func breathe (){
               //do sth. here
  • optional
    -Like ? or !;
    -var destination:String?;
    -It means at the beginning, there is no initialise value for it;
    -If we want to use destination into print which we have mention above, we need to use destination! as a wrap action or nil;

    -Tips: But if we have not give destination a value, we print it, the code will crush, because there is no value for destination, but we try to wrap which means forced to figure out "?";

  • Use 'destination?' as a code
    -if let;

     if let dest = destination{ 

    -So we don't need to use destination! every time;

  • import CoreLocation
    -Apple's own position package;

  • Get the current location
    -let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
    -There is no actions in CLLocationManager;
    -The actions claims are the another protocol(CLLocationManagerDelegate);

  • Some function appropriates Xcode to show it when the app appears

       override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
  • When the device wants to use the location, device may request the agreement from the device
    -Device may request the agreement from the device;

  • Set accuracy of location
    -locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters;

  • Request for location
    -There is a description when click this one - request one-time/all the time(we can change it);

  • A class has 3 parameters: property, method, actions

  • delegate
    -Delegate is the same usage as Interface, just method name, no details;
    -All optional method can be chosen optional, others are must be used;

       class ViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate{
  • didUplocation
    -It is used after we want to requestLocation;
    -It means if we use requestLocation, it will use didUplocation;

       func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
       //all requests are stored in an array - [CLLocation] which concerns latitude & longitude;  
  • Get current position's lat and lon
    -let lat = locations[0].coordinate.latitude;
    -let lon = locations[0].coordinate.longitude;
    -Remember to add this line into viewdidload: locationManager.delegate = self;

  • dictionary
    -(key:value): let dict : [String: String] = ["name":"Grace", "age":"12", "gender":"female"];
    -We can get one of an array by 'arr[index]', we can get one of dictionary's value by dict["name"];
    -dict[key] = value;
    -It can be set as [String:Any] that means "name":Grace but "age":12 is also allowed, the value can be any variables;

  • SwiftyJSON
    -If we want to analyse JSON which we get from api, we can use SwiftyJSON on cocoapod;
    -When we use SwiftyJSON to anaylse, we need to get value;
    -.String: if the value of "name" is null, the whole one maybe null;
    -.StringValue: it will be a ' ', not null;

  • Computed variable
    -The variable of this type cannot be detected automatically, so we need to give variables as a original value;

    var iconName:String{
        //the value of this iconName will change when the other changes;   
          switch (condition) {
          case 0...100:
              return "cloudy"
          case 100...200:
              return "fog"
              return: "sunny"
  • round()
    -4 throw, 5 add;

  • extention
    -We can create an extention viewcontroller outside of the main viewcontroller to avoid inconvenience of the confusing code;

  • prepare in second viewController on segue
    -There will be a prepare method on the second viewController about segue;

  • Switch one controller to another one

       override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
          // Get the new view controller using segue.destination.
          // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
          if segue.identifier == "selectCity"{
              segue.destination as! SelectCityController
  • as as! as?
    -Int(3.2) = 3.2 as Int: Up transfer, from sub to father;
    -as! and as?: Down transfer, from father to son, one is must, one is optional - upcasting;

  • Individual delegate

       protocol SelectCityDelegate {
             func didChangeCity()
       var delegate:SelectCityDelegate?
       @IBAction func changeCityBtn(_ sender: Any) {
       vc.delagate = self; 
  • Let current page disapper
    -dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

  • Let different cell show different content by indexPath
    -cell.todoTextLabel.text = todos[indexPath.row].text

  • Let the arrow become the first responder as blingbling

  • Let the Navigation Controller pop any other controller
    -navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)

  • Delete an item from an array
    -todos.remove(at: indexPath.row)

  • ``