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murpyh edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 35 revisions

A device which allows you to get player input using a keyboard-like interface.

Table of contents



void Keyboard:SimulateKeyPress(string? key, string Player)

Simulates a key press just like you would press a key on the keyboard.

void Keyboard:SimulateTextInput(string? input, string Player)

Simulates textinput just like you would type in the keyboard and enter.

Event "KeyPressed" (KeyCode key, string keyString, UserInputState state, string Player)

An event which fires when a player sitting on a Seat connected to the Keyboard presses a key. keyString is the key pressed as a string (for example, a if the player pressed A.) If shift is held, the keyString will be capitalized. If the key is non-printable (i.e. shift or backspace) keyString will be nil. state is always Enum.UserInputType.End.

Event "TextInputted" (string text, string Player)

An event that fires when a player inputs text and presses "Enter" (or "Return") on the keyboard.

Code example

Change the telescope coords with a keyboard and print out the data. Doesn't require formatting. Can be upgraded to use a screen instead of printing to the console.

local keyboard = GetPartFromPort(1, "Keyboard") --> Same deal here, but with a keyboard.
local telescope = GetPartFromPort(1, "Telescope")

keyboard:Connect("TextInputted", function(text) --> Attach the function to the event "TextInputted".
  telescope:Configure:({ ViewCoordinates = text .. ", false" })



Part method & events


Additional objects used in Microcontrollers

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