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add MPO_with_fusing
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annamariadziubyna committed Jun 23, 2021
1 parent bd12386 commit 69f2ab8
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Showing 4 changed files with 179 additions and 5 deletions.
42 changes: 41 additions & 1 deletion src/PEPS.jl
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function projectors_with_fusing(network::PEPSNetwork, vertex::NTuple{2, Int})
pl, trl = fuse_projectors(projs_left)
pr, trr = fuse_projectors(projs_right)

(pl, pb, pr, pt)
(pl, pb, pr, pt), trl, trr

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,46 @@ end

#to be updated to include Pegasus

function MPO_with_fusing(::Type{T},
states_indices::Dict{NTuple{2, Int}, Int} = Dict{NTuple{2, Int}, Int}()
) where {T <: Number}
W = MPO(T, 2 * peps.ncols - 1)

for j 1:peps.ncols

# from peps_tensor
A, trl, trlu, trr, trrd = build_tensor_with_fusing(peps, (i, j))

v = get(states_indices, peps.vertex_map((i, j)), nothing)
if v !== nothing
# @cast B[l, u, r, d] |= A[l, u, r, d, $(v)]
BB = A[:, :, :, :, v]
BB = dropdims(sum(A, dims=5), dims=5)
#@reduce B[l, u, r, d] |= sum(σ) A[l, u, r, d, σ]
# include energy
v = build_tensor(peps, (i-1, j), (i, j))

@tensor B[l, u, r, d] := v[u, ũ] * BB[l, ũ, r, d]

W[2*j-1] = B

if j > 1
h = build_tensor(peps, (i, j-1), (i, j))
NW = build_tensor(peps, (i-1, j-1), (i, j))

@cast C[l, u, r, d] := reduce(x, y, ũ) h[y, x] * trl[l, x] * trlu[l, ũ] * trr_old[r, y] * trrd_old[r, d] * NW[u, ũ]
W[2*j-2] = C
trr_old = trr
trrd_old = trrd

@memoize Dict SpinGlassTensors.MPO(
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/network_interface.jl
Expand Up @@ -122,16 +122,17 @@ end
# This has to be unified with build_tensor
@memoize function build_tensor_with_fusing(network::AbstractGibbsNetwork{S, T}, v::S) where {S, T}
loc_exp = exp.(-network.β .* local_energy(network, v))

projs = projectors_with_fusing(network, v) # only difference in comparison to build_tensor

#(pl, pb, pr, pt, trl, trr)
projs, trl, trr = projectors_with_fusing(network, v) # only difference in comparison to build_tensor
dim = zeros(Int, length(projs))
@cast A[_, i] := loc_exp[i]

for (j, pv) enumerate(projs)
@cast A[(c, γ), σ] |= A[c, σ] * pv[σ, γ]
dim[j] = size(pv, 2)
reshape(A, dim..., :)
reshape(A, dim..., :), trl, trr

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/network_interface.jl
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ end
# for first vertex (1,1) we have exp(-[-0.5 0.5]) = [1.6487 0.6065]
# for second vertex (1,2) we have exp(-[-0.75 0.75]) = [2.117 0.4723]
# contract it with fused projectors
push!(A, build_tensor_with_fusing(peps, v))
tensor, _ , _ = build_tensor_with_fusing(peps, v)
push!(A, tensor)
@test values(A[1]) values(A[3])
Expand Down
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions test/search_3.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
@testset "Simplest possible system of two spins" begin
# ----------------- Ising model ------------------
# E = -1.0 * s1 * s2 + 0.5 * s1 + 0.75 * s2
# states -> [[-1, -1], [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 1]]
# energies -> [-2.25, 0.25, 0.75, 1.25]
# -------------------------------------------------
# Grid
# A1 | A2
# |
# 1 - | - 2
# 3 - | - 4
# -------------------------------------------------

# Model's parameters
J12 = -1.0
J13 = -1.0
J34 = -0.5
J24 = -0.6
J14 = -1.0
h1 = 0.5
h2 = 0.75
h3 = 0.0
h4 = 0.0

# dict to be read
D = Dict((1, 2) => J12,
(1, 1) => h1,
(2, 2) => h2,
(1, 3) => J13,
(3, 4) => J34,
(2, 4) => J24,
(1, 4) => J14,
(3, 3) => h3,
(4, 4) => h4,

# control parameters
m, n = 2, 2
L = 4
β = 1.
num_states = 8

# read in pure Ising
ig = ising_graph(D)

# construct factor graph with no approx
fg = factor_graph(
Dict((1, 1) => 2, (1, 2) => 2, (2, 1) => 2, (2, 2) =>2),
spectrum = full_spectrum,
cluster_assignment_rule = Dict(1 => (1, 1), 2 => (1, 2), 3 => (2, 1), 4 => (2, 2)),

# set parameters to contract exactely
control_params = Dict(
"bond_dim" => typemax(Int),
"var_tol" => 1E-8,
"sweeps" => 4.

for transform all_lattice_transformations
peps = PEPSNetwork(m, n, fg, transform, β=β)
cluster_to_spin = Dict((1, 1) => 1, (1, 2) => 2, (2, 1) => 3, (2, 2) => 4)
#cluster_to_spin = Dict((1, 1) => 1,(1, 2) => 2)

@testset "has properly built PEPS tensors given transformation $(transform)" begin

# horizontal alignment - 1 row, 2 columns
if peps.nrows == 1 && peps.ncols == 2
@test !transform.flips_dimensions

l, k = cluster_to_spin[peps.vertex_map((1, 1))], cluster_to_spin[peps.vertex_map((1, 2))]

v1 = [exp(-β * D[l, l] * σ) for σ [-1, 1]]
v2 = [exp(-β * D[k, k] * σ) for σ [-1, 1]]

@cast A[_, _, r, _, σ] |= v1[σ] * p1[σ, r]
en = e * p2 .- minimum(e)
@cast B[l, _, _, _, σ] |= v2[σ] * exp.(-β * en)[l, σ]

@reduce ρ[σ, η] := sum(l) A[1, 1, l, 1, σ] * B[l, 1, 1, 1, η]
if l == 2 ρ = ρ' end

expected = [peps_tensor(peps, 1, 1), peps_tensor(peps, 1, 2)]
@test expected [A, B]

# vertical alignment - 1 column, 2 rows
elseif peps.nrows == 2 && peps.ncols == 1
@test transform.flips_dimensions
l, k = cluster_to_spin[peps.vertex_map((1, 1))], cluster_to_spin[peps.vertex_map((2, 1))]
# l, k =[1, 1],[2, 1]

v1 = [exp(-β * D[l, l] * σ) for σ [-1, 1]]
v2 = [exp(-β * D[k, k] * σ) for σ [-1, 1]]

@cast A[_, _, _, d, σ] |= v1[σ] * p1[σ, d]
en = e * p2 .- minimum(e)
@cast B[_, u, _, _, σ] |= v2[σ] * exp.(-β * en)[u, σ]

@reduce ρ[σ, η] := sum(u) A[1, 1, 1, u, σ] * B[1, u, 1, 1, η]
if l == 2 ρ = ρ' end

@test peps_tensor(peps, 1, 1) A
@test peps_tensor(peps, 2, 1) B

@testset "which produces correct Gibbs state" begin
@test ϱ ρ / sum(ρ)

# solve the problem using B & B
sol = low_energy_spectrum(peps, num_states)

@testset "has correct spectrum given transformation $(transform)" begin
for (σ, η) zip(exact_spectrum.states, sol.states)
for i 1:peps.nrows, j 1:peps.ncols
v = j + peps.ncols * (i - 1)
# 1 --> -1 and 2 --> 1
@test (η[v] == 1 ? -1 : 1) == σ[v]

@test sol.energies exact_spectrum.energies
@test sol.largest_discarded_probability === -Inf

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