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Word2Vec is composed of the following modules:


  • Skip-Gram
  • CBOW


  • Hierarchical Softmax
  • Negative Sampling


Word2Vec: Continuous Bag-of-Words and Skip-gram model

  wego word2vec [flags]

      --batchSize int       interval word size to update learning rate (default 10000)
  -d, --dimension int       dimension of word vector (default 10)
  -h, --help                help for word2vec
      --initlr float        initial learning rate (default 0.025)
  -i, --inputFile string    input file path for corpus (default "example/input.txt")
      --iter int            number of iteration (default 15)
      --lower               whether the words on corpus convert to lowercase or not
      --maxDepth int        times to track huffman tree, max-depth=0 means to track full path from root to word (for hierarchical softmax only)
      --min-count int       lower limit to filter rare words (default 5)
      --model string        which model does it use? one of: cbow|skip-gram (default "cbow")
      --optimizer string    which optimizer does it use? one of: hs|ns (default "hs")
  -o, --outputFile string   output file path to save word vectors (default "example/word_vectors.txt")
      --prof                profiling mode to check the performances
      --sample int          negative sample size(for negative sampling only) (default 5)
      --theta float         lower limit of learning rate (lr >= initlr * theta) (default 0.0001)
      --thread int          number of goroutine (default 8)
      --threshold float     threshold for subsampling (default 0.001)
      --verbose             verbose mode
  -w, --window int          context window size (default 5)


GloVe is weighted matrix factorization model for co-occurrence map between words.


GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation

  wego glove [flags]

      --alpha float         exponent of weighting function (default 0.75)
  -d, --dimension int       dimension of word vector (default 10)
  -h, --help                help for glove
      --initlr float        initial learning rate (default 0.025)
  -i, --inputFile string    input file path for corpus (default "example/input.txt")
      --iter int            number of iteration (default 15)
      --lower               whether the words on corpus convert to lowercase or not
      --min-count int       lower limit to filter rare words (default 5)
  -o, --outputFile string   output file path to save word vectors (default "example/word_vectors.txt")
      --prof                profiling mode to check the performances
      --solver string       solver for GloVe objective. One of: sgd|adagrad (default "sgd")
      --thread int          number of goroutine (default 8)
      --verbose             verbose mode
  -w, --window int          context window size (default 5)
      --xmax int            specifying cutoff in weighting function (default 100)



Lexvec: Matrix Factorization using Window Sampling and Negative Sampling for Improved Word Representations

  wego lexvec [flags]

      --batchSize int       interval word size to update learning rate (default 10000)
  -d, --dimension int       dimension of word vector (default 10)
  -h, --help                help for lexvec
      --initlr float        initial learning rate (default 0.025)
  -i, --inputFile string    input file path for corpus (default "example/input.txt")
      --iter int            number of iteration (default 15)
      --lower               whether the words on corpus convert to lowercase or not
      --min-count int       lower limit to filter rare words (default 5)
  -o, --outputFile string   output file path to save word vectors (default "example/word_vectors.txt")
      --prof                profiling mode to check the performances
      --rel string          relation type for counting co-occurrence. One of ppmi|pmi|co|logco (default "ppmi")
      --sample int          negative sample size(for negative sampling only) (default 5)
      --save-vec string     save vector type. One of: normal|add (default "normal")
      --smooth float        smoothing value (default 0.75)
      --theta float         lower limit of learning rate (lr >= initlr * theta) (default 0.0001)
      --thread int          number of goroutine (default 12)
      --verbose             verbose mode
  -w, --window int          context window size (default 5)