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Compilation of all the projects carried out as part of 42's common core program.

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42 common core

Projects developed at 42 Urduliz common core programming school.
Start date: 12/april/2021 - after gaining entrance into the very first piscine of the Basque Country!

GitHub code size in bytes Number of lines of code Code language count GitHub top language GitHub last commit

🗣️ About 42

42 is a global education initiative that offers a new way of learning technology:
no teachers, no classrooms, students learning from their fellow students (peer to peer
learning), with a methodology that develops both computing and life skills. The 42 cursus is
free for whoever is approved in its selection process* - the so-called "Piscine" - becoming
thus "cadets" (42's students).

* For further information about 42's selection process (the "Piscine"), please visit 42's official page or send me a message.

Photo of 42 Urduliz cluster

🛠️ Skills developed at 42 common core


* C
* C++
* Docker
* Shell scripting
* Git
* Networks
* Linux
* TypeScript
* React
* OAuth
* Algorithms
* Data Structures
* Databases
* Virtualization


# Self-learning and proactivity
	At 42, self-learning is at the core of its peer to peer learning methodology. There
	are no teachers whatsoever; the learning process is based on googling, enquiring
	your classmates, and empirical knowledge, each student learning at their own pace.

# Teamwork
	Some projects must or should be developed in groups, which promotes collaborative
	work among cadets. The major challenge here is to equalize the different knowledge
	levels while finding a common work methodology that allows all team members to
	contribute to the project.

# Time management and resiliency
	The school is open 24/7. Thus, the cadets are free to work whenever they want, which
	demands excellent time management skills and resiliency for not "drowning" amid the
	massive load of work demanded by the program.

42 projects

Index Project Mark Description With Language
1 libft 111% Basic C functions compiled into a library used throughout the 42 cursus. c
2 get_next_line 125% C function that returns a line ending with a newline, read from a file descriptor. c
3 ft_printf 100% Recoding of the simplified version of the printf function in C c
4 born2beroot 125% Deployment and congiguration of a local VM using Virtualbox c
6 push_swap 86% Sorting algorithm with a limited set of instructions , using the lowest possible number of actions c
7 so_long 100% Small top-down, 2D game with textures, sprites, and basic gameplay c
8 minitalk 125% Small data exchange program using UNIX signals and bitwise operations c
10 philosophers 125% Classic dining philosophers problem resolved using multithreading with mutex (mandatory) and multiprocessing with semafores (bonus c
11 minishell 95% A Bash-inspired shell with a prompt and a working history jsolinis c
13 net_practice 100% This project is about congiguring small-scale networks to make a them run successfully c
14 CPP Modules 100% 42 'piscine' which resembles a coding bootcamp on C++ cpp
15 cub3D 105% Small simulated 3D game done using raycasting principles and inspired by the famous Wolfenstein 3D game ingonzal c
16 ft_containers 93% Reimplementation of stack, vector and map container types of the C++ standard template library (STL). cpp
17 webserv 100% Development of HTTP server from scratch using C++. Testing is made with an actual browser. zcanales cpp
18 inception 100% Utilizing a Virtual Machine (VM) and Docker containers, this project orchestrates a secure system architecture with volume management, Docker networking, and TLS encryption, hosting services like NGINX, WordPress, and MariaDB docker mysql
19 ft_transcendence 100% Unleash the ultimate Pong experience with our web app! Secure logins via 42 school OAuth, two-factor authentication, stats tracking, messaging, and live game sessions. Built with TypeScript, ReactJS, NestJS, and PostgreSQL, all neatly containerized with Docker for a seamless experience. ngasco zcanales dgerwig docker postgresql typescript react nestjs